Hey gypsy how are you going to water the other pot?
The pot will be gone... I will just "transplant" the indica right next to to the sativa...
Are you just going to stick it in the same bucket
Yup... they will share the 19 gallon pot...
and if so won't the indica finish before the other
I like my indicas to be RIPE.. I use them as medicine... but you are right...
I won't mind being very late with the indicas and a little early with the sativas
so you would have dead rotting roots in the same container as the one thats still finishing.
I can always leave some buds on the plant to finish super late, and I use generous doses of h2o2, so any organic matter gets oxydized...
I thought You said its better to follow the recipe if your trying something you have never tried before.
I did... and I believe that is a very smart thing to do...
And I am following his advice... but I do not have immediate access to "his stuff" and I am making do with what I have...
Nearest hydro shop is about 400 roadless miles..
So far your using hydroton instead coco
I would have had to wait and pay absurd shipping to use coco...
flood tables instead of hand watering
I am a lazy stoner.....
and now you want to stick one plant inside another...
I hate having the HIDs on without making bud...
So if I can use 2 plants and switch them now, instead of a month from now... I'll be happier to see the lights going on and off...
FUCKING newb....

fucking gypsies...
And just so everyone knows what we are talking about...