Gypsy's Picture Depot

your'e no newb :-P. even i'm a pro now :lol:.

looking mighty fine dude.


I am a newb too.. I still pick my nutes by how pretty the label

WOW!!! Awesome pics Gyps. +rep buddy

Thanks! I appreciate it...

glad to see you back to updating frequently! its great hah! if you dont mind me asking, how much is you electricity bill?

Yeah.. it's hard to stay away when my leg acts up... the bed is just too fucking boring...

But I will be erasing all the pics again ina few days...

So enjoy while you can...

As for power...

Oh You don't want to fucking know....


Let me throw in some basic concepts for you...

Power is generated locally... I live in the middle of nowhere AK...

A gallon of diesel runs... up to $12 gallon, $9 when we don;t have to fly it in...

You really don;t want to know....

But anywhere in the civilized world, a 600 should add 30 to 50 dollars to your bill...

looks nice man

Nothing like your last grow... but i am

Thanks for dropping by!
Nice and frosty!!! NICE!!! leg... i destroyed it...

broke it in so many places and tore everything to shit so bad the doc talked amputation for 6 months..

But we saved it... at great pain... so it's not the same as it used to be and still "flares up" quite a bit ...

It'll get better with time...

They tried getting me hooked on some baaaad shit...

I am glad I have my weed... otherwise I'd be on dilaudid or some shit...

Life happens my friend...

What I do appreciate though, are all the miles and miles that my feet have carried me...

I have had a wonderful and adventurous life up to this point... and if I have to tone it down a notch.. so be it...

But I am thankful for every experience that I have had...

This has tought one rough lesson.. SHIT HAPPENS...

So.. enjoy Life as if it were your last day! .. one day you'll be right... lol...

Cheers guys...
No... sorry...

I love LED's, they have a million utilities, but growing is not one of them YET... with a BIG emphasis on YET...

I believe the technology will come...

But for right now... HPS is doing just fine... thanks...

To quote Al B. Fuct... "that would be like adding a rc plane's engine to your 747, in hopes it will help the performance..."

If anything, it would cause shading...


I know I tend to be an ass... so ..

Make me eat my words... please....

I love it when people prove me wrong...

It means that I learned something...

Don't be shy... lol...
i didnt mean replace any of your HPS if thats what you thought. And ya i would agree the tech isnt quite there yet. so i cant prove you wrong on this one hah.
Yeah unfortunately...

But Led's are great... I love them for all sorts of things....

But eve as side lighting, I believe the reflected HPS is stronger... it's pretty bright in that room... lol...
Thought I'd share...







WOW Gypsey you've been busy,
Good to have you back :hug:
hope your doing better with your leg injury
your pics have taken all the words out of my mouth :weed:
I'm simply amazes with your op,
the macro pics make the blooms look like a dream
well done my friend :clap::clap::clap:
and Welcome back
So I did a partial harvest on one of the trays...

The stash is getting low, so it's time to do some drying...

I didn't weigh them wet, but I know this will be my lowest yield so far....

These are some of the clones that I accidentally spilled some of my miniaturizing potion on, so while they are not full blown miniatures, they are pretty dang

I expect no more than 10g each on average.. and that sucks!!!

Anyways.. here is the drying rack...


So here are a few more shots of everything before I erase them all

How's that for a newb?


VERY Nice my friend. I think your moving past newb status. I like your sea of little frosty colas. We learn so much from Al B. Good for you with carrying on and all. :)
VERY Nice my friend. I think your moving past newb status. I like your sea of little frosty colas. We learn so much from Al B. Good for you with carrying on and all. :)



I'll remove the "newbtard" tag when I quit fucking everything

AND I must also go beyond the technique of picking my nutes by the pretty

I'll get there eventually hahahaha....


I am glad you have a journal...

Your first grow inspired me... It showed me how simple it all really is...

Thanks for the link and thanks for stopping by!!


Dude.. I smoke that

Severe Pain control... lol..

Sure some does get shared... with my closest... but is my medicine garden...

There will be edibles, tinctures, oils, hash and all kinds of goodies made from these beautiful flowers...

I am not sure how long I will be able to keep growing, so you could say I am

Thanks for coming by...
