Gypsy's Picture Depot

how's come the pics on the first few pages are gone?

Paranoia freak out Bro!!!:roll:

Sorry.. they start again on page 9...;-)

What is a male banana?

Can you reference this info to anything ever published?

Is a male banana even a plant part???

Yea, I have had personal experience with this.

Friends plant went hermi from light poisoning.

He had 5-6 of these ROGUE MALE buds NOT MALE PARTS fucking BUDS full of BANANAS on his stem and they started to pollinate his whole crop without him even knowing.

On the buds adjacent to the 'banana buds' there were new seeds forming, swelled up calyx's full of immature seeds.

We found the seeds forming about 3-4 days from when we think she herm'd and chopped her early so they wouldnt get hard and mature even more.

If you check an article soma has written on making feminized seeds using rodelization (ill find it if you can't) he talks about using these male bananas to make feminized seeds in a natural stress free way without fucking with the genetics using in-organic shit.

I have done a handful of seed runs, you don't just get 'empty' seed pods with shit in them, if they swell up its because they have been pollinated, they swell up and are soft little bud-candies right after they get pollinated (2-3 days) and you can just squish the buds they will be full of fluid and probably some immature seed embryo, little white worm looking thing (what I assume is the taproot)

here is the article
Yea, I have had personal experience with this.

With having proof to an answer? GREAT!

I'm looking fwd to this...

I have been trying to figure this one out for a long time...

Not even FDD's info was helpful to me...

It seems NO ONE has any proof.. it's all hear say to me...

But I bet you're gonne be the one to shut me up... WITH THE PROOF...:clap:

Friends plant went hermi from light poisoning.

OK, but I am not sure what this has to do with my grow...

My room is "Pitch Black"..

He had 5-6 of these ROGUE MALE buds NOT MALE PARTS fucking BUDS full of BANANAS on his stem and they started to pollinate his whole crop without him even knowing.

Again.. how does this relate to my question?

On the buds adjacent to the 'banana buds' there were new seeds forming, swelled up calyx's full of immature seeds.

I realize a male flower will pollinate a female...

I just never seen a male flower that looks like that... ever...

We found the seeds forming about 3-4 days in and chopped her early so they wouldnt get hard and mature even more.

Yeah.. anytime you pollinate a female, it will try and make seeds...

If you check an article soma has written on making feminized seeds using rodelization (ill find it if you can't) he talks about using these male bananas to make feminized seeds in a natural stress free way without fucking with the genetics using in-organic shit.

I did... a bunch more of hear say...

I see no proof ANYWHERE that the "bananas" are flowers at all....

I am not saying thay are not...


Sorry LM...

You did not answer my question or offered me any proof...

I'm still in the same place... looking for proof... :roll:

I have done a handful of seed runs, you don't just get 'empty' seed pods with shit in them,

Do you understand EMPTY...?

That means there is no shit in them...:lol: empty...:o

if they swell up its because they have been pollinated,

Well.. you are right again...

But mine did not swell at all.. didn't you see the pics...

they swell up and are soft little bud-candies right after they get pollinated (2-3 days) and you can just squish the buds they will be full of fluid and probably some immature seed embryo, little white worm looking thing (what I assume is the taproot)

Not talking about the same thing again... no fluid.. no nothing ...

just an EMPTY shell is what I see...

But I do not believe even myself...


No proof is the same as I don't know on this one, for me anyways...

I have read a lot of posts on "bananas".. but zero with proven fact..
I don't know what kind of other proof you want...

I have seen a male banana in person on a plant that went hermi. Those bananas on his plant made seeds.

You have some of those exact same bananas on your plant.

Just because you don't have full on seeds yet doesn't mean your plants haven't been pollinated....

You can beat around the bush a bunch or just accept it.

Some plants are more PREDISPOSED to herm than others just via genetics, looks like thats what the case is to me.

You should inspect your plants a little bit closer and see if there are any more.
I don't know what kind of other proof you want...

The kind that leaves no doubt and takes NO ONES word for it... you know the kind of proof that proves shit...:lol:

Not any OTHER kind...:lol:

I have seen a male banana in person on a plant that went hermi. Those bananas on his plant made seeds.
So a hermie you saw had the bananas... I can believe that... but that does not prove to me that they are male flowers... not at all...

You have some of those exact same bananas on your plant.
Sooo... what does that prove?

Just because you don't have full on seeds yet doesn't mean your plants haven't been pollinated....
According to what you say, I have no seeds... at all...

You have repeatedly told me what I showed on those pics are male reproductive parts...

You can beat around the bush a bunch or just accept it.
The only thing I am about to accept is that you have no proof...:lol:

Some plants are more PREDISPOSED to herm than others just via genetics, looks like thats what the case is to me.
You still have not proved to me that the bananas have anything to do with hermies...

I still think they are duds/empty/unpollinated/would be seeds if there were male parts around...

But just like you, all I have is what I am saying... no proof...


And I was reading that you have a black strain too?!?!:clap:

That is sooo cool!!!

So if you have all these dank strains... shit your own crosses... why the mexican brick shit?

You should inspect your plants a little bit closer and see if there are any more.
I think it's so funny that I get lessons from you on how to care for my grow...

I am so lucky to have such caring friends...:hug:

Gather all that you can (keep different plants pollen separate) and give those pollen sacs a good crumble-up and see if you have any pollen on your hands afterwards, then you know its an active male part. If theres no pollen you've got dude parts shooting blanks.
Yeah theat was the whole EMPTY part...:lol:

They're all empty/duds...

But I still have no proof of what they are...:lol:

Best way to get to the bottom of this.
What?!?! Where?!?!?!:o

You found a prove-able fact somewhere???:sleep::lol:
Let me just re-iterate...:lol:

I don;t care that my plants went hermi or not... that is not what this is about...:roll:

I am looking for proof that the bananas are or not male reproductive parts...:eyesmoke:

Some say yes.. some say no... but NO ONE has proof that proves anything.. just their word...
Yo man I'm only trying to help and share my personal experiences...

I linked you high article on male banana phenomenon written by a huge name in the seed industry, soma.

You are unsure if your plant is hermi or not...

I have seen a hermi plant growing those very parts that you have posted in your picture.

NOT MALE parts, only bananas coming from the buds.

If you read that article I think it will make it easier to visualize.

I know its hard to accept the fact because you don't know what caused it. Me and my buddy wracked out brains for a solid day trying to figure out what it was.

And you know what did it?

Taking pictures of the plant when it was alseep.
Hey Gypsy

Here's a pic of something similar to what your discussing I found on my power skunk a few days ago.
They are really weird little things.
They are mutant male flowers or mutant calyxes.
Mine didn't contain any pollen and none others were found on the plant.

Yo man I'm only trying to help and share my personal experiences...

And I am trying to find a prove-able fact

linked you high article on male banana phenomenon written by a huge name in the seed industry, soma.

Never heard of him...

And he's got no pictures of his bananas, so I can see if it is the same thing...
You are unsure if your plant is hermi or not...

You don;t get it...

I don;t care if it's hermie or not... they got chopped because it was time to chop...

I am not in a panick or in denial...

I could care less if 4 out of 300 plants have a seed in them...:lol:

I just want to find the PROVE-ABLE fact...

I have seen a hermi plant growing those very parts that you have posted in your picture.

I bet theyhad other parts in common too didn't they...?

NOT MALE parts, only bananas coming from the buds.

Well... even your dude says that "A male banana is a very slight male flower on a female marijuana plant..."

With the dictionary defining "slight" as:

slight (comparative: slighter, superlative: slightest)

  1. Small, weak, or gentle; not decidedly marked; not forcible; inconsiderable; unimportant; insignificant; not severe. a slight (i.e., feeble) efforta slight (i.e., not deep) impressiona slight (i.e., not convincing) argumenta slight (i.e., not thorough) examinationa slight (i.e., not severe) pain
  2. Not stout or heavy; slender.
  3. a slight but graceful woman
  4. Foolish; silly; weak in intellect.

I know its hard to accept the fact because you don't know what caused it. Me and my buddy wracked out brains for a solid day trying to figure out what it was.

Again.. you are not with me...

I care not if they are hermie... my pride is not hurt if they are...

Hell I fuck up so much they prolly are...

But I still don;t give a shit..

That is not why I posted the question...

That is not the topic of this discussion...

I want to find proof that these "bananas" are or are not in fact MALE REPRODUCTIVE PARTS... or not...:lol:

And you know what did it?

Try me...:lol:

Taking pictures of the plant when it was alseep.

Is that a fact too???

Cause I have a pitch black room that does not get violated...

No red led from anything... no door opening...

Dude.. you really are something...

You presume to tell me what goes on in my house...:lol:

Sorry bro but that is just pathetic..:roll:

How could you possibly come up wit that???

How could you POSSIBLY CLAIM TO KNOW????:lol:

I am beginning to thing that you have a lot of experience reading the computer and some growing mexican bagseed under cfls...

But I'd love to be proven wrong...

I'll call your bluff...

let's see some of your work...;-)

Feel free to post it right here and shut me up with your vast collection...

I'll wait...:sleep:

Sorry if I am being rude...

But I am getting tired of ping ponging with you when I disagree with 90% of what you say and you never have any proof...

You just know everything and have everything... except the c99:lol:

I still love you dude... but I am beginning to think you have a lot more hot air than I gave you credit for...



I'm totally exposed and at risk of being a total asshole...

Shut me up with your work....:lol: you know.. your buds...:lol: that YOU grow..:lol
Hey Mammath!

Thanks for posting that pic...

Yeah .. I am just wondering what the real deal is..:lol:

I mean.. if I go by what I see with my eyes...under a magnifying glass... I'd swear they are empty seed shells that just never got filled... and the plant matured enough to start squeezing them out...

But I got no proof of that either...

and I think I am more inclined to accept male flower than mutant calyx, but they are all equally true without proof...:lol:

Hope I didn't ruin your day with my rant there...

I'm just cranky... my leg hurts... I haven't slept in over 48 hours...:cuss:

So I'm kinda pissy...:lol:


Thanks for dropping by Bro...

I appreciate the input...:eyesmoke:

Hey Gypsy

Here's a pic of something similar to what your discussing I found on my power skunk a few days ago.
They are really weird little things.
They are mutant male flowers or mutant calyxes.
Mine didn't contain any pollen and none others were found on the plant.

Dude.. soma seeds...

He is a very reputable dutch breeder.

I totally understand where you are coming from and I would probably react the same way if I was you so, I can't really get on you for that.

I never said YOURS was caused by taking pics, I said my friends was.

We literally went ground up trying to figure out what it could have been from, and the fact that not all the plants exhibited the same traits, and the only plausible answer could have been that the ONE and ONLY time he took pictures of them was about 4-5 hours into the darkness cycle, when he opened the flowering room the veg room was open too so it got some direct exposure, and that is what we have concluded the cause for his male bananas were. I didn't share these details because I felt they were irrelevant.

I don't post grow journals and pics of all of my 'grows' ;)

See that cola in my userpic? male banana plant.

You are never going to find some 'ULTIMATE SOURCE' that will tell you if its a male flower or not, you can't just look it up in a textbook, thats how so much stuff about growing MJ is, you have to just believe the stuff that makes perfect logical sense, despite the fact that you might not have empirical evidence.

Its all about what you TRUST as a reputable information source that will give you 'answers'.
So many people out there don't understand the true awesomeness of brick weed for getting STABLE landrace genetics... for pretty much free, and a free smoke test on top of that..

I want close to a pure sativa... thats exactly what the growers are growing in mexico! HUGE sativa plants on a FUCKING HUGE scale.

So many bomb ass strains owe their heritage to mexico, I don't really want to argue about it, if you don't see the power of mexican genetics thats your own loss, and you don't see them the same way I do because you aren't interested in breeding...

You don't hear me bragging about my sensi silver haze or strawberry cough seeds do you? No because everyone can get those.

Mexican genetics aren't readily available to everyone, people need to embrace the sativa, not the indica.
Dude.. soma seeds...

He is a very reputable dutch breeder.

Still just a dude with an opinion in my book...

Might be an educated opinion, but until I get proof, My question stands...

I am not taking this one on anyone's reputation...

I am looking for proof...:lol:

I totally understand where you are coming from and I would probably react the same way if I was you so, I can't really get on you for that.

We are sooo alike...:lol:

I never said YOURS was caused by taking pics, I said my friends was.

Sorry my bad.. the way I read it... anyways.. that's why I said what I said...

My fault...:dunce:

We literally went ground up trying to figure out what it could have been from, and the fact that not all the plants exhibited the same traits, and the only plausible answer could have been that the ONE and ONLY time he took pictures of them was about 4-5 hours into the darkness cycle, when he opened the flowering room the veg room was open too so it got some direct exposure, and that is what we have concluded the cause for his male bananas were.

So lightning or moonshine would cause all the plants in a field to go hermie???

Wait.. wouldn't that make ALL outdoor plants hermie???

I don't post grow journals and pics of all of my 'grows' ;)

Not all..:lol: just any...;-)

See that cola in my userpic? male banana plant.

All that you told me you have done, crossed, bred, grown...

And the best you can do is a 2" pic???:-(

That's ok... I guess we can't show what we don;t have...:lol:
So many people out there don't understand the true awesomeness of brick weed for getting STABLE landrace genetics... for pretty much free, and a free smoke test on top of that..

I want close to a pure sativa... thats exactly what the growers are growing in mexico! HUGE sativa plants on a FUCKING HUGE scale.

So many bomb ass strains owe their heritage to mexico, I don't really want to argue about it, if you don't see the power of mexican genetics thats your own loss, and you don't see them the same way I do because you aren't interested in breeding...

You don't hear my bragging about my sensi silver haze or strawberry cough seeds do you? No because everyone can get those.

Mexican genetics aren't readily available to everyone, people need to embrace the sativa, not the indica.

Oh I get it...

I have been around a lot of "south of the border" weed.. lots...

and I agree that some are good...

and that most people turn a blind eye out of snottiness...

But I have not seen any of these masterpieces you claim to have.. not a one...:lol:

can you show us what you do?

with out words...

Pictures are worth millions of words...

Here's what I'm saying to you...:lol:

here is the weight behind my words...

now hit me back... with anything you've done.. ;-)















































Still just a dude with an opinion in my book...

Might be an educated opinion, but until I get proof, My question stands...

So lightning or moonshine would cause all the plants in a field to go hermie???

Wait.. wouldn't that make ALL outdoor plants hermie???

All that you told me you have done, crossed, bred, grown...

And the best you can do is a 2" pic???:-(

That's ok... I guess we can't show what we don;t have...:lol:

Well, no I was saying the complete opposite only one of the plants herm'd not all of them.

I don't think you know the logic behind light poisoning, you wake the plants up halfway into their sleep cycle not just any light in a time of darkness, its a specific interval you need to hit so the plant freaks out and starts 'emergency plans' aka making male bananas.

I don't make shit up, you want my growing resume, here it is...

Dutch Passion Blueberry
Paradise Seeds White Berry
Big Buhdda Blue Cheese
Thai Super Skunk (female and male)
GHS El Nino
GHS Great White Shark
GHS Big Bang
GHS The Church
Unknown Indica Bagseed (mother for my TSS cross used TSS male)
Unknown bagseed given to me from a friend (12/12 from seed aero)

I have first hand experience with all of these strains.

Now, not all of these plants are housed at my place, some of them are at friends places, and I don't bring my camera with me when my buddy calls me up to smoke and check on the plants.

I actually found it hilarious that the day after I clear out my ENTIRE folder of grow op pics since I figured I wouldn't ever need them since I posted most of the pics on rollitup (3.4 GB of .ARW files Adobe Raw format), someone is disputing a picture of mine. Just my luck, right?

If you think I'm full of shit and I haven't grown any of these strains, thats fine, thats exactly how it looks.

But it doesn't change the fact that I did.

I might like to talk alot and employ logic and theory into stuff that is wrong somtimes, but I don't just make up bullshit lies about stuff I never did.

edit: gypsy just for you, I will take a picture of that room with those stripes on it next time I go to my buddy's ;)

what do you want me to hold up for you as a reference object? paper that says hi gypsy?
gypsy... a hermie is usually caused by stress......... the most common being changes in light scheuald.........however that being could be caused by any number of factors or none at all. some genetics misbehave... simple as that. IMO fem.. seeds if from a intersexed true female....( a female stressed to hermie for pollen).... are also much more likely to produce intersexed plants..............
Well, no I was saying the complete opposite ...

More words...:lol:

...but I don't just make up bullshit lies ...
I don't hink you are a liar.. but i do think you may take assumptions as facts sometimes... directly or indirectly...

No one is always right dude.. no one... not ALL the time... think on that for a sec...:lol:

gypsy... a hermie is usually caused by stress......... the most common being changes in light scheuald.........however that being could be caused by any number of factors or none at all. some genetics misbehave... simple as that. IMO fem.. seeds if from a intersexed true female....( a female stressed to hermie for pollen).... are also much more likely to produce intersexed plants..............

In my case... if these turn out to be male parts in fact...:lol:

I would have to say that the stress was cause by pH fluctuations... as that is the only thing I have had happen out of the ordinary... other than letting them flower a little longer...

I got no qualms .. if they are drag queens.. then at least hey are happy...:lol:

I just want to see proof that the bananas I posted are or are not male reproductive parts..:eyesmoke:

I know... I gotta give it a rest...:lol::dunce:;-)

by the way sweet thread bro.........

thanks Bro...

Glad you made it over...

Usually all kinds of BS flying... watch your step...:lol:;-):clap:
Just for you GB... here are some not-so-good pics from my phone that I did NOT delete... and yes they aren't that great of pics because they were taken from my cel phone.

I usually cringe at the thought of showcasing these horrible photos to the general public but..

Here is the ugly-looking but amazing smelling indica plant (due to my friends neglect) that I pollinated with my TSS male

and before he started to neglect the plant here is what she looked like..

Here is the 'black leafed' bud I got my seeds from. (probably hard to see from these pics, but I assure you they are there look at the nugs by the lighter you can see the black/purple leaves)

Here are some pics of GHS el nino...



Bud drying...


Mound of clippings off ONE EL NINO PLANT.

If you can honestly tell me I don't know what I'm doing you are just being straight up ignorant.

Sorry for the huge picture drop in your thread, but I felt it was necessary.


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