Gwarrior's 1st Bagseed & Blueberry Grow. Pics updated daily.


Well-Known Member
The Rundown:
First off, let me say thanks to anyone who has stopped in and is reading this; for your entertainment and equipped with my new Black Friday bought camera, I will try to keep you coming back.

I started growing about 2 months ago and after 3 failed attempts, I finally worked it all out (along the way, reading 2 books and this website's growFAQ around a hundred times) and now I really think I know what the hell I'm doin. So in that regard, let me throw you the first pics but first I'll give you some details on the grow.

November 23, 2007 -----
Bagseed (which is in the orange buckets) has been germinated and sprouted for 39 days now and is standing roughly 16-17" at it's highest point. There are four of these, all placed in 3 gallon pots.
Blueberry Ordered from Dutch Passion and recieved about fifteen days later, I instantly gauked at how tiny the seeds were compared to my bagseed. I planted anyway, and after sprouting two of them took a turn for the worst, twisting and going every which way. I could have culled them, but chose to just grow them and see what happens. As of now, they are each around 9-10" tall and having been sprouted for 29 days now, 10 days behind the bagseed. You can located them by refering to the white buckets.

The grow room is roughly a 3x8x8 space making it rather tall yet skinny, so most of my plants will be grown to the maximum height, although in one of the pictures you can see where I FIM'd one, however I think I might have missed fuck I missed... hard to tell. :)

Grow Room Specs:
Mylar on all walls.
275 cfm Exhaust
200 cfm Intake
400w HPS
16 23w CFL's

Here are the pics guys, please check back often and I will try to update every day, or at least until the novelty of my new camera fades. :)

Pictures for Novemeber 23rd, 2007 :: Bagseed 39 Days, BB 29 Days

Hope you enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Wow, you got quite a grow going there... and some NIIICE BABIES!!! YOu got alot of nice light going, how are your cfls set up???


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checkin' in buddy, the CFL's were just taken down and I just run them on the sides for side light. Probably no added bonus but hell, I paid 100 for the lights, might as well use them. lol

I basically just used the CFL's to veg to 1 month then switched over to the HPS because they were getting too tall.

What about that last one though man, it's so fucked up. Think it might just be bad genetics that's makin' it twist like that.


Well-Known Member
I had one like that i thought is was the light but it lost those leaves and started to grow correctly in a few week. I'm not sure, maybe some of the experienced RIU member can help.....Anyone??

Still looking REALLY good!!


Well-Known Member
Gwarrior, your plants are looking good but that last pic you speak of looks somewhat sick, I wouldn't think genetics would be causing that, have you done anything different with it? also I'm thinking that the cfl side lighting will help, since I've added mine I have noticed a big difference, heck I was going to cut some of them branches because they weren't growing much, wanted to focus on the cola buds but I'm sure glad I didn't and added the side lighting...

Good luck to you and your grow, I'll be keeping a cats eye on ya!

PS: thanks for visiting my pad, and the awesome comments!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for droppin' by, any comments are appreciated.

I'm jst tryin' to figure out when to throw these babies into flowering. I mean 2 of the bagseed are 17" inches now, while 2 of the others are only 13" and the blueberry have 3 at about 11" and that twirling sick one at around 8".

Should I wait, or go for it? I want to yield BIG.


Well-Known Member
hey man....looking real good. like I said in the other limitation is my guide. It comes to a choice. you would seem to have no such limitation, and therefore sohould max. your growth and follow the signs of the it relates to maturity and preflower etc. I look forward to keeping in tune with your grow....exciting for you! ciao for now! :blsmoke:

Thanks for droppin' by, any comments are appreciated.

I'm jst tryin' to figure out when to throw these babies into flowering. I mean 2 of the bagseed are 17" inches now, while 2 of the others are only 13" and the blueberry have 3 at about 11" and that twirling sick one at around 8".

Should I wait, or go for it? I want to yield BIG.


Well-Known Member
I see the smallest of small nubs in the corner of the nodes, but I think it's still too early to judge it male or female.

I need to get a mag glass and take a pic with that.

Just wondering, are the preflowers for females going to start off as small little circle things then shoot out the pistils, or do they just start as pistils?

I'm at work now, but when I get home I'll show some pics so you can understand what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Haha, that would be just hilarious. :)

It just so happens, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my plants has the bulbs. If I go 8/8 for males, I will never grow again! Haha... but seriously, not that funny :(


Well-Known Member
Gosh, let's hope not that would suck balls, does any of your plants look anything like one or the other in the following image?

The above image helped me sex my plants, hope it does the same for you!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Damn brother I feel your pain!! Every time I have to destroy one I feel like having a service. The other thing that has sucked for me, a 1st timer grower, is that the best growers, ones I thought were the strongest all turn out to be males.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Actually it looks similar to the second picture Humbolt, only a lot smaller. They are honestly barely visible to the eye and could def be too early to tell. I'm off tomorrow, so I plan to buy a magnifying glass tomorrow for a closeup.

Pray for me guys, I hate when my gals end up being dicks. :(


Well-Known Member
Rgr that pencap, don't do anything until you're certain, believe me you will definitely know when the time comes, specially if you receive one of each (male female) after that it's no longer a problem, this hole process only gets easier....

Hope you get the girls you are seeking! but at least one male will help you conquer the sex...


Well-Known Member
Got my magnifying glass and took some pics. Tell me what you think - male, female, or too early to tell?

And my lovely Blueberry (13 inches now)



Well-Known Member
Oh yes, and this puts the plants age at:

Blueberry - 32 days
Bagseed - 42 days

Both numbers were from the day they sprouted.