I'm really surprised there are so few gun guys on this forum. On my shooter forum there are plenty of smokers....
Anyway to put some things to rest....
The majority of the states in the US (40) have a Right to Carry law or a (
may issue law on conceal and carry. Right to carry means unless there's an blip on your criminal history then the state HAS to issue a carry license. If you live in a may issue state, like NY, then the state or local municipality can deny a request for a permit for any reason at all.
37 states have either a stand your ground or castle doctrine law that permits the use of deadly force at a minimum in your own home. Most states use the language "forcible felony" when describing when you can and can't use lethal force. A forcible felony is dependent upon what state you live in. In FL, MO, GA, and TX for sure someone simply breaking into your house is a forcible felony and you have the right to use lethal force.
Now the sawed off shotgun argument.
The 1968 and 1986 Firearms Acts really restricted a persons right to own weapons. 1986 was worse than the 1968 laws. In 1968 they passed the National Firearms Act. This empowered the BATFE as a law enforcement agency instead of a taxation agency. It also created the 'for sporting purposes' law, thanks to a newly formed and utterly inept NRA.
This restricted the ownership of 'not for sporting purposes' weapons in the hands of citizens. This is in direct opposition to the supreme court and it's never been challenged. This included SBA's and a Select Fire (fully automatic) weapons.
A SBA is a short barreled rifle, which is what a sawed off shotgun would be legally considered. A SBA is any rifle that has a barrel length of less than 16". So an AR-15 with a 14" barrel is considered a SBA and is 'Class 3.' Class 3 requires a submission of $200 and a shit load of personal information to the BATFE. There is a 6 month wait and if the BATFE determines your clean enough they'll allow you to own a SBR or any other Class 3 device. You have to submit to this for each and every Class 3 item and MUST keep the paperwork with the weapon at all times.
Assault Rifles.....THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!! I can't say that enough.
Assault Rifles are a 'mischarectization' by the brady campaign that is used to mislead the public. Think of Reefer Madness, same thing.
There are 2 classes of 'black rifle' Semi-Automatic and Select-Fire. Select-fire weapons are VERY illegal to own unless you have them as legal Class 3 weapons. This requires 1. They were not manufactured after 1986, 2. That you have gone through the BATFE process and sumbitted $200, 3. That you have the paperwork with them AT ALL TIMES.
The other class is Semi-Auto, that would encompass the AR-15's and AK47's you see on the shelves of gun shops. They are SEMI-AUTO ONLY!!!
If you see a real Fully Automatic weapon at shop then it's one of the very few Class 3 dealers. Expect to pay no less than $10,000 for a select fire weapon of any kind, average is closer to $25,000. If you find someone selling a fully auto AK or Uzi for $700, it's not legally registered with BATFE and you will get busted for having it. (Even a gun guy would turn you in.)
So in most states it is legal to use lethal force if someone breaks into your house. Some states, (castle docterine) require a 'duty to retreat' of some kind. 'Stand your ground' states say you don't have to get shot in the back running from them to be allowed to shoot.
As far as the original topic. Guns and Grows. Well under the current Presidency we might see a total reversal in laws. You might be able to grow all you want, but if you have a gun at all, you'll be a felon. Under McCain it'd have been the complete opposite.
I find it VERY interesting that there are no politicians that believe that we have the right to be free. I should have the rights to bear arms and weed, not one or the other.
The bottom line is the government has already screwed us big time, both on weed and guns. IMO having guns at a place you grow is no more or less dangers than having guns at a place you don't grow. The ONLY reason to lock up your guns is to protect them from theft or out of fear of your grow getting busted and having compounded charges.
I pose this question. Isn't a raid an infringment on our basic rights anyway? Isn't the 2nd ammendment in place to allow 'We the people' to protect our rights?
I really think that NORML and every other grower, smoker, toker, whatever sould take a page from the NRA. The votes, voters, citizens and rights do not matter, the money does. The money buys lobbyists who pressure, bribe, and through other unethical means manipulate senators and representatives to pass or not pass laws. Have NORML fund a high power lobbyist to bribe, blackmale, and cajool senators into passing veto proof legislation for legalization and we'll have freedom of weed really fast. That's what the NRA does, we should take a page from their handbook.
The family