Gun Slayings


New Member
Yes, full autos are legal with permits to non felons. But not an M-16. No "modern" autos are allowed to be owned.

Yes, a serious hunting rifle will outperform any assault rifle. Far more accurately as well. A good Browning, Sako, or Tikka can shoot very accurately out to 500+ yards. The over riding factor in misses is usually the shooter, not the gun.
AK's are basically junk guns. If you want to really step it up a notch.... These boys make some SERIOUSLY accurate weapons.

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i can make head and upper torso hits on a stationary target with a clean well cared for ak-47 at 400 yards no problem its a great weapon and i can do the same with a mini-14 or ar-15. the problem with the ak is the front and rear sights are too close together making human error easy where the ar or mini have apeture sights spaced farther apart. ak's are not the most accurate but theyll do 5 inches at 400 yards that i know. you can own a m-16 look into idaho or nevadas laws regarding this. it will cost you like 30000 grand for the rifle and permit and no new ones can be made for the civilian market but there around. im sure if you do this your on the govs short list so not worth it. a good semi auto ar-15 is like 800 to 1600 bucks last i checked again if you know how to use cover and are a good shot a semi is all thats needed. besides a hit with a.22cal is better than a miss with a howitzer.


New Member
The AK was never designed for long range shooting...that's why. targets seldom stand still... :lol:

I'll still take a bolt action for supreme accuracy. Quality over quantity any day. A superior shooter rarely needs more than a three round mag with one the chamber.

Perhaps you can purchase an M-16 but certainly not an auto M-16. Modern autos are strictly off limits. Unless you want the BATF kicking down your door.

out. :blsmoke:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i should clarify any full auto made before some year in the 8o's i forget can be purchased so an m-16 a1 can be purchased full auto maybe not an m-16 a2. ive shot thompsons ak's and a russian belt fed heavy machingun i forget the designation chambered for 7.62 rimmed cartridge similar to the 30-06 in ballistics but a bit more potent. ok so 2 guys 1 with an ak 1 with m16 who will win? the better shot the better trained. the ak gets a bad wrap as untrained militias are often fighting trained armies also its the weapon of the enemies of the u.s.. i owned both semi versions of course the ar is a little more precise but quick to fail in improper conditions the ak goes bang every time and is accurate enough for shots to at least 600 yards mine was a bulgarian version and had a milled receiver and chrome lined barrel which may have helped accuracy. if i had to take 1 and get dirty give me the ak if i was in a situation where i could care for an ar i would take that.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with a semiauto AR-15, M-16 is not full auto anyways, full auto wastes alot rounds. Even the 3 round burst is rarely used in combat situations.


New Member
Guns kill, all of your numbers on gun deaths do not add up/make sense. only sallys use guns real men fight with their hands.


Active Member
Yes, full autos are legal with permits to non felons. But not an M-16. No "modern" autos are allowed to be owned.
What? Thats not true. Maybe there are certain states that don't allow full auto purchases, (like Cali) but most do. I guess it depends how you define "modern" though.

I used to own an M-16 that was manufactured in the 80's, maybe there are restrictions on the newer models, but I can assure you that you can still purchase an M16 if you want to and meet the qualifications, as my uncle bought one about a year ago.

(though that may change with Obama and his insanely anti-gun administration in office)

You can own ANY full auto gun if you are non-felon or have never had any mental disability, M16's, AK's, whatever, if you can afford them. (M16s are well over $10,000 these days) It requires getting a background check, approval and a sign off from your local police, and paying the tax stamp on the gun. It also must be bought from or transferred through a class III dealer. Same applies for suppressors. (silencers)


Well-Known Member
Dutch your logic is impeccable. So when your facing dawn a "Sally" in your home with your kids held at gunpoint you can use your Goku powers to obliterate him!! Yeah right. Or the Government desides your a useless eater and rounds you up you gonna put the boot to the swat team??

Our numbers don't add up or make sence?? I wonder why that is?? They make perfect sence to me. Hmmmm.... Bathtubs kill about as many people every year as guns. I demand the Government outlaw bathtubs!!


Well-Known Member
ive owned and used fire arms for about 38 years now. i have one of the most extensive gun collections most people ever see.
i own two AK 47 rifles . both of them are bulgarian made with milled recievers and the barrels are made off of styer machines and are hammer forged chrome lined.
the AK is not capable out past 150 yards or so. thats not to say it cannot reach farther. it is just not very accurate farther out. i have the best ones made on the planet. no way can you hold one miniute at 400 yards with it.
i have several high power scoped rifles all very good rifles.
you better not get in a close fight with a bolt action rifle if you can keep from it.
especialy with a bunch of armed troops.
a shot gun is the most deadly invention ever divised for close fighting.
a hand gun can be just plain sneaky.
a 22 rifle is nasty within a 150 yards with large amounts of fire power and accurate as hell.
a ruger 10/22 is only around 150 bucks . the ammo is cheap and plentiful .
and high capicity magazines for it are easy to get.
a mossburg shot gun is around 200 dollars and 12 gauge bird shot is cheap.
these are the two weapons the average home owner wanting to protect themselfs and property should have.
and of course a 38 cal revolver or 357


Well-Known Member
Yes, full autos are legal with permits to non felons. But not an M-16. No "modern" autos are allowed to be owned.

Yes, a serious hunting rifle will outperform any assault rifle. Far more accurately as well. A good Browning, Sako, or Tikka can shoot very accurately out to 500+ yards. The over riding factor in misses is usually the shooter, not the gun.
AK's are basically junk guns. If you want to really step it up a notch.... These boys make some SERIOUSLY accurate weapons.

out. :blsmoke:
sorry jax but your mistaken, m-16's can be bought with either a c&r or class 3 permit. My dad is a collector of C&R and class 3 stuff and he has 2 m16a2's and one old vietnam m16a1, not to mention the shit ton of other modern autos.
As for the ak vs m16/ar15 questions, well it depends on the situation, the ak is one of the most reliable close range(150m or less) weapons in the world. Drop them in the mud, dirt, sand, silt, whatever and they will fire every time without fail. the m16/ar15's however, are a closed bolt assembly meaning all the moving parts are inside the gun making it very likely to jam in sandy, or dirty enviroments(in comparison to the ak). Also though, there are many ar 15 varients for long range precision shooting, i do the trigun challenges each year and almost all my varmint hunting now is done with my dpms ar15a2 / Hbar barrel(1 in 7 twist for heavy rounds, 65grains+), stainless steel bolt assembly and carrier, stainless buffer spring, set NY triggers trigger assembly and can drop a prairie dog at 400 with no prob.

Honestly though the best military weapon i own and would take into battle over anything else is the HK 91,93 or the galil. both shoot a 308 round, are extremely accurate, and can lay down enough fire to keep alot of heads down.

As for beginners maybe wanting their first miltaria gun but dont want to drop 1k+ go to your local gun shop and pick up a SKS, they are cheap(120-300) shoot a 7.62x39 same as the ak, are just about as reliable, can get up to 70 round mags for under 80 bucks and is still a great shooter. I've got nine of these now i have been saving cause the prices keep goin up and i love every one of em.


New Member
Wow Max, I must ask, are you dating a mirror?

You're the worlds most successful investor with a 180 IQ and the most extensive gun collection as well?

Nope, people don't lie on the net...........


Well-Known Member
miss.. i have so many fire arms i dont know how many i have.
enough to arm my neighborhood when the time comes i assure you.
then some.
and yea i am very proud of my hard work and accomplishments .


New Member
Yes, I was not totally clear (gasp) when i stipulated "no one may possess a modern machine gun". No machine gun produced after 1986 may be purchased. So, it is technically then true that the early model of an M16 may be purchased. However, like any dwindling supply, the prices skyrocket upwards. a full auto M-16/AR15 will run you 15k. Outside of running around saying you own one, they have such a limited capability in most peoples hands, it's sort of pointless. They are more accurate (least amount of kick) than most in full auto, but still the accuracy is quite low and the ammo bill is quite high.


Dutch is sleeping at home when he hears a noise in the kitchen. He gets up bare knuckled to find an armed intruder in his home with intent (already established by being there armed) to do him and his family harm.

Cracker finds himself in the same position but instead of going into the kitchen with just his knuckles, Cracker enters the scene with a 12 gauge shotgun.

Which person will be on his knees begging for his and the life of his family in the next 30 seconds? :lol:

Gun country is polite country. The best overall home defense weapon is the 12 gauge shotgun, hands down.

Dutchie, it is possible for you to catch a bullet with your teeth. However your teeth will not stop the bullet. It will simply keep on pushing your brains out the back of your head.....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn near everyone in here breaks the law.
and you are worried about breaking a machine gun law? LOL
if there is no law then who enforces the law around you?
you do dont you?
if you are the law then why cant you just convert . when the time is right . one of your legal semi auto guns to a full auto?
a AK 47 can be converted to a machine gun with a bread tie or a paper clip in a few seconds and 100 round drum mags are easy to get. the ammo is drying up because of the dem ban on importing ammo.
fucking commie pukes.


Well-Known Member
machine guns are great for certain applications . suppressing fire for example.
not really, as a 240b gunner every time i shot was at an actual target and only 6-9 rounds bursts not cyclic. all those movies with the machine gunner just laying waste to every thing isnt really true you still take your aim and make the shot count.
I only went cyclic on one gun ever in Iraq and that was the .50 on a truck. Even then i only shot about 50 or 60 rounds though lol


Well-Known Member
Anyone see Stoney McFrieds thread on home made Firearms?

Would it be possible to make your own Ammo for a shotgun (like a 12 gauge, not a home made shotgun)?


Well-Known Member
damn near everyone in here breaks the law.
and you are worried about breaking a machine gun law? LOL
if there is no law then who enforces the law around you?
you do dont you?
if you are the law then why cant you just convert . when the time is right . one of your legal semi auto guns to a full auto?
a AK 47 can be converted to a machine gun with a bread tie or a paper clip in a few seconds and 100 round drum mags are easy to get. the ammo is drying up because of the dem ban on importing ammo.
fucking commie pukes.
lol dont convert any gun into an auto yet, mandatory 10 years and 200,000 fine for each offence. and unlike the dea or cops, the batfe does give a shit because each guy they bust is tons of money in their pockets. plus, full auto on a shoulder fired weapon is useless.


Well-Known Member
Anyone see Stoney McFrieds thread on home made Firearms?

Would it be possible to make your own Ammo for a shotgun (like a 12 gauge, not a home made shotgun)?
yes, you can either reload old shells, or buy the parts(shells, primers, powder, wad, lead) and make your own. to get into reloading it is gona cost about 300 plus or minus a few bucks, but you will be making money after your first 200 rounds or so now. also there are gunsmiths doing some crazy shit with shotguns, i have a friend who is a master gunsmith and has his production license, he is currently making a 12 guage using the savage slug hunter(heavy barreled bolt action made by savage firearms) that he smothed the rifling and uses a necked out .50 bmg as the shell, his test runs say with a little fine tuning he can get a 1oz shot over 2500 fps. granted this is not something you can buy and each round is hand made but its a cool example of what you can do. especially considering that 1500 fps is about as good as a normal 12guage gets(federal ammo's black cloud is at 1550)