Gun Slayings


New Member
yes, you can't complain about the breakdown of rules and laws but ignoring them yourself. Anyone can make a justification for what they are doing. So what? This isn't a Mad Max movie....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think that these are connected? They all have the basic M O and the government is pushing gun control. These people just go slay like 5+ ppl every weekend. Then the media says some of these ppl have no history of violence. I just want to get some other opinions.
Let's think about this.

1. Some one has me at gun point

2. I go to reach for my trusty .38

3. The government's banned guns

4. I no longer have my trusty .38

5. I'm fucked.

Gun bans just strike me as a stupid idea. It's not like criminals are going to actually acknowledge the anti-gun laws.

Just like they don't acknowledge the "No Gun Zone" signs around school campuses.

OMFG, the criminals, they are illiterate... they too are victims of the US Education System.

Either that or they just don't give a fuck, figuring that as their purpose is to violate the law then it doesn't really matter if they violate the law while going about their primary purpose.


New Member
Its so funny you guys are all sayign that a gun is the best form of defence, thats so funny. If your that worried about someone coming inside your home buy steel reinforced doors, buy windows with steel shanks, buy an alarm system. Or better yet, move out of the ghetto.

50 people have died in the USA in the last 5 days or so directly from gun violence and thats only what is on the news in Canada. Your stats are WRONG.

You do NOT need a gun to be safe, you have all been brainwashed. No offence but this is why America is fucked up, gun control.


New Member
1oz at 2500fps ouch. i once had a benelli m-1 super 90 great home defense weapon.

No doubt, but I prefer the pump shotties..... the mere cycling is a potent weapon....most thugs will scatter.... mission accomplished with no LEO needed after for months of hassle and paperwork.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Its so funny you guys are all sayign that a gun is the best form of defence, thats so funny. If your that worried about someone coming inside your home buy steel reinforced doors, buy windows with steel shanks, buy an alarm system. Or better yet, move out of the ghetto.

50 people have died in the USA in the last 5 days or so directly from gun violence and thats only what is on the news in Canada. Your stats are WRONG.

You do NOT need a gun to be safe, you have all been brainwashed. No offence but this is why America is fucked up, gun control.
300 million plus people.... the anti gun stats are the ones overblown. What does not make it onto the wire is all the stories of guns SAVING lives, which happens all the time.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I worked for a lame ass company that had a "no weapons" sign by the door and I always said, "If I ever decide to shoot this place up, I'm shooting that sign on the way in". Funny thing was, knives weren't allowed but we had to have razor cutters that were really sharp to do our jobs....... duh........


Well-Known Member
I worked for a lame ass company that had a "no weapons" sign by the door and I always said, "If I ever decide to shoot this place up, I'm shooting that sign on the way in". Funny thing was, knives weren't allowed but we had to have razor cutters that were really sharp to do our jobs....... duh........
No Weapons (except the one's the company provides for you?)


New Member

Dutch is sleeping at home when he hears a noise in the kitchen. He gets up bare knuckled to find an armed intruder in his home with intent (already established by being there armed) to do him and his family harm.

Cracker finds himself in the same position but instead of going into the kitchen with just his knuckles, Cracker enters the scene with a 12 gauge shotgun.

Which person will be on his knees begging for his and the life of his family in the next 30 seconds? :lol:

Gun country is polite country. The best overall home defense weapon is the 12 gauge shotgun, hands down.

Dutchie, it is possible for you to catch a bullet with your teeth. However your teeth will not stop the bullet. It will simply keep on pushing your brains out the back of your head.....

out. :blsmoke:
Hey I can do that too! I love telling tales.

Your 8 year old child while playing with friends finds your 12 gauage shotgun. Little jimmy doesn't really know anything about it but somehow loads it and while playing blows his two friends brains out. You come home only to find a sea of 8 year old brains including your son jimmy. Way to go killer!!



Well-Known Member
right after i got out of the military i worked at a place that had a sign too. i carried anyways and told my boss to fuck off its my right. But then again i didnt work there that long either....


Well-Known Member
Hey I can do that too! I love telling tales.

Your 8 year old child while playing with friends finds your 12 gauage shotgun. Little jimmy doesn't really know anything about it but somehow loads it and while playing blows his two friends brains out. You come home only to find a sea of 8 year old brains including your son jimmy. Way to go killer!!
how about the more realistic story,

little jimmy and his friends are looking at their dad's shotgun and since little jimmy's dad is an avid gun owner/shooter, jimmy knows how to use the gun and checks to make sure its not loaded and knows how to handle it safely.


Well-Known Member
or what if that senior living home allowed personal carry, or the civic center allowed concealed carry, how many lives could have been saved if someone else had a gun to stop those fucks from shooting up the place.


Well-Known Member
hwo is that fucked up i was competition shooting at 6. and yes my kid is about to be born in july and guess what my gift to her is gona be??? thats right, a davey cricket .22

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
someone tried to rape my mom when she was pregnant with me if she had not had my dads colt 1911 i would probably not be typing this. you have to protect yourself no one will do it for you.