Big P
Well-Known Member
god bless America, get your weapons up
YouTube - Gun Sales On Rise In FL On Fear Of An Obama Presidency
YouTube - Gun Sales On Rise In FL On Fear Of An Obama Presidency
Quit reading the Drudge Report.
Your mind and rational people everywhere will thank you.
And try reading Karl Marx's documents before you slam communism - it's very obvious you have no clue what it's really about.
I live in america because here I can implement a communist-style of life without needlessly subjecting myself to the improper authority that current communistic governments have.
Also I was born here.
~~~River Spirits Sanctuary~~~
that's one of my former projects before I left Memphis. Very much like communism, but democratically controlled by concensus and vote of the people, not the leadership.
There's several of these 'sanctuaries' all over the world that practice the real working form of communism.
All countries that are Communist are just wannabes.
Grow up. Welfare constitutes 1/10 of 1% of your taxes. Social security and Medicare about 10%. Military/Defense spending, national debt interest, and the federal budget deficit make up about 70%.well no problem everyone is entilted to thier own best way they enjoy life. I love that
what I hate is when people try to force thier way of life on me and my family and my beautiful children
what I hate is when people who dont pay into the system get a check from the fruits of my labor
instead of that any extra money I have i want to give to my friends and loved ones, not strangers who may or may not deserve it, but I garantee none of them earned it.
america used to be a place where you worked for what you had.
if you have a disability fine, if you have this problem fine. but its not a place where I work so sombody else who say decides to have 7 kids out of wedlock with different fathers gets the fruits of my labor
im not here to raise irresponsible peoples familys
and it all sounds fine and dandy until i come to your house and take you computer and fridge to dole it out to others. its only then that you would care.
Grow up. Welfare constitutes 1/10 of 1% of your taxes. Social security and Medicare about 10%. Military/Defense spending, national debt interest, and the federal budget deficit make up about 70%.
If you earned $100,000 (gross) this year, you'll end up spending about $100 dollars on welfare recipients. Most of whom are blind, handicapped, or otherwise disabled. I doubt the percentage of people who "game" the system is above 20%, but for the sake of argument, let's say you're actually spending $50 a year on "irresponsible" people.
actually my friends barak obama wants to give so called tax cuts to 95% of americans 40% of which pay 0 income tax,
so im sorry to open you mind to this, but this is a huge huge expansion of welfare dont get it twisted.
you need to grow up and read what you cannidate plans to do.
now imagine what hes lieing about.
How do you know their liars if don't listen to them? How would you know what their lying about?Both candidates are liars. I don't even listen to them.
How do you know their liars if don't listen to them? How would you know what their lying about?
thanks for this reply. saved me some time. this thread makes my brain hurt.Quit reading the Drudge Report.
Your mind and rational people everywhere will thank you.
And try reading Karl Marx's documents before you slam communism - it's very obvious you have no clue what it's really about.
america used to be a place where you worked for what you had.well no problem everyone is entilted to thier own best way they enjoy life. I love that
what I hate is when people try to force thier way of life on me and my family and my beautiful children
what I hate is when people who dont pay into the system get a check from the fruits of my labor
instead of that any extra money I have i want to give to my friends and loved ones, not strangers who may or may not deserve it, but I garantee none of them earned it.
america used to be a place where you worked for what you had.
if you have a disability fine, if you have this problem fine. but its not a place where I work so sombody else who say decides to have 7 kids out of wedlock with different fathers gets the fruits of my labor
im not here to raise irresponsible peoples familys
and it all sounds fine and dandy until i come to your house and take you computer and fridge to dole it out to others. its only then that you would care.
Exactly. the greedy rich pricks have created this welfare society by outsourcing jobs and factories, offshoring bank accounts to avoid taxes and many other rich prick ways of making more and more for themselves. It's certainly not because the American people are lazy.america used to be a place where you worked for what you had.
......yup it suuuuure did. That started to change when the jobs went overseas. Now what ????? College education or you're screwed and even then sometimes.................the days where you could get outta high school , secure a job at the local factory, earn a "decent wage" with benefits and retire are loooooong gone. This is not the country I grew up in. Back in the day there were more options than the local fast food shop or a temp service. We had factories and business' that had been around for generations. Thats all gone and we need to get it back. No reason a Zenith television should be made in Mexico or that all the major companies base their "call centers" in India and the like. Give people jobs and people will work. I'd rather hustle than work at the local Micky D's.