Gun Sales On Rise In FL On Fear Of An Obama Presidency

obama is will be the president and people will do /say anything to harm him....Big P is a hater its simple.

im not a hater im in the politics section posting why i dont think obama would be a good president and why mcain would, simple as that

dont get you panties in a bunch over it bongsmilie

there will be a winner, either Mcain or obama, but unlike most liberals If my canidate does not win I will move on and support my president even if its obama.

u wont see me crying hes ilegitimate blah blah blah cuz of acorn

i will stand by the president of my country and focus on gettin him to do the things I agree with him on. or atleast root for it. once someone is your captian you must help and support them because you are riding in the same ship

somthing that is lost on most regretablybongsmilie
obama is will be the president and people will do /say anything to harm him....Big P is a hater its simple.

the Obama presidency is very much in question. Don't "freak" out if he doesn't win. If you do, then you will be no different than the people you hold such derision for.
Stay calm and oil your assault weapons..... :-o

the Obama presidency is very much in question. Don't "freak" out if he doesn't win. If you do, then you will be no different than the people you hold such derision for.
Stay calm and oil your assault weapons..... :-o


ya definatly never count your chickens, even if they hatch.
I don't see why you care what happens in FL if you're in the Netherlands... Bullets don't travel that far, don't worry buddy! :lol:
First off, arguing on whether obama or mccain would be a better president is just asinine. Actually even thinking that mccain could win over obama is a total joke. I'm not for obama or anybody, I just know that obama's handler's are Zibignew, Buffet and Rothschilds. And you actually think you have a choice. You actually think what obama and mccain tell you are the real truths of what is going to be done. Dude, wake up. Stop living in the matrix. A president is a puppet meant to carry out and entertain the show. You are the show. Wake up or you're gonna have yours guns taken and be shipped off to a fema camp. Stop watching TV, you're brainwashing yourself just like every other dumbed down american. Seriously, you think this stupid avon lady with mccain can run a country get real people, she was put in place so obama could take the lead. Watch zeitgeist, go to infowars, go to david icke, start doing your research. Shit's about to get real bad here. It's bigger than obama and mccain. The US has no more money. You think this 750B bailout package is gonna work. That's like someone asking you for a million dollars and you giving them a check with $2 in your account. We have nothing left. This was a setup from the 1920's that goes way back to Jekyll Island. Before you start following a party and saying who would be better as president just know that they are not the end all be all. Why do you think bush brought a brigade home from iraq to start patrolling the streets. Why do you think people are buying guns? Do you even know about gmo foods or monsanto seeds. Do research before leading people down the path that big brother wants you to believe. Look on your dollar and figure out why you see the same eye that you see on CBS. Find out who owns all the media channels and see what boards he sits on. Do your research on CFR and Trilateral Commission. Until then you can't even argue who's gonna win the presidency. Votes don't exist. Remember Bush?
Mister Green : " Actually even thinking that mccain could win over obama is a total joke".

You're objectivity is duly noted. Well done....

First off, arguing on whether obama or mccain would be a better president is just asinine. Actually even thinking that mccain could win over obama is a total joke. I'm not for obama or anybody, I just know that obama's handler's are Zibignew, Buffet and Rothschilds. And you actually think you have a choice. You actually think what obama and mccain tell you are the real truths of what is going to be done. Dude, wake up. Stop living in the matrix. A president is a puppet meant to carry out and entertain the show. You are the show. Wake up or you're gonna have yours guns taken and be shipped off to a fema camp. Stop watching TV, you're brainwashing yourself just like every other dumbed down american. Seriously, you think this stupid avon lady with mccain can run a country get real people, she was put in place so obama could take the lead. Watch zeitgeist, go to infowars, go to david icke, start doing your research. Shit's about to get real bad here. It's bigger than obama and mccain. The US has no more money. You think this 750B bailout package is gonna work. That's like someone asking you for a million dollars and you giving them a check with $2 in your account. We have nothing left. This was a setup from the 1920's that goes way back to Jekyll Island. Before you start following a party and saying who would be better as president just know that they are not the end all be all. Why do you think bush brought a brigade home from iraq to start patrolling the streets. Why do you think people are buying guns? Do you even know about gmo foods or monsanto seeds. Do research before leading people down the path that big brother wants you to believe. Look on your dollar and figure out why you see the same eye that you see on CBS. Find out who owns all the media channels and see what boards he sits on. Do your research on CFR and Trilateral Commission. Until then you can't even argue who's gonna win the presidency. Votes don't exist. Remember Bush?

u got a tin foil hat dude:shock:


I know it may seem boring. But truly you must watch zeitgeist and zeitgeist addendum. They are not cult movies by any stretch. They simply are made to inform. The only way I can explain clearly is the movie the matrix. It's time to take the red pill or the blue one - whichever one he took :-) I can remember when it was like I became unplugged. I was in utter shock. At first you won't believe it, then as it starts going on you'll start piecing it all together. First test question for you - Do you really think 2 planes could take down the twin towers? Seriously, think about this one. Now after you've answered that, have you heard about building 7?

If you answered yes to question 1 and no question 2, your eyes are about to be opened. Watch zeitgeist first. Then watch zeitgeist addendum. They're long. Grab your bong and pay attention. I promise you you won't regret it.
Movies are never made to inform, but to entertain. Documentaries are another matter. Unfortunately, the standards have slipped precipitously in recent times.
Unless the fountainhead of data can be sourced, I don't bother.

Just being honest with you.


I know it may seem boring. But truly you must watch zeitgeist and zeitgeist addendum. They are not cult movies by any stretch. They simply are made to inform. The only way I can explain clearly is the movie the matrix. It's time to take the red pill or the blue one - whichever one he took :-) I can remember when it was like I became unplugged. I was in utter shock. At first you won't believe it, then as it starts going on you'll start piecing it all together. First test question for you - Do you really think 2 planes could take down the twin towers? Seriously, think about this one. Now after you've answered that, have you heard about building 7?

If you answered yes to question 1 and no question 2, your eyes are about to be opened. Watch zeitgeist first. Then watch zeitgeist addendum. They're long. Grab your bong and pay attention. I promise you you won't regret it.

I watched them, and they are pushing Socialism, and aren't worth the time it takes to watch them.

You should push something more interesting, like America: Freedom to Fascism.

Of course, that would be counter-intuitive as the system that is being pushed in Zeitgeist: Addendum is a fascist or socialist system.
There was actual video of both planes hitting the towers. I'm on the fence with this one. I can see where the planes and fire could do it. Keep in mind those planes were traveling at over 400 MPH when they hit the towers.

The buildings were made to withstand a plane hitting them, but they meant a small plane lost in the fog, not an intentional hit at full speed. The dumbest thing is people wanting to sue the company that built the buildings, who could have foreseen this?
Considering that Clinton had Osama in his CIA sights no less than 10 times with no action leads one to believe that it was a seen danger. Not the act itself, but certainly the intent. Water under the bridge now.

I think there many mental children on here I mean i respect the people like Medicine man sure he has opposite views as me but atleast you can tell hes educated and expiricanced and not a child,

but half the time here the posters seem imature in the crotch area:mrgreen:

like saying and posting dummy stuff or are blindy screaming shit.

its weird
It's a pot forum. I.Q. is checked at the door.


I don't know why that should be. Some of the most intelligent people I know are pot smokers. It's amazing, but I know from personal experience, that contrary to popular belief smoking pot does not make a person an idiot.
It's not that there are not bright pot smokers. It's the percentage of high I.Q. relative to the population. Any population.
