Gun Lovers, You're Screwed.

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
under communism it belongs to the state and is theirs to distribute
Wrong, capitalist pig. Under communism workers own the fruit of their labor and aren't slaves to the bourgeoisie masters. But under capitalism you're never going to be anything but a lumpenproletariat.

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
You are still incorrect
You have no idea how communism works, capitalist pig.

Authority and thus the state must always be destroyed by force; it will never dissappear on its own. Communism is anarchistic and anarchism is communistic. In fact, they are synonyms. Both represent a society based on mutual aid, love, individual autonomy, collective cooperation, fairness, equity, freedom, and harmony within humanity and with nature. That is communism. That is anarchism.

The government exploited the workers instead of the bosses. The USSR also still had money, as well as vast amounts of inequality and authority. The huge government was very authoritarian and oppressive, which is the complete opposite to communism. Government propaganda said that the USSR was communist, but this was a blatant lie to win over the workers. Many argue that the USSR was not even socialist, but merely state capitalist. This is because there was a neo-bourgeoisie, the government or “vanguard” who exploited the workers for their own profit. It simply replaced private capitalists and businesses with beuraucratic state apparatus. In short, the workers did not control the means of production (factories, equipment, and natural resources), the state did.



Well-Known Member
Sweden might be a good starting point:

Here’s how the Swedish system works: Only responsible people are trusted with firearms. Sweden licenses guns in much the same way we license cars and drivers. You can have up to six guns but can get more with special permission.

To apply for a firearm permit you must first take a year-long hunter training program and pass a written and shooting test. You can also apply for a gun permit if you’ve been a member of an established shooting club for six months.

In addition to undergoing training, Sweden’s gun owners must store their firearms safely. Guns must be locked away in a vault, not stored beneath your car seat or in the nightstand where your kids can find them.

Responsibility in Sweden goes further yet: Convicted of a felony? No guns for you. Beat your wife? No guns. Under a restraining order? No guns. Drive drunk? No guns.

(The gun law does not spell out specific actions that cause a citizen to be "unfit" to have a gun permit. It does say that the police must have a "reasonable cause" to suspend a permit, and these kinds of things might signal that a gun owner is "unfit.")

Even so, being responsible is not such a tough job. Sweden denies permits to only about 1,000 people a year (out of 600,000 permit holders), and they can appeal their rejection to the courts.

Still, though, the statement that Sweden has more firearms per capita than in the US is false.

Estimate of civilian firearms per 100 persons

US: 120
Sweden: 23



Well-Known Member
You have no idea how communism works, capitalist pig.

Authority and thus the state must always be destroyed by force; it will never dissappear on its own. Communism is anarchistic and anarchism is communistic. In fact, they are synonyms. Both represent a society based on mutual aid, love, individual autonomy, collective cooperation, fairness, equity, freedom, and harmony within humanity and with nature. That is communism. That is anarchism.

The government exploited the workers instead of the bosses. The USSR also still had money, as well as vast amounts of inequality and authority. The huge government was very authoritarian and oppressive, which is the complete opposite to communism. Government propaganda said that the USSR was communist, but this was a blatant lie to win over the workers. Many argue that the USSR was not even socialist, but merely state capitalist. This is because there was a neo-bourgeoisie, the government or “vanguard” who exploited the workers for their own profit. It simply replaced private capitalists and businesses with beuraucratic state apparatus. In short, the workers did not control the means of production (factories, equipment, and natural resources), the state did.

You are still incorrect


Well-Known Member
Sweden might be a good starting point:

Here’s how the Swedish system works: Only responsible people are trusted with firearms. Sweden licenses guns in much the same way we license cars and drivers. You can have up to six guns but can get more with special permission.

To apply for a firearm permit you must first take a year-long hunter training program and pass a written and shooting test. You can also apply for a gun permit if you’ve been a member of an established shooting club for six months.

In addition to undergoing training, Sweden’s gun owners must store their firearms safely. Guns must be locked away in a vault, not stored beneath your car seat or in the nightstand where your kids can find them.

Responsibility in Sweden goes further yet: Convicted of a felony? No guns for you. Beat your wife? No guns. Under a restraining order? No guns. Drive drunk? No guns.

(The gun law does not spell out specific actions that cause a citizen to be "unfit" to have a gun permit. It does say that the police must have a "reasonable cause" to suspend a permit, and these kinds of things might signal that a gun owner is "unfit.")

Even so, being responsible is not such a tough job. Sweden denies permits to only about 1,000 people a year (out of 600,000 permit holders), and they can appeal their rejection to the courts.

Still, though, the statement that Sweden has more firearms per capita than in the US is false.

Estimate of civilian firearms per 100 persons

US: 120
Sweden: 23

He’s always incorrect

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Imma go get some popcorn this should be interesting
The DINO (Democrat in Name Only) is more of a Capitalist Objectivist than Ayn Rand. He once went on a drunken rage about how weed should only ever be medical, otherwise it would hurt his lucrative business, and not let it be possible to have his quality product. Only schwag would be available because the ordinary person doesn't understand primo weed.

Then Colorado legalized and sold better stuff than he could do, and much cheaper too. So he decided to move there and pretend he's a carpenter like Jesus, and says the same things evangelicals do how greed is best and sharing is the devil's work.


Well-Known Member
The DINO (Democrat in Name Only) is more of a Capitalist Objectivist than Ayn Rand. He once went on a drunken rage about how weed should only ever be medical, otherwise it would hurt his lucrative business, and not let it be possible to have his quality product. Only schwag would be available because the ordinary person doesn't understand primo weed.

Then Colorado legalized and sold better stuff than he could do, and much cheaper too. So he decided to move there and pretend he's a carpenter like Jesus, and says the same things evangelicals do how greed is best and sharing is the devil's work.
umm don't go on about it to me I don't care just funny to watch


Well-Known Member
The DINO (Democrat in Name Only) is more of a Capitalist Objectivist than Ayn Rand. He once went on a drunken rage about how weed should only ever be medical, otherwise it would hurt his lucrative business, and not let it be possible to have his quality product. Only schwag would be available because the ordinary person doesn't understand primo weed.

Then Colorado legalized and sold better stuff than he could do, and much cheaper too. So he decided to move there and pretend he's a carpenter like Jesus, and says the same things evangelicals do how greed is best and sharing is the devil's work.
You should quote that so we all can see you’re not just making that up based on your current manic episode


Well-Known Member
Fact: your gun is 43 times more likely to be used to kill you or your family than to protect them

fact: gun ownership is largely driven by white’s fears ofblack people

your racism is literally killing yourself instead of the black boogeyman you’re so scared of
It's fear that brings hatred. I don't fear anyone, I am armed and my home is protected.
We have more to fear from white trash like yourself where I live than hoodrats checking car doors. In NYshitty it's the opposite.
Yes if you can pick and choose stats from gang bangers and broken families but guns in the hands of the average law abiding citizen is quite powerful.
It's funny how automatically you threw backs under the bus with your own stereotypes but then again it makes sense why you may hate them since most of them hate homosexuals.
Btw, I am 100% for gun safety.
Infact, we practice by making sure all our family is armed and we practice safe target shooting when we can.

I found this under your website: lol
The 1986 Kellerman study, the source of the famous "43 to 1" ratio, is deceptive in several ways. The basis for comparison in this study is the ratio of "firearm-related deaths" of household members vs. deaths of criminals killed in the home (justifiable homicides). The "firearm-related deaths" in the study include suicides and accidents, neither of which are randomly distributed throughout the population, as the 43 to 1 "risk ratio" would imply.

Come and try to take it from us.


Well-Known Member
Wrong, capitalist pig. Under communism workers own the fruit of their labor and aren't slaves to the bourgeoisie masters. But under capitalism you're never going to be anything but a lumpenproletariat.
That's not true. I got a useful degree and earned my way.
Under capitalism you're paid what people are willing to pay you.
Under communism no one is paid everyone is a loser like yourself.
Kind of selfish if you ask me.