Gun Lovers, You're Screwed.


Well-Known Member
Stating facts isn't racist. Why then does Sweden with more persons owning guns per capita than the US, do they have less gun violence? Maybe if we forced everyone to dye their hair blonde that would help? See I just knew there was a simple explanation. Hair color causes gun violence! It's not racism or multiculturalism after all. Thanks for setting me straight.
Multiculturalism and gun violence are not correlated in any way, no matter how many alt right neo nazi youtube videos you watch


Well-Known Member
Nope. Assault rifle is a made up term that doesn't exist except in the mind of the SJW who can't handle living in the real world and expects everywhere to be a safe space because they're scared of their own shadow.
Wait, you're telling other people that they're afraid of their own shadow?

You said earlier today that driving a semi truck is a "macho" job lol

You're fckn intimidated by truck drivers and semi trucks, girly man lol
I bet you pee your pants when a semi truck passes you on the road


Well-Known Member
I agree w reasonable restrictions .
Like the fact That all felons are banned from owning guns is idiotic
how about the objective?

Would you agree that the goals of these restrictions is to reduce rates of homicide, gun violence, accidental death and injury to that of other similar first world countries such as Canada, Australia and Great Britain?


Well-Known Member
Wait, you're telling other people that they're afraid of their own shadow?

You said earlier today that driving a semi truck is a "macho" job lol

You're fckn intimidated by truck drivers and semi trucks, girly man lol
I bet you pee your pants when a semi truck passes you on the road
I get a little scared because of that myth busters episode I saw that show how you can be decapitated by the flying shrapnel of a blown out tire

Communist Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Multiculturalism and gun violence are not correlated in any way, no matter how many alt right neo nazi youtube videos you watch
Then it's poverty. You were the one who runs with racism, so I thought I'd go along. Studies have proven that the only thing most crime have in common is poverty. But since you're a capitalist, there's no solution. Glad we agree racism and multiculturalism isn't the problem, I was worried for a moment you were right. So can you stop calling everyone a nazi, and call the real trouble makers capitalists pigs? Thanks in advance, capitalist pig.


Well-Known Member
how about the objective?

Would you agree that the goals of these restrictions is to reduce rates of homicide, gun violence, accidental death and injury to that of other similar first world countries such as Canada, Australia and Great Britain?
Yes. Absolutely.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Crime is correlated most closely to poverty but is not an effect of poverty

and poverty has nothing to do with the national deficit

Jesus christ. You can’t think good and shit, can you?
So crime cannot he an effect of poverty...
You ignoramus


Well-Known Member
I get a little scared because of that myth busters episode I saw that show how you can be decapitated by the flying shrapnel of a blown out tire
Yes, it's very much reality that when a semi tire blows it can cause serious damage and even kill. There's 85-100psi in a semi tire

I'll never understand why most people don't realize that, never ever drive next to a semi truck, just pass a semi quickly and safely as possible


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's very much reality that when a semi tire blows it can cause serious damage and even kill. There's 85-100psi in a semi tire

I'll never understand why most people don't realize that, never ever drive next to a semi truck, just pass a semi quickly and safely as possible


Well-Known Member
You're not the one who constantly falsely accuses people of being a racist Nazi all the time? I'm sorry I confused you with someone else.
I didn’t falsely accuse you of being a racist nazi

you just tried to blame gun violence on multiculturalism because you’vebeen brainwashed by alt right neo nazi grifters on youtube.

all I did was point that out, correctly


Well-Known Member
Then it's poverty. You were the one who runs with racism, so I thought I'd go along. Studies have proven that the only thing most crime have in common is poverty. But since you're a capitalist, there's no solution. Glad we agree racism and multiculturalism isn't the problem, I was worried for a moment you were right. So can you stop calling everyone a nazi, and call the real trouble makers capitalists pigs? Thanks in advance, capitalist pig.
Hey man, nice to meet you. Next harvest you should give me half your yield, because you know... communism and shit.