Gun control is coming

I think her post would have held more impact had she just said White people. The message gets a bit lost using words like she chose.

But thank goodness it's not racist because you say so.
Good thing I don’t care about your opinion on my impact of posting

another male trying to tell a woman how to post and speak so she can have impact

and go figures on the person who “liked” it

be careful who you got behind
Some people should be more concerned about their posting behaviors on other sites that get screenshotted and make their way there to Riu

Because those are their true colors of whom they really are

than being concerned about my “impact statements” because I said Mayo
All this is happening while people are arguing over what an “assault rifle” definition is :roll:

Big time here in Canada over that shit. The new ban outlawed big bore size too so people with antique 10 and 8 gauge shotguns would have had to surrender them eventually but they are re-wording it before trying to pass it into law.

I don't know why they don't just make semi-auto high powered rifles a restricted weapon then it could only be used at a range. Trudeau is pushing too hard.

Sorry I was referencing the users maturity levels.
I mean kids can be problematic but it’s usually based in something during the Homelife

but generally if you talk to children about behavior they correct it or say sorry if they hurt your feelings and they move on

Never once has that happened after someone rampaged on me over a post deletion where they go wow thay was absolutely insane of me to act like that I should probably self reflect on why I would go ape shit and tell a random person on the internet how I’m going to physically hurt them over post deletions
I've never been rude to you, but whatever.
I’m not sure how that has to do with anything
You can like things or react to things to show intentions
Postings and comments can show behavioral traits and personality characteristics
As well as your own opinions

people aren’t going to “like” everyone they react with regardless of if the interactions have been rude or not

thats Life though
it funny because i'm white, and i stil
I mean kids can be problematic but it’s usually based in something during the Homelife

but generally if you talk to children about behavior they correct it or say sorry if they hurt your feelings and they move on

Never once has that happened after someone rampaged on me over a post deletion where they go wow thay was absolutely insane of me to act like that I should probably self reflect on why I would go ape shit and tell a random person on the internet how I’m going to physically hurt them over post deletions
its not the one asking for the list of equipment to but is it that you deleted that said hoped my next grow would die
I’m not sure how that has to do with anything
You can like things or react to things to show intentions
Postings and comments can show behavioral traits and personality characteristics
As well as your own opinions

people aren’t going to “like” everyone they react with regardless of if the interactions have been rude or not

thats Life though
I don't expect you to like me, but I did expect a little more from you being a mod is all. The way you're talking about me in posts isn't really appropriate. But hey it's your guys site.
Same type of people/men who scream in my inboxes and say how they’re gunna kill me rape me etc

how I need to be curb stomped

just another day at Riu

glad I won’t be raising my son like my majority of the men I deal with here

I was a single dad myself and raised pretty decent but I think the people your son may hang around with or end up working with has even more influence on these negative incel type attitudes than a parents teachings sometimes. Keep an eye on his friends as he grows up and encourage him to see the bad ones for what they are without forbidding their company. That just seems to make it forbidden fruit and if in the teen years and hitting that rebellious stage, as all will at some point, he'll hang with them just to rebel. Not always but seems to be the way most will go at least a bit.

Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed to be a WASP but it's not my fault dammit! :) I just make sure I don't act like one.

My son's are part native tho only #1 ever got his native status as his mom didn't want to get it for them due to the Battle of the Pines protests back in Quebec when they were little. She was afraid that the white man was going to round up all the natives and put them in prison or something.

We were common-law as I'm still legally married to a Cree lady I met in my early 20s. Just never got a divorce but haven't seen or heard of her in 40 years or more. Miss her brother tho as we got along a lot better than I did with his sister. Was the boozing on both sides more than anything.

I mean kids can be problematic but it’s usually based in something during the Homelife

but generally if you talk to children about behavior they correct it or say sorry if they hurt your feelings and they move on

Never once has that happened after someone rampaged on me over a post deletion where they go wow thay was absolutely insane of me to act like that I should probably self reflect on why I would go ape shit and tell a random person on the internet how I’m going to physically hurt them over post deletions
yeah, see? Everyone says shit like I'm crazy, I'm whatever...but have i ever once said shit to you over deleting one of my posts? or locking out my ability to reply to a thread or two? Maybe I'm a kid, i blow off steam and then move on, and all the polite adult assholes come back at you with death threats.
so, who are the crazy ones?
I don't expect you to like me, but I did expect a little more from you being a mod is all. The way you're talking about me in posts isn't really appropriate. But hey it's your guys site.
Ah I’m sorry you feel that way I’m allowed to have personal opinions being a admin and I’m allowed to voice them within reason thays separate from my admin job

it’s interesting how you can do it and say things but im not ??