kush, LoL, i like that.
oh yeah, that dog kush Jig talks about is real nice. I have heard good things on romulan too! I cant even sit down or bend over today or last night it hurts so bad. What I hate most about fibromyalgia is its all unknown. For all the drs know I could have a tumor inside my body that is causing swelling against a nerve cluster, and I just so happened to get a dr to read my MRI who just finished tooting an 8 ball off the nursing staffs ass!!!! Thats how my F'ed up head works somedays, ummmm an 8 ball of coke off nurses asses!!! UMMMFrom what I hear Romulan is a heavy hitter, great or pain. √ or some DOG Kush
I knew that would get your attention buddy!!!well right back at ya pal
dog kush, LoL, i like that.
Great update Gumball!!!!! everything is growing awesome!!!!!! hope ya get some good meds soon bro!!!! keep up all that great work!!
Hello my good people of planet earthYou know, some of the best people on this planet visit these cannabis culture forums, and I am grateful to have met y'all! A few pics this morning to record some stuff in time!!! The first pics are newly arrive clones just got out of the post (along with a sample
) and planted last night. This is this AM. Alaskan haze (is this Alaskan Thunderfuck aka Matanuska Tundra?), blueberry, and NL x Skunk x cant remember I was stoned
Second pic is clones I did on Saturday morning, this is the first time I took off the lid. There is probably 12 or so clones between the 2 - 1 qrt cloners. Then some shots of my newly trimmed moms!!! Still no grafting, I have been lazy, but I am tight for space, and I cannot remove the royal kush mom till spring (y'all know what that means
freezing cuttings? man, i need to look into that!!!! I'v used cuttings that were sealed in a plastic bag in the dark for 5 days once before... they all rooted.
plus the word (“pussy willows”makes me smile!!!!!!!