Gumballs CMH Powered PC

From what I hear Romulan is a heavy hitter, great or pain. √ or some DOG Kush
oh yeah, that dog kush Jig talks about is real nice. I have heard good things on romulan too! I cant even sit down or bend over today or last night it hurts so bad. What I hate most about fibromyalgia is its all unknown. For all the drs know I could have a tumor inside my body that is causing swelling against a nerve cluster, and I just so happened to get a dr to read my MRI who just finished tooting an 8 ball off the nursing staffs ass!!!! Thats how my F'ed up head works somedays, ummmm an 8 ball of coke off nurses asses!!! UMMM :)

well right back at ya pal
I knew that would get your attention buddy!!!

dog kush, LoL, i like that.

Thanks for all the suggestions folks! I think I'm gonna get the dog and the romulan. I will also get the LSD, and maybe something else. I have enough Sativa for a lifetime, so I am gonna focus on indica thats knocks people down I suppose. Keep 'em idears coming good people, I have yet to here from STONEY?????

Where 'o where has Stoney gone,
Where 'o where could he be,
He grew a crop,
that couldnt be topped,
and blazed is all he could be!!!

Im no poet, but I am super stoned after 2 bong rips of royal kush and dark star :weed: The pain has diminished from y earlier typings which were not posted yet :mrgreen:
Whats up everyone!!! :weed: Well here is a little update for everyone. I am trying to introduce some new strains into my grow. I have northern lights #1 clones almost ready for flower, I have a royal kush crossed with dark star about 3 weeks into 12/12'ish from seed (funny dark star is actually a purple kush and a mazar cross, so crossing it back to the royal kush which has natural purple tendencies should turn out quite the product). The diesel never popped, if you see this Lumi, but thank you anyhow. I think I will do the Jock Horror next. I also have a purple rain too, but I have enough Sativa growing at the moment, I think, so I will hold on that one a bit.

As for my medicine selection, I think I will be getting a romulan, a DOG kush, a LSD. Now I want a potent purple strain. Blueberry something. I have always wanted to try Barneys Farms Blue Crimea, but never seen any reliable reviews. Did anyone already mention a potent purple strain? I want something to make me feel like I just got stoned all over again for the first time!

Well here is the garden :D A few pictures first for the non video watchers!

I tried the flower cab with Bright Snow and Bright Beach settings, and still had the below output :( Oh well, thanks for the ideas Cruz, they are always welcome :)




Here are some shots of whats going on in veg!!! It is busting out of the seems to say the least :)






Yeah, I have a feeling I may have to flower some of my current clones WAY EARLY, to make room!! All the better for good things to come ;)
Great update Gumball!!!!! everything is growing awesome!!!!!! hope ya get some good meds soon bro!!!! keep up all that great work!!
Hello my good people of planet earth :D You know, some of the best people on this planet visit these cannabis culture forums, and I am grateful to have met y'all! A few pics this morning to record some stuff in time!!! The first pics are newly arrive clones just got out of the post (along with a sample :clap:) and planted last night. This is this AM. Alaskan haze (is this Alaskan Thunderfuck aka Matanuska Tundra?), blueberry, and NL x Skunk x cant remember I was stoned :) Second pic is clones I did on Saturday morning, this is the first time I took off the lid. There is probably 12 or so clones between the 2 - 1 qrt cloners. Then some shots of my newly trimmed moms!!! Still no grafting, I have been lazy, but I am tight for space, and I cannot remove the royal kush mom till spring (y'all know what that means ;) )




Hello my good people of planet earth :D You know, some of the best people on this planet visit these cannabis culture forums, and I am grateful to have met y'all! A few pics this morning to record some stuff in time!!! The first pics are newly arrive clones just got out of the post (along with a sample :clap:) and planted last night. This is this AM. Alaskan haze (is this Alaskan Thunderfuck aka Matanuska Tundra?), blueberry, and NL x Skunk x cant remember I was stoned :) Second pic is clones I did on Saturday morning, this is the first time I took off the lid. There is probably 12 or so clones between the 2 - 1 qrt cloners. Then some shots of my newly trimmed moms!!! Still no grafting, I have been lazy, but I am tight for space, and I cannot remove the royal kush mom till spring (y'all know what that means ;) )

The post? you got mailed clones? lol if so that's fuckin awesome. I wonder if a glow stick could ever produce the light needed for to keep a clone in cycle...might make a interesting business. I wouldn't be buying seeds anymore if that was the case, you could know exactly what you were buying.
These were in the mail for 2 days, and most looked great. Put in a plastic bag misted sealed and rolled up into cardboard tubes! They had no light, and were fine, but a chem light would probably work great, or a small battery powered LED. You'd cut off anygrowth they may have had though when you got 'em unless they were full blown rooted, but prob not. I have read where people freeze clonefor later use and that makes me think shipping them in cold weather may help the journey! Hope this helps in your endeavours someguy15 :D
freezing cuttings? man, i need to look into that!!!! I'v used cuttings that were sealed in a plastic bag in the dark for 5 days once before... they all rooted.
freezing cuttings? man, i need to look into that!!!! I'v used cuttings that were sealed in a plastic bag in the dark for 5 days once before... they all rooted.

I think I read it about rose cuttings, or the poster was referencing rose cuttings being able to be froze and reuse. Most all we do in cannabis comes from or can be applied to most all other plant species, which a lot dont know. Its remarkable the things we can do with this plant!!! I wish I could get off my ass and try grafting some more! But I have a lot going on in the cabinets, with way more plants than I want. But hey, I love it!!!
EDIT:I was mistaken, not freeze but refrigerated. Here is an article from Alaska dept of Fish and Game. I tried to attach the PDF, but could not get it to shrink, and well lets see what copy and paste doesWell, kinda worked, but here is the link anyhow! CuttingsTrim branch tips1/4” diameterthis sectioncontains flowerbuds.TrimLineTrimLineTrimLineTrimLineCut Cut LineLineCut LineMultiple live stakes can be prepared from one dormant cutting.Live StakeBetweenCut andTrim LinesLive StakeLiveStakeLiveStakePreparingLive Stakes10” - 24” Long2Examplesof DormantCuttings3 - 4 Ft. Long11/2” - 2” 1/2” - 2”TrimLineDORMANT CUTTINGSDormant cuttings are the primary plant material used in revegetation techniquesincluding: live staking, brush layering, live siltation, brush mat andbundles (fascines). Dormant cuttings are harvested from living woody plantsin a dormant (not actively growing) state. The cuttings are collected fromplants that can root easily, without special treatment, such as certainwillow species, poplar and cottonwood (see Plant Species Selection Lists,Shrubs and Trees) suited for dormant cuttings. Dormant cuttings may also bepurchased from vendors (See ADNR website in Contacts section).Locate a harvest site and obtain permission to collect cuttings. Harvestsites are easier to identify when leaves are present. It is beneficial tolocate harvest sites in the spring/summer or by utilizing an Alaska Willowguidebook (Collet, 2002). Do not over harvest site. The site should containat least 3 times the needed harvest material or you should harvest fromseveral sites.Collect cuttings during winter/early spring before leaves appear, preferablybefore March 31, if they are to be used for spring and early summer plantings.For fall plantings, collect cuttings in the early fall of the sameyear, after plants have gone dormant (at least 50% of the leaves have changedcolor or have dropped). Cuttings may be tied in bundles with colored twinefor ease in identification and carrying. Label each bundle with species, datecollected, and number of cuttings.Select cuttings with leaf buds near the top of each cut line. Avoid flowerbuds (“pussy willows”) if possible; these buds typically occur at the tips ofbranches produced during the last growing season. These branch tips tend tobe smaller than 1⁄4 inch in diameter.Select branches 1⁄2 to 2 inches in diameter and at least 3 to 4 feet long. Ifnecessary, branches can be cut to a shorter length at the time ofinstallation. The potential for drying during storage is reduced when thecuttings are stored in longer pieces.Store cuttings properly to maintain viability. If collection occurs whiledaytime temperatures remain below freezing, freeze at no colder than 0°F orrefrigerate the cuttings until planting. If daytime temperatures are abovefreezing during collection, cuttings should be refrigerated between 31°F to40°F and 60 to 70 percent humidity. Frozen cuttings can be stored with asmall amount of snow to help reduce drying. No water or burlap should beadded to stored frozen cuttings. Monitor the condition of the cuttingsregularly to detect problems such as drying, sprouting or mold.Only the plant material required for each day should be removed from storage,and placed in water, particularly if the weather is windy and/or warm at therevegetation site. Cuttings may be soaked in cool/cold water from 24-48 hoursdirectly before planting to improve survivability. On site, the cuttingsshould be stored away from direct sunlight, heeled into moist soil, or storedin water until planting. Do not have cuttings in water for more than 4 days.Plant dormant cuttings as soon as the soil has thawed and no later than July1 or plant in late summer/fall before the ground freezes. The ability ofplantings to become established and resume growth the following springdeclines quickly for plantings made after July 1. Do not use cuttings if theyhave begun to root, mold, appear dry or leaf out. If the project is delayedand rescheduled for fall, do not try to store the cuttings that werecollected in the spring until fall. Plan on preparing new cuttings once theplants have gone dormant.
AWESOME info gumball!!!!! thanks for finding that!!!!! plus the word (“pussy willows”) makes me smile!!!!!!!