Gumballs CMH Powered PC


Well-Known Member
Yeah, stoners can be funny people!! Its sad though when you run out and go sober a bit, you end up hating the personality of the sober you! I do at least!!


Active Member
I've been dry for almost three weeks... it's painful especially when I haven't popped a seed yet. they are soaking as we speak.


Well-Known Member
But that also means our tolerance will be lower the next time we get some!! So its all good. Kinda :(


Active Member
Yes, after taking some time off, my tolerance is substantially lower and I usually get a damn good buzz on that first bong session... can't wait.


Well-Known Member
lmfaoaymf's :grin:
What up Tam?

Yeah, stoners can be funny people!! Its sad though when you run out and go sober a bit, you end up hating the personality of the sober you! I do at least!!
I don't know which one I dis-like more? The "sober me" or the "now I freaking gotta go on the hunt again" me. Lets just say that I'm in a town that is either feast or famin if ya know what I mean, and lately seems to be more famin. lol Why I started my garden in the first place! That and the cost.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have to drive an hour and fifteen minutes for the "safest hunt", and it is $100 to $120 a qtr! So I started my grow for the same reasons!


Active Member
What up Tam?

I don't know which one I dis-like more? The "sober me" or the "now I freaking gotta go on the hunt again" me. Lets just say that I'm in a town that is either feast or famin if ya know what I mean, and lately seems to be more famin. lol Why I started my garden in the first place! That and the cost.
Yeah, I have to drive an hour and fifteen minutes for the "safest hunt", and it is $100 to $120 a qtr! So I started my grow for the same reasons!
AMEN! This is much more fun safe and rewarding. peace


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the punishment is much more severe! Its kinda like horse thieves way back when. They were hung for stealing essentially the cars of their time. We are locked away for years for ingesting something into our bodies which brings us a state of mental clearity, or fogginess, that can't be found any other way and brings no harm to us or bout anyone else. F'ed when I break it down like that.


Well-Known Member
What up Tam?

yo bigman! i was laughin my ass off at ya'll mutha fuckers :)

Yeah, I have to drive an hour and fifteen minutes for the "safest hunt", and it is $100 to $120 a qtr! So I started my grow for the same reasons!
damn gumball how long have you been out of smoke? i can make a phone call and get it delivered to my door ;) lol

Yeah, but the punishment is much more severe! Its kinda like horse thieves way back when. They were hung for stealing essentially the cars of their time. We are locked away for years for ingesting something into our bodies which brings us a state of mental clearity, or fogginess, that can't be found any other way and brings no harm to us or bout anyone else. F'ed when I break it down like that.
that couldnt have been said better gumball


Well-Known Member
I've only been out a few days. I had bought a bag the day before my wife lost her job, and it lasted till this past weekend. Then a good friend left me a couple small buds. That last qtr I got lasted me 2 weeks though by myself, so I was proud for that. Funny though cause when my wife is sharing a qtr lasts me 2 weeks as well.


Active Member
I've only been out a few days. I had bought a bag the day before my wife lost her job, and it lasted till this past weekend. Then a good friend left me a couple small buds. That last qtr I got lasted me 2 weeks though by myself, so I was proud for that. Funny though cause when my wife is sharing a qtr lasts me 2 weeks as well.
I'm lucky, my wife can't smoke and is indifferent to it. I can drag out a qtr over a month to two months... with three kids, I don't blow it out too often, obviously.:leaf:

any new pics gumball?


Well-Known Member
I've only been out a few days. I had bought a bag the day before my wife lost her job, and it lasted till this past weekend. Then a good friend left me a couple small buds. That last qtr I got lasted me 2 weeks though by myself, so I was proud for that. Funny though cause when my wife is sharing a qtr lasts me 2 weeks as well.
sooo, uhm are you saying you waste a lot of smoke? just kidding...


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky, my wife can't smoke and is indifferent to it. I can drag out a qtr over a month to two months... with three kids, I don't blow it out too often, obviously.:leaf:

any new pics gumball?
WOW!! i might could drag it out that long, but i pretty much stay stoned when i have it. i just take a toke or 2 here or there through the day. i dragged one bag out 3 weeks, but i didnt smoke in the morning. haha

no new pics tonight, busy with cleaning!

sooo, uhm are you saying you waste a lot of smoke? just kidding...
yeah, a little. i can say i use to be able to take some good hits, never blow it out. but lately i have noticed i dont seem to have the same lung strength. age, it sucks!!


Well-Known Member
wel i finally seen roots hit the wall on the lemon skunk, so I wrapped it with black fabric to keep the light from hitting them. it hasnt really grown much, but i think that energy is going to the roots, and once they hit the bottom i think it will take off!

the bagseed is still funny growing those single bladed leaves. almost like a reveg!! i started the LST on her today. the stem below the new growth is hard, but it is really over 2 months old, and just about 2-3 weeks of new growth.

daniels, the last 2 pictures show what cropping does. they are the same picture, but the picture named "before1" was only resized to 800x600 because of RIU's limit, and the picture "after1" was cropped, then resized to 800x600. thats with 12 mega pixel camera.

let me know what y'all think of my grow, all comments and criticism all welcome my fellow growers.


Well-Known Member
thanks CT, temps are staying between 82-85. i like to angle em at the light to make them bitches work for it :hump: