Active Member
How is the housing market on the area? Seems like my kind of state, although there is no 'salty' water around 

I understand the point of your post, but disagree with the above statement.But the point most people miss regarding them is that if any one command is broken - someone is hurt.
I'm used to the abuse by now but I do appreciate that...Abe23, I must apolgize to you and anyone else that has been ofended by Justines cutting remark.
The Ten Commandments: they have been the foundation for government and moral code for many people and nations.
But the point most people miss regarding them is that if anyone command is broken - someone is hurt.
Do no harm to yourself or another or God if you believe in Him is the under lying theme.
Yet most people turn it into a religious thing and 'damn' them, the Ten, all together, so to speak. Hatred of a simple and common sence code baffels me.
Immigration is much the same way. Illegal immigration deals with the violation of that law. All illegals know they are violating it and still choose to do so.
Do you see any good coming from that kind of law?
Do you see any harm coming from the violation of immigration law?
Is there a 'penalty' or harm done to an innocent person for the violation of that law?
Any damage or negitive cost incured by an innocent person?
Look at who is harmed by violating a law.
Regarding the Ten Commandments: It's the right of free speach and in the power of the State to present them. No law violated there. And it say the 'Lord thy God' if you have one or not. It applies to you if you do and has now control over you if you don't. That's called free will. You can choose to abide by then or not.
Making Marijuana legal in many states corrected a created or legislated harm as it was harmless to begin with.
Look how many lies it took to make it illegal.
Immigration Law were for Idenification and managed control of people coming into this country because without such control, a harm would be created.
Non-enforcement has created the harm that now resides in countless communities.
Proper laws create protection from harm.
Improper laws create harm.
Think about it.
Look at all the laws in that light and then you may see the different types of laws we have.
Most of our laws now adays are Revenue Enhancement Laws in this country.
Why do you think that is?
And who do they harm? Is there a harm to Revenue Enhancement Laws??
BTW The Love of money IS the root of all evil.
sort of.This is also something I've already mentioned to you, but just listening to a lot of the things being said about 'illegal immigration' and assimilation, language and culture by people who are up in arms about this issue, it seems like it's not really about them being undocumented and much more about them being hispanic. Am I wrong?
Literally like typing at wall, man....sort of.
for sure its about them being hispanic with SOME people. just as some dont except blacks, christians, jews, muslim ect. that will always be the case.
but from the conservative veiwpoint its much more about the law. conservatives dont accept that people who come here and start gang violence, human trading etc should be coddled. and for damn sure they shouldnt recieve free medical care, welfare, blah blah blah.
if there are immigrants from anywhere who want to come here and work to advance their family, life, etc. great, we want you. its the other end of the spectrum that has literally destroyed several large city areas and turned them into cesspools of crime.
bottom line, if you are willing to follow the law and come here legally we welcome you with open arms. if you are coming here against the law, you shouldnt be rewarded.
unfortunately for hispanic immigrants, there is a very visible sector of their immigrants who are very bad people. so people paint them with a broad brush. said (my response in blue)
Sure, the ten commandments are a pretty solid guidelines for how to behave in society, but so are our laws and the reality is that our country was founded on secular humanist principles, not religious ones.
Not true. Recheck your history. It was the establishment of any particular religion by the government was made unconstitutional via the 1st amendment.
Bottom line is that it is ( what is it? ) just as unconstitutional as warrantless searches, denying criminals the right to habeas corpus petition or denying you your right to bear arms. If we amend the constitution, then OK can put baby jesus in the courthouse but right now doing that would break our most basic laws, i.e. the bill of rights.
Wrong again. A State may do what they want according to their constitution. Remember- we are each independent countries that have United; became part of a Union of States but no State was required to give up their Constitutional rights and powers. History 101. OK can tell Uncle Scam to pound sand on this and the only repercussion will be extortion by Washington DCt do what we say or lose the money you have a right to from us. Etc.
Also, there's nothing wrong with religion in my book, but that's not where morality should come from.
Should it come from public schools? Magazines? NPR? FOX or MSNBC? Public Opinion?
If you need the ten commandments to tell you that killing, stealing and lying are wrong, you are probably a pretty shitty person. You will know this about me by now, but I also can't stand the hypocrisy of some religious people, (keep religion out of it dont add to the post.) who are aghast about abortion and euthanasia, but don't really care all that much about people who die because they lack health insurance or get killed because we send them into war without thinking it through completely.
(So are you blaming religion for that or just all religious people? This is where you what religions to do as YOU say and/or want. And if they do something different than what you say or want then all religions and religious people are wrong and bad. Sounds like you want Gods job.. )
Finally, immigration. People would not be entering the country illegally if it weren't for the promise of jobs.
(Which is illegal to hire them. See what happens when that law is NOT enforced?)
The reason our job market has been so tight until the recent recession is that we aren't opening the borders enough to let in people who could be doing those jobs legally. (?) If we crack down on undocumented immigrants and the employers who hire them without first addressing the problems in our labor market, the job market tightens and we end up with inflation. (a compounded train wreck in the making with the linking of those two separate entities.)
And I've said this before, if we make it easier for the right people to immigrate to america legally,
(currently you can come to the States if you have a valid job waiting. Aspen job markets are full of Kiwis and Aussies and Euro trash (LOL ! snicker, snicker) all with valid jobs for the taking prior to their coming here. What you are saying is not as fact based as you think it is.)
then I'm all for harsher border controls and deporting people whenever practical. To his credit, bush actually tried to do something about this, but he got cockblocked by the nativists in the republican party... (?)
This is also something I've already mentioned to you, but just listening to a lot of the things being said about 'illegal immigration' and assimilation, language and culture by people who are up in arms about this issue, it seems like it's not really about them being undocumented and much more about them being hispanic. Am I wrong?
For the most part yes. If you go to an area infested with one nationality- their will be problems with that culture. Boil it down and you will see its being here illegally that gets people in the biggest twist.
I'm trying to learn from you but every conversation end in a dead end. Just like this...You are beyond understanding. And without comprehension. You play the 'learn as you go' game but learn nothing on the way. You have a right to your opinion but that does not mean you opinion is right.
Merry Christmas to you to!
Ok, assuming you are correct, how is that any different from what al quaeda is doing in the name of islam?Merry Christmas to you to!
Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor by killing those that killed Christ. Now that's some twisted 'logic' !! ??
amazing how many people fell for this garbage. sounds very much like ahmegonnaneedahandjob from iran....he is just a peace loving person who is misunderstood....scary scary stuff. thanks for sharing that natrone.
not very different at all. and here is the problem for muslims, they havent launched a worldwide PR campaign to call these scumbags out. everytime you see some leader in the muslim community they sidestep the issue and make excuses for it.Ok, assuming you are correct, how is that any different from what al quaeda is doing in the name of islam?
Yea, I agree with that entirely....not very different at all. and here is the problem for muslims, they havent launched a worldwide PR campaign to call these scumbags out. everytime you see some leader in the muslim community they sidestep the issue and make excuses for it.
if they would only call a spade....