Growth Under Medic Grow LED Grow Lights

Grow Photoperiod clones with Medic Grow Fold 8 LED Grow Light :weed:
Another 5 days have passed. Its now 10 days on the 12x12 light schedule. Yesterday they got their first full feeding with a bloom mix, Greenleaf's MegaCrop with Sweet Candy, Bud Explosion & Kelp Extract. I had to raise the light up a couple of inches (due to ongoing stretch) but am keeping it at 40%. Should start to see some flower development within a few more days.
Melonsicle grow show under Medic Grow Spectrum X and Spectrum Y
Ok guys and gals the total yield was 2427 grams
#1 135 grams
#2 243.5 grams
#3 186 grama
#4 333 grams
#5 667 grams (that plant that I said was about a lb I was off a half lb it ended up being 1.5 lbs
#6 339 grams
Mk-Ultra 300 grams
Kandy Kush 224grams
My grams per watt was 1.38 and 2.5lbs per light
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Swapped from earthbox to 10gal grassroots living soil pots but each are holding same amount as an earthbox which is 1cu ft! Also since my local guys soil is inconsistent on the ph and I am gonna be supplementing with a knf regimen I made my own soil! Did 2cu ft of promix + 1cu ft of oly mountain fish compost + 1cu ft 50/50 blend of fungal dominated compost and leaf mold compost + pumice and rice hulls and did a hybrid coots recipe for amendments but did it light so it’ll work with my upcoming nute regimen!
Ok so I went ahead and lowered my light today to get some better photons on the girls! I measured just now (both hanging height and ppfd) and I think we are gonna be much better off going forward!
So 1st the hanging height……
It’s 48” over the girls exactly (so obv was like 64”+ previously) but seems I’ll leave it here til I need to raise it as they get big!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Well so far so good! Light is about 48” over plants still at 80% and no stretching or anything happening so no complaints here! Plants are digging the FOLD 8 light much more then the old qb lights I rocked for a while!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
So been slacking on updating here cuz plants kinda slowed a tad and were stressing me out but I finally realized I was crazy underwatering them! Think why also started to get a tad hungry was cuz lack of water they weren’t able to uptake nutrients! Finally upped the amount I was giving em and also started watering more frequently so should get back on track soon!
So far the Medic Grow Fold 8 is doing great! Does seem to run warm but not crazy hot so I take fan and an inkbird temp controller keeps me around 85 which is def reasonable being in the summer heat here! From 48” ppfd test tho not sure I’ll need to put it to 100% power if I’m not adding co2 but we’ll see once bloom is initiated and we get further along!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Time for another update on the ladies! Doing ok but think I’m seeing what can happen with too much humic acid in the mix! Not positive that’s it but can’t think of any other reason they’d be looking hungry! Not only had food in the soil but also had few knf feeds also and think the humic in the feeding schedule has made too much food available and caused issues! Swapping over to plain water for a bit too see if things turn around!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Well due to self imposed issues I had been slacking on updating the plants cuz really didn’t do much for a bit besides get really lime green! Had food in soil but built it light so started adding in the knf stuff but plants just kept getting lighter! Not sure if it was all watering related or what but a light topdressing to the back right 1 along with a few foliars (she had Mg issues too) but got here back on track so went ahead and gave the other 3 the same topdressing no then just doing water only until they start to look hungry in bloom and then I’ll add me in a flower food for them! Think my knf regimen is gonna work best starting from totally neutral soil base! Regardless at least they are all now back on track and looking waaaay better!
This was about a week ago before topdress!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
So glad that the ladies are back on track now! My last watering I did go ahead and try to start the bloom feeds but 2 girls got minor tip burn in a few spots which I suspect may be the bloom ferment! I haven’t strained my full spectrum so used some from my stockpile and did mango/kiwi but lil stronger dose then usual which is prob the culprit! The 2 garlic sherbert tho took the feed and kept on a trucking!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Been slacking on updates cuz plants had been giving me grief! Got em all greened up and started going light green again on me! Couldn’t figure out why they were so hungry but finally doing something in the pots I had to pull the mulch back and realized I’ve got fungus gnats or something running around in my soil! Now wishing I had ordered nematodes back when I set these pots up! Ordered 5million yesterday that’ll go out Monday to be here Wednesday! Til then not giving nutrients so I can instead water in a 4:1 ratio of h2o2 so I can kill any newly hatched larvae and then the nematodes can take care of the rest! I’m just glad I finally noticed them before they were so far into bloom that it totally screwed my harvest up!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Well we just over a month into bloom (32ish days but who’s countin :rofl:) and seem to be heading in right direction now! Got 1/2 a batch of 10mill nematodes applied to the 4 ladies and been doing just water only to see how they’d respond and seems to be working! Think having some food in soil/ plus a topdressing during veg/ and my knf waterings been overdosing the girls! Gonna do few more water only feeds to see how it goes but not having gnats eating the roots up or whatever them creatures were it should help them get back to being able to uptake nutrients as they need to!
Can def say the girls are enjoying the Fold 8 from Medic Grow LED Even at 80% getting plenty of lumens and pretty easy to keep tent 85F/60% without intake and exhaust fans running nonstop!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Ok so first we’re gonna update as to what become of the cannarado girl! Way back when I cracked main stem and fixed with honey and superglue I thought I had her fixed cuz perked up and was growing pretty damn good but apparently that superglue got inside the crack and did something toxic inside!
So ya she never really developed any buds and looked like it was maybe starting to hermie so experiment over she went in the garbage can! Oh well live and learn and next time it’ll be a duct tape patch if it happens again!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
As for the other 3 they are doing good! About 50 days into flower so should be entering the home stretch! The @DragonSeeds wedding drake says 8-9 weeks flower and believe the garlic sherbert are about the same!
Mark’s Medic Grow Fold 8 + KNF grow
Well today’s day 56 of bloom and regardless when I take them it’s still safe to say we in the home stretch! 1 garlic sherbert def looks ahead of the other 2 girls so prob get scope out soon and get a peek of her although I have no plans of rushing her if she’s still swelling up!
So far can say the Fold 8 from @Medic Grow LED is def working great! Need to find out if removing driver is possible cuz I haven’t been able to get light to 100% power or my tent would be well over 90 degrees and that I can’t do! 87F with 60% rh seems to be ok but over 90 is def too hot! If it can’t be removed maybe they have an upgrade with a removable driver I can try at some point!