Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum

Why autos for outdoor, you just want somthing guarenteed or what? Id have figured youd want reg beans for some biggins.

autoflowering plants will get quite large if given a nice big container.

they are also nice for us northern folks who have our flowering season cut short due to frost and cold weather coming in around October.
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see the goos fuckass in the second pic
Poor little baby, shes from the hood bro, had a rough upbringing. Hopefully one day she will overcome the tyranny of the oppressive .........i dont know really where that rant was going. Did you clone her, i forgot, if not, why not? Start over with some nice fresh roots and rapid growth. Gooooo gooster!
you ever play with those paper footballs when you were younger? that goo looks like the perfect field goal, lol

Baaahahahahahaa !!! Thats why i said it looks like its ready to mainline, it looks just like the pictures in budbuckets mainlineing thread before you go to four heads lol
Poor little baby, shes from the hood bro, had a rough upbringing. Hopefully one day she will overcome the tyranny of the oppressive .........i dont know really where that rant was going. Did you clone her, i forgot, if not, why not? Start over with some nice fresh roots and rapid growth. Gooooo gooster!

im thinkin about it bro
Have you researched on what the plants like as far as humidity? I've always wanted to grow a tree outside but not being able to control everything scares me. I think he meant the buds rotting from excess humidity and tight bud clusters ninja. You might be thinking of root rot from poor drainage.