Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum

I will keep mothers of all and clone the hell out of them, I have 4 months till outdoor season starts so I will veg them and keep cloning till i have about 15 or so big healthy plants. Then in April I will put them outside to veg the rest of the summer. I expect monsters and can only imagine cola size with the yield these strains are said to produce.
Yo GMan ! Not to step on your April 1 due date but you may want to go a bit earlier. It will be better for you to go out March 23-24 as the full moon is set at the 27th. The added nights under the light of the moon will help those ladies acclimate to their new environment. Iv'e always been told that if transplanting outdoors you should use as much of the moon light for a one week period. I have done this before. Again T'm not trying to tell you what to do , just a thought from past experience and lots of reading on gardens and the moon phase.
Need mo beer ? I do . HeHe
Ya actually a beer sounds good, ive been wanting one for a couple hours now. On the serious though, moon light is the one type of light that doesnt interfere with the plants dark period so why wouldnt you want to include it in the lighting shedule. I had that thought when i bought my LED and its been in the vault for a while. The answers probably in the LED section somewhere..pssht*beer cracking open* to LED i go, high ho, high ho, off to LED i go :):)
Im going to add it to the lights I already have. I wish i could just use my 600 but theres no way.

And swamp thanks for the input I may do that I was aiming for late april, but i might go earlier, i just dont want them to flower then have to reveg.
(Moon cycles posted by cannawizard)
Since ancient times man has observed the effect of the moon on living organisms, especially his crops. Planting and harvest dates based on moon cycles are still found in the Old Farmer�s Almanac. The moon takes 28 to 29 days to completely orbit the earth. This cycle is divided into four one-week phases. It starts as the new moon waxes (begins to enlarge) for a week until the quarter moon and another week until the moon is full. Then the waning (shrinking) cycle begins and the moon passes back for two weeks through another quarter to reach the beginning of the cycle with a new moon. Most cultivators agree that the best time for planting is on the waxing moon, and the best time to harvest is on the waning moon. Exact new moons, full moons, and quarter moons are avoided as these are times of interplanetary stress. Planting, germinating, grafting, and layering are most favored during phases 1 and 2. The best time is a few days before the full moon. Phases 3 and 4 are most beneficial for harvesting and pruning.

Root growth seems accelerated at the time of the new moon, possibly as a response to increased gravitational pull from the alignment of sun and moon. It also seems that floral cluster formation is slowed by the full moon. Strong, full moonlight is on the borderline of being enough light to cease floral induction entirely. Although this never happens, if a plant is just about to begin floral growth, it may be delayed a week by a few nights of bright moonlight.

Conversely, plants begin floral growth during the dark nights of the new moon. More research is needed to explain the mysterious effects of moon cycles on Cannabis... ---Almanac

This is good beer :) hope this sheds some extra light on the topic ;)
Im going to add it to the lights I already have. I wish i could just use my 600 but theres no way.

And swamp thanks for the input I may do that I was aiming for late april, but i might go earlier, i just dont want them to flower then have to reveg.
This is a quote from a norcal guy , you may have heard about him, Tom Hill. He knows his stuff. In the absence of garden lighting (which I am going to use this year, as well as flirting with the idea of the weather dependent April 19/20th transplant), I like to plant -if possible- during a waxing moon, a few days to a week before it is full. I believe the full moon is in fact bright enough to delay flowering some and this helps to account for earlier or later harvests from year to year when growing the same lines etc...
This is a quote from a norcal guy , you may have heard about him, Tom Hill. He knows his stuff. In the absence of garden lighting (which I am going to use this year, as well as flirting with the idea of the weather dependent April 19/20th transplant), I like to plant -if possible- during a waxing moon, a few days to a week before it is full. I believe the full moon is in fact bright enough to delay flowering some and this helps to account for earlier or later harvests from year to year when growing the same lines etc...
You know what swamp, since the moon light is so outmatched to sunlight i think that a simple led single at the right wavelength at the right height would put out enough to replicate moon rays. Maybe one over each plant.....just like the model city at the start of Beetlejuice....tim burton