Growitup Greenhouse 2011


Well-Known Member
You sound almost exactly like Derek from the John Doe Radio podcast.

In Colorado by chance?
Nope, I'm here in Cali man.

Lol, a genuine cool story bro!
The funny part was my friend freaked out and climbed the nearest tree, the tree was small, he got about 15 feet up and it bent over and he ended up in the creek. Hell of a way to wake up man, we stayed at the camp grounds after that.


Well-Known Member
The funny part was my friend freaked out and climbed the nearest tree, the tree was small, he got about 15 feet up and it bent over and he ended up in the creek. Hell of a way to wake up man, we stayed at the camp grounds after that.
That sounds straight out of a movie man, must've been so surreal at the time. I woke up with a huntsman spider in my tent once, frick knows how it got in there but it is fair to say I shat bricks when I saw it. I'm fairly arachnophobic with regular spiders, but this thing looked like the predator of the arachnids.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I hadn't seen one of those so I Google it, That is one big mother. I'd be out of there right quick.
Yea, if my story was a movie it would a been censored, He was bare ass naked. Not much water in the creek but he made a splash alright.
Not exactly something ya wanna see if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Haha, know what you mean mate.

That silverjack mother looks great cruz, hopefully the daughters will turn out just as nice.


Well-Known Member
Oh they are, This is my favorite part of the grow.
I dig it when they start flowering. All those pistils look like a fireworks show.

Here's some shots of the kids.

They stretched just about as much as I thought they would, couple inches more. I got some bird netting left over from last year that I am going to use to support the buds. Gonna hang it over the stick and poke the buds through it on each side and they will support themselves. Guess I better get that up pretty soon.

In one more week I will be back up to 12 hours of light a day.
I was thinking I would ditch the light then, but now I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I think that your results are good enough that you will still do better than the winter flower even without the light. But they sure do look good with the light!


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to see the lower stuff on the Jack clones yellow now. Some is to be expected, I'm glad I added that fish emulsion the other day but the res stinks.
Today I drained the res, filled it halfway and added 650ppm of grow nutes. fed them once and drained it all out. Gonna run fresh a couple days then back on bloom.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the silver jack mom needs a little more help.

I got a center tie point and tied up to that.

Then I got that bird net stuff and supported all the girls.

I cut a square out and poked the side colas through.

One side supports the other, looks like it will work great.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that complement Wow. One of my favorite things to do is get stoned and think of different ways to do things.
I look at a product and think "how can I make that for less" Most of the time I end up spending the same amount of money just finding ways it wont work and end up buying the dam thing anyway. (like my chiller) But sometimes... well, more often then not it works.


Well-Known Member
Even when they don't work, the whole production is just a good thing to keep busy with. And if you can overcome the problems, man the satisfaction is worth it!


Well-Known Member
You got it man. Keeps me busy and when it works, well that's just a bonus.

I got a good look at the Master Kush today, She is the last girl to get started out there. I really like starting from seed. The symmetrical growth as apposed to alternating nodes I think will do better screened so I think I am going to start from seed this summer. Now I am leaning towards half Tangerine dream and half Master Kush.

Here's a couple shots of the Master Kush.

I get some condensation that drops on the leaf and with the light it burns a little. Otherwise I'd say she's pretty green.



Well-Known Member
Looks amazing buddy as always, woo half tangerine dream sounds very tasty, i need to try that as soon as i can find it.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, Yea I went to the Attitude seed bank link here and found some, shit I am like a kid in a candy store.
Now I got Barneys Tangerine Dream, Green House Bubba Kush, Train wreck and Nirvana Pure Power Plant on the list.