growing weed in prison new help


New Member
hahah its making my stomach hurt and im fine with that. haha you getting mad at there stupidity might be worse then them seeing words that aren't there.
i'm hot mad @all :bigjoint: But trying to figure out the multi-thread function....:wall: I'm baked and have a cat crawling across my keyboard.....bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
you're gonna have to avoid showers....and whenever u have access to sunlight you're gonna have to stand in the corner of the yard with your back turned to everybody else....where you will pull up the left sleeve of your pants....where a marijuana plant is being trained to grow in a spiral around your calf.....the soil is in your shoe....u will have to build a small set of walls extended from the top of your shoe (use plastic of some sort and tape well to make sure it stays in place) (u will also have to pretend to be violent and demented and at the same time make sure never to make eye contact with ANYONE to assure you are not harassed while you lounge in the sun discreetly) (last but not least you will have to walk on a limp, you're right leg, to make sure the soil is not disrupted) everything else you will figure out as you go along.... good luck to you, and your unlikely 2 gram marijuana harvest! :leaf:
LOL this thread is making my side hurt.

I hope you do actually do this. It would be funny to see a video about a UK prison over run with pot plants. Good luck


Well-Known Member
If you read the sentence he is quoting you will not find the word "almost".
lol i must of quoted the wrong post or just read it wrong, or was baked an added words of my own =D

Edit: Oh ye i think i was refering to something i had said earlier about almost all laws harming someone but was quoting that post as an answer.....hmm very confusing.


Well-Known Member
you better beleave that there is more drugs to see you right in jail i make more money in jail sell drugs than you can think of you can make £70 off £10 worth of heroin,£35 for 1 subutex,mobile fones about £400 to £1000,2oz burn for a 1skin joint
seriously your wondering why people are thinking you cant pull this off. You state that you have been caught many times. So now I think there is no way in hell your gonna be able to pull this off. As simple of a plan as it is. Not being rude or attacking you, but getting caught more than once is a sign to go another route. its just the rules of statistics/probability man. Good luck to ya though at apparently your Jailhouse entrepreneurial smuggling service.


Well-Known Member
seriously your wondering why people are thinking you cant pull this off. You state that you have been caught many times. So now I think there is no way in hell your gonna be able to pull this off. As simple of a plan as it is. Not being rude or attacking you, but getting caught more than once is a sign to go another route. its just the rules of statistics/probability man. Good luck to ya though at apparently your Jailhouse entrepreneurial smuggling service.
Seriously read everything before making useless comments or repeating the same crap....

Everyone has expressed their opinions on why this is a bad idea and no one cares. This isnt a place for people opinions, its a thread on growing weed in prison. If you have nothing useful to add then don't bother posting.

It Can and Has been done.....



Well-Known Member
Seriously read everything before making useless comments or repeating the same crap....

Everyone has expressed their opinions on why this is a bad idea and no one cares. This isnt a place for people opinions, its a thread on growing weed in prison. If you have nothing useful to add then don't bother posting.

It Can and Has been done.....

Lol mate everything here is just an opinon. My opinion on growing weed in prison is that it wont work =D I think its a usefull opinion and ive already said why.

And if you are refering to the link posted earlier where weed was grown in Japan then that doesnt really count. The article says that the seeds where already in the soil that was used for the gardening of the prison. It was probably wild and completely un intended therefore making it not grown by anyone.


Well-Known Member
All the people who are saying it is a bad idea watch to much CSI.

Prison is not what you think it is, Especially a Cat C prison in the UK.

Its not like hes trying to grow crops for himself to smoke, that would be stupid, he wants to plant some plants in the yard.....

I dont understand why everyone just says its a bad idea, especially people who have absolutely No Idea what they are talking about for this subject.



Well-Known Member
what if i was to say"brewing beer in prison"do you think that can be done....yes?/no?

the answer is yes every single day hooch is being made/drank inside jail on a daily basis, even in high secuity cat a prisons and thats gotta be harder than putting a few seeds under a bit of soil and letting them do there own thing.....think about it.


Well-Known Member
All the people who are saying it is a bad idea watch to much CSI.

Prison is not what you think it is, Especially a Cat C prison in the UK.

Its not like hes trying to grow crops for himself to smoke, that would be stupid, he wants to plant some plants in the yard.....

I dont understand why everyone just says its a bad idea, especially people who have absolutely No Idea what they are talking about for this subject.

You speak from experience?

Why waste money on expensive seeds then just to throw them into some soil where they prob wont grow at all?


Well-Known Member
haha idk bro i think weed growin in prison is sumthin u would see in csi , and bout the brewin beer thats a hella alot easier then growin a freakin plant let alone sumthing good anough to harvest, if its done u will probly end up wit sumthin not even worth smoking if ur doin it for the fuck of it good luck bro


Well-Known Member
haha idk bro i think weed growin in prison is sumthin u would see in csi , and bout the brewin beer thats a hella alot easier then growin a freakin plant let alone sumthing good anough to harvest, if its done u will probly end up wit sumthin not even worth smoking if ur doin it for the fuck of it good luck bro
read the tread....dont plan on growing to harvest,just gonna throw a few seeds in the ground and let them do there own thing...and sit back and buzz off the screws running around in a panic when they start to grow.


Well-Known Member
You speak from experience?

Why waste money on expensive seeds then just to throw them into some soil where they prob wont grow at all?
What money is being wasted? Why is it in EVERY thread theres someone who just has to force their opinion down everyone elses throats. We understand your opinion and that you think its a bad idea.

This thread wasnt made for people to say why it shouldnt be done.... It was made because the guy is going to a slack prison and wants to have some fun while he's there... Hes not even trying to do anything with the weed, how fucking hard is it to throw some bagseed in the ground and see what happens while your there.

If you've got nothing useful to add why bother posting?



Well-Known Member
What money is being wasted? Why is it in EVERY thread theres someone who just has to force their opinion down everyone elses throats. We understand your opinion and that you think its a bad idea.

This thread wasnt made for people to say why it shouldnt be done.... It was made because the guy is going to a slack prison and wants to have some fun while he's there... Hes not even trying to do anything with the weed, how fucking hard is it to throw some bagseed in the ground and see what happens while your there.

If you've got nothing useful to add why bother posting?


thanks +rep like you say how hard can it be soil is soil and seeds are seeds in jail or out of jail