growing my first plants and i really have no idea


New Member
Hey Guys,

I registered hoping for some help.
Im seeding 3 lemon skunk automatics from dna genetics.
I placed them each in a coconut soil disc, which i keep constantly wet, 6 days ago.
One of the seeds barely broke up, one barely started growing a root, and one grow a really long root, pushing the plant out of the coconut soil, it even fell out, so i needed to place it back it, but there is still only the root visible, the plant part still hasnt come out from the seedling.
Questions i have : What mistakes have i done so far? :D
When, and in what type of earth do i replant? When do i place them into the sun? Do i keep the soil less wet? Do i give them any nutritions? and if so, when?
I'd really appreciate, if someone could give me a bit of an step-by-step guide.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Well-Known Member
You should have them in a humidity dome,seeds should be covered with medium say 1/4~1/2 in.For light a small 7~15watt florescent about 12" above will work.


Well-Known Member
Seems like some basic research would give you all the answers you need man! Just read some threads on here and watch videos on YouTube. Tons of info out there. What needs to be said has been already :)


Seems like some basic research would give you all the answers you need man! Just read some threads on here and watch videos on YouTube. Tons of info out there. What needs to be said has been already :)
This guy is right, though my but because I’m here when you make it to transplanting use fox farm ocean forest. It’s a really hot amended soil meaning it has nutrients in it already so you can use just freshwater for 2 to 3 weeks. That’s just my experience.