Growing marijuana is so difficult because it is illegal

It is a gateway drug to me and many old friends, i got lucky and made it back to the gate but some didnt R.I.P.

Its wasnt science but our own stupidity, the last guy i knew who took his life from meth got his first hit of weed from me years ago. Do i feel guilty.... hell yes, i was a dumb fuck back then.

In my town weed is the biggest gateway you really dont want to walk through but for you maybe shits different, kids there toke a joint and dont want to know what coke, speed or pills are like hopefully.
How about alcohol? It kills more people than all illegal drugs combined. That' the first choice of many. If you go from weed to heroin or meth its not because you smoked weed. You do it because you have some mental problems
Truth is, and I've seen it many times, people who become addicted to hard drugs already had a psychological problem leading to that. They don't need cannabis as a gateway drug, they go straight with paint, glue, etc.

I had a bully in junior high, you could tell the guy was poised for perdition. I had a friend who had very strong character and physically strong and they began to do many drugs together such as :
Smoke weed, swallow a 12-pack of beer each, then inhale thinner, etc. like crazy.

They tried all the drugs then did Toloache also known in Mexico as "The Devil's weed" you can read about it in Castaneda's books.
The thing is hallucinogenic but towards dark/negative shit and it is also highly toxic, it is like a poison, to the point that it actually grows in every lot in Mexico and it is not even regulated because since nobody dares to use it then people don't really look for it, don't even know it.

No only they skipped the warnings but they actually made tea/milk from so many of these plants when in reality you only need drops. Then they started using it almost daily as if it were a milkshake.

The result: The bully became absolutely insane and you find him walking barefoot in the streets.
My friend simply quit drugs as he said he didn't need them and he is healthy and strong.
Weed brings you into contact with harder drugs in my town, the dealers here are ruthless.

For you its not a gateway but here it is used as such and as weed is pushed onto ten and eleven year olds its not hard to see why they are doing harder stuff by age 14!
how is someone forcing harder drugs on u make it a gateway??? get a grip!

Scroll back and quote where ive said exactly that!!! What i said is the weed is forced on you and that opens up the possibility of a gateway, not that hard drugs are forced on you!!!

Trying to put words in my mouth that i never said, you on hard drugs or what cause your talking crap again and loosing your grip!!!

I think most of this 'is it/isn't it a gateway stems from the legalization points. If it isnt it has more validity for legalization but if it is then thats a bad thing for legalization.
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Weed brings you into contact with harder drugs in my town, the dealers here are ruthless.

For you its not a gateway but here it is used as such and as weed is pushed onto ten and eleven year olds its not hard to see why they are doing harder stuff by age 14!
right here......
right here......

You said i quoted that hard drugs are forced on people, dont see that ive said that anywhere. Please highlight where my statement quotes that as im confused?

The above statement quotes me as saying weed (not hard drugs) is pushed onto kids!
how is someone forcing harder drugs on u make it a gateway??? get a grip!

Yer but i said weed is pushed not hard drugs and theres a big difference between what i said and your implying i said.

Steroids is a gateway drug in my town, you goto the gym and steroids are pushed onto you, few weeks later the same guys asking if you want coke.

What more of a gateway do you require before you accept the obvious!

I used the word quote as in to quote someone, bit of a breakdown in communication here dude!
everything is a gateway drug in your town isn't it...what about ciggys, caffine, sugar, high fructose corn syrup.....most kids try these drugs first....yes, drugs!
open your eyes
everything is a gateway drug in your town isn't it...what about ciggys, caffine, sugar, high fructose corn syrup.....most kids try these drugs first....yes, drugs!
open your eyes

They aint illegal and already come with guidelines and health warnings and heavy taxes so i thing thats a moot point here ;-)
whats moot, we are talking about gateway drugs correct? you mean to tell me no one in your town knows the warnings of doing illicit need to educate yourself......i'm being very nice, your ignorance is very tiring.
Weed brings you into contact with harder drugs in my town, the dealers here are ruthless.

For you its not a gateway but here it is used as such and as weed is pushed onto ten and eleven year olds its not hard to see why they are doing harder stuff by age 14!
Sounds like you need a new place to live if people are pushing drugs on kids. The city I live in I see fat kids all the time should they ban mcdonalds? Maybe file a law suit against Sony for making the play station. If it weren't for all the video games kids wouldn't sit on their ass all day getting fat, it's the gateway to obesity.
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HMMM...I used tobacco LONG before I tried cannabis. You know why? Because my parents told me not too! What adolescent kid is not rebellious to some degree? I tried cannabis because the older and more popular kids (in my day being a pot head was not only acceptable in school 'clicks' it was very cool) and what kid does not want too 'fit in'. I tried alcohol because I saw adults drinking like they were dying of thirst. what kid does not want to feel like an adult? I tried cocaine because I had money available to me and it was a 'status symbol'. What kid does not want to feel 'better than'. I tried acid because I was a dead head...ok so that is a bit different LOL! Anyway cannabis has never made me do any drugs that I didn't want to do and was exposed too and made aware of mostly by the media, my parents, and the school system. The surest way to get a kid to do something is to tell them they can't!

But as I stated in an earlier post on this thread...MILLIONS of Americans have smoked pot at least once. If the 'gateway' theory had any basis in fact, would there not be millions of smack addicts, meth heads, coke fiends as well? C'mon people! The anti-cannabis propaganda is so pervasive in the US that even some of us 'pot heads' have bought into this absurd ignorance.

As my last point on this subject...many people die each year from medically prescribed drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, aspirin etc. How many deaths can be directly attributed to use of cannabis??? ZERO!!! Not one, not now not ever. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT! LMFAO!!
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HMMM...I used tobacco LONG before I tried cannabis. You know why? Because my parents told me not too! What adolescent kid is not rebellious to some degree? I tried cannabis because the older and more popular kids (in my day being a pot head was not only acceptable in school 'clicks' it was very cool) and what kid does not want too 'fit in'. I tried alcohol because I saw adults drinking like they were dying of thirst. what kid does not want to feel like an adult? I tried cocaine because I had money available to me and it was a 'status symbol'. What kid does not want to feel 'better than'. I tried acid because I was a dead head...ok so that is a bit different LOL! Anyway cannabis has never made me do any drugs that I didn't want to do and was exposed too and made aware of mostly by the media, my parents, and the school system. The surest way to get a kid to do something is to tell them they can't!

But as I stated in an earlier post on this thread...MILLIONS of Americans have smoked pot at least once. If the 'gateway' theory had any basis in fact, would there not be millions of smack addicts, meth heads, coke fiends as well? C'mon people! The anti-cannabis propaganda is so pervasive in the US that even some of us 'pot heads' have bought into this absurd ignorance.

As my last point on this subject...may people die each year from medically prescribed drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, aspirin etc. How many deaths can be directly attributed to use of cannabis??? ZERO!!! Not one, not now not ever. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT! LMFAO!!

Ahh now that is a good point, many have smoked it once and never again or got hooked on the harder stuff.
Sounds like you need a new place to live if people are pushing drugs on kids. The city I live in I see fat kids all the time should they ban mcdonalds? Maybe file a law suit against Sony for making the play station. If it weren't for all the video games kids wouldn't sit on their ass all day getting fat, it's the gateway to obesity.

Tell me about it, i live in a small town of 60,000 and yet were the drugs capital of my country. Drug culture is out of control here which is why the police dont bother with weed much as they got a lot bigger problems.

We dont get many fatties here as going to the gym and taking steroids is more popular so they can fight in town.