Growing In The Loft In The UK

need some opinoins about growing in the loft???
heres wot i plan to do
board over the roof juists with plasterboard, then fix loft insulation to the board, then board over that then finish with black and white plastic for reflective so its like a sandwich, WAIT i here you say? why not insulate the roof joists then board over that??? the reason is to get cold air under the roof tiles, thus trying to creat a cold spot to stop the helicopters finding it. just gunna use 4 250w hps (they dont creat that much heat but i want to put a small oil filled radiator in to keep the space at around 65 degrese
also there will be 2 1x1x2 tents in there
i have all the materials already.

how many people have converted their lofts in to bedrooms in the uk, and how many have got a central heating radiator in that bedroom, as long as you have insulated the heat from directly heating the roof timbers, and then transferring that heat to the roof tiles then no problem whatsoever.

do it.

although i would personaly have 200mm (8") loft insulation between roof space and plasterboard.

lofts that have not been converted to bedrooms are very cold as the heat from the house can not transfer through the loft insulation.

there is cheap stuff at the bottom for you that will do the job perfectly.

and remember that if there are any plastic 4" pipes in your loft, roof sewer vents, etc, the heat will transfer to them and travel up the pipe and look as though there is heat on the tiles around it where it exits the roof, you must lag these pipes too.
or a helicopter with thermal imaging will think you have the start of a house fire, as this is where it shows first, and they will dial 999.

there are a lot of barmy americans on here that should not even be commenting, they do not know the lengths that the uk police will go to, to catch growers in the uk.
you have not been caught yank, but come over here and try it.
two days ago they were flying around our place checking again, we get them 3 times a year here where i stay.
they also check windows too.{9372016}/categories%3C{9372050}/categories%3C{9372230}/specificationsProductType=triple_roll
how many people have converted their lofts in to bedrooms in the uk, and how many have got a central heating radiator in that bedroom, as long as you have insulated the heat from directly heating the roof timbers, and then transferring that heat to the roof tiles then no problem whatsoever.

do it.

although i would personaly have 200mm (8") loft insulation between roof space and plasterboard.

lofts that have not been converted to bedrooms are very cold as the heat from the house can not transfer through the loft insulation.

there is cheap stuff at the bottom for you that will do the job perfectly.

and remember that if there are any plastic 4" pipes in your loft, roof sewer vents, etc, the heat will transfer to them and travel up the pipe and look as though there is heat on the tiles around it where it exits the roof, you must lag these pipes too.
or a helicopter with thermal imaging will think you have the start of a house fire, as this is where it shows first, and they will dial 999.

there are a lot of barmy americans on here that should not even be commenting, they do not know the lengths that the uk police will go to, to catch growers in the uk.
you have not been caught yank, but come over here and try it.
two days ago they were flying around our place checking again, we get them 3 times a year here where i stay.
they also check windows too.}/specificationsProductType=triple_roll

What a load of BS,
show me 1 shred of evidence that a helicopter randomly flew over a house in the UK, switched on thermal imaging camera, picked up excessive heat in a loft and this lead to a bust ?
Please , advise ppl but dont drivel,
Check out uk law,
Everything the Helicopter does is recorded ,
It is not randomly allowed to scan into anyones private property without a warrant from a Judge,
this is a fact,
all the Police propaganda is deffo working on you lot thats for sure,
Heat , from a private residential property is not a reason that any judge in the land will issue a warrant without full evidence, however a serious light leak would not be good ,
I have run 4x600w hps and 2x250w mh lights in my loft for over 3 years,
All inside 2 handbuilt tents using total blackout pvc , black and white is a poor substitute,
there are many great reasons why lofts are useful to grow in from easy climate control to rockwool being bacteria and spore free so acts as a great bug blockade,
i hate scaremongers who's facts are baseless.
i am roofing loft conversion expert and i disagree with you plans.

you should buy some kingspan tp10 100m and cut it to fit between the roof spars. if you want to go all out, do this then over the top of that put some tri-iso super 10. it is a blanket and you just tack it straight on to the spars. expensive but will stop you roof glowing white to a chopper. you won't need plaster board then, you will need an exhaust however as there will be a lot of heat/moisture build up.

(your original idea will work perfect cheap and effective).

and kingspan is not used in roofing, it is a concrete floor, swimming pool, or wall insulation board, and anyway jablite polystyrene board is cheaper and will do the same job.

anyway do what i did i built a room inside a room with the same vacuum flask idea as you have and it works amazing, i built it from plasterboard and 50mm x 50mm timber with the 50mm space between the boards it is a lot cheaper than insulation and there is no heat on the outside space between inner room and outer room.
you can vent cold air in from anywhere you choose and vent it out of a window fan.

i got an 8" window fan fitted in to my kitchen window so any heat looks like it is coming from the house.
also when you staple the black/white to the boards put a small strip of duct tap or cardboard on it and staple through it, it will stop the staples ripping straight through the plastic.
also when you staple the black/white to the boards put a small strip of duct tap or cardboard on it and staple through it, it will stop the staples ripping straight through the plastic.

Good advise , but do not use " black n white " as it is not 100% light proof , Total blackout is the product you need , it consists of 3 layers of the white pvc.............
this is so overplayed and used as a scare tactic .. its works very well though

i have heard so many growers convinced that helicopters are watching them
i always tell these folk its not the helicopters you got to worry about
the stealth bombers and the hubble telescope are watching you too
not to mention echelon

peace :)
What a load of BS,
show me 1 shred of evidence that a helicopter randomly flew over a house in the UK, switched on thermal imaging camera, picked up excessive heat in a loft and this lead to a bust ?
Please , advise ppl but dont drivel,
Check out uk law,
Everything the Helicopter does is recorded ,
It is not randomly allowed to scan into anyones private property without a warrant from a Judge,
this is a fact,
all the Police propaganda is deffo working on you lot thats for sure,
Heat , from a private residential property is not a reason that any judge in the land will issue a warrant without full evidence, however a serious light leak would not be good ,
I have run 4x600w hps and 2x250w mh lights in my loft for over 3 years,
All inside 2 handbuilt tents using total blackout pvc , black and white is a poor substitute,
there are many great reasons why lofts are useful to grow in from easy climate control to rockwool being bacteria and spore free so acts as a great bug blockade,
i hate scaremongers who's facts are baseless.

you talk fucking drivel, i know police that have been busted for having a house with a high heat output, the door was caved in and a copper answered it, ok you know it fucking all you... fucking build yourself a fucking grow loft pal, fill it with plants, i wont see you on the inside, but......... hammy the poof might....... OUCH !!!
Erm , calm down maybe ?
I have a Loft grow @ my work and read back what you typed , see if you can make any sense of it.
Erm , calm down maybe ?
I have a Loft grow @ my work and read back what you typed , see if you can make any sense of it.

lol i agree,

@clonex, how did you set your loft up? did you insulate it and then plasterboard on top?
you talk fucking drivel, i know police that have been busted for having a house with a high heat output, the door was caved in and a copper answered it, ok you know it fucking all you... fucking build yourself a fucking grow loft pal, fill it with plants, i wont see you on the inside, but......... hammy the poof might....... OUCH !!!

Alright Stephanie or is that weegogs I can never tell the 2 of you apart these days.

Talk about split personalities. Why the 2 RIU accounts WEE/Steph?

lol i agree,

@clonex, how did you set your loft up? did you insulate it and then plasterboard on top?

Hey nas2007,

Was already insulated between the boards so i just used total blackout pvc to make the seperate areas, I know ppl who have tents in their loft's just on flooring they have put down and that's it, i also know ppl who have their lofts converted into bedrooms with lights, tv , radiators etc giving off lots of heat , i am of the big opinion that if you stay below 2000w light power and you have no light leaks and know how to keep things to yourself you can go undetected, this is my opinion , scaremongery is rife on this site , such is the internet....
Hey nas2007,

Was already insulated between the boards so i just used total blackout pvc to make the seperate areas, I know ppl who have tents in their loft's just on flooring they have put down and that's it, i also know ppl who have their lofts converted into bedrooms with lights, tv , radiators etc giving off lots of heat , i am of the big opinion that if you stay below 2000w light power and you have no light leaks and know how to keep things to yourself you can go undetected, this is my opinion , scaremongery is rife on this site , such is the internet....

good advise clonex, why do you say below 2000w? just curious,
I am of the opinion that 2000watts of HID light is a managable amount of light to be able to block out using Pvc plastic type materials and velcro and staples etc, Also , the heat given off by 2x1000w hid lights would roughly give off the same amount of heat as say a radiator and a flat screen tv, bedside lamp etc,
If you build more solid rooms or partitions using building materials , wood,plaster boards etc and introduced air con i'm sure going higher would be ok , although this would be more a commercial adventure and i would not advise anyone in the uk to do that in a loft, although it could be done.....
Snap, interesting idea clonex, I suppose as well 2000w is roughly how many watts of electricity a bedroom would use :)

In relation to the OP's post. I personally think that a well insulated loft would be fine for growing in the winter, though during the summer my loft got ridiculously hot which made me decide to stay downstairs.

Though the way our UK summers are going these days...... :)
I agree with you except for although the loft would prob be the hottest room in the summer months , it is also the best room available for discreetly dragging in cooler air from outside and exhausting hot air out, worth also bearing in mind that alot of newer UK properties have these air purifier/ventalation systems fitted , these are amazing and easy converted or pipes re-directed .....