• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Grower vs Dealer: who should make more?


Active Member
Well it IS a lot of work and it's very risky as well. You don't only have to worry about the cops, but about robbers. Many growers have had their homes stormed and been shot to death...

Try to tell me again why someone who risks their freedom and their life should make less than a janitor...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well it IS a lot of work and it's very risky as well. You don't only have to worry about the cops, but about robbers. Many growers have had their homes stormed and been shot to death...

Try to tell me again why someone who risks their freedom and their life should make less than a janitor...
Might be for you, it's no work for me. Add a bit of water, throw in some nutes. Play the waiting game, chop off some leaves, job done.

Maybe they earn less than a janitor because they do fuck all wheras a janitor has to work hard all day near every day of the week all year around. Seems people want to complicate their grows just so thye can say it's life consuming. at the same time i know growers who do fuck all and earn substantialy more than a janitor, as in enough to take a trip across the world for a few months because why not, i've money to burn.

So now the act of worrying is a factor in the asking price. lol.

You just keep trying to jsutify those prices though ;)


Active Member
I worked as a janitor for years, and I've been growing for myself only the last 6 months (legal mmj). Including the time spent doing research, I have worked harder at the grow than I did as a janitor. Maybe you're some kind of grow genius that does everything perfectly and experiences no difficulties, but that's sure as hell not what it's been like for me, nor any other grower I know. Once root aphids enter the garden you are in for a LOT of work.

I am very diligent. Perhaps you refer to "plant it and abandon it" grows that produce seedy mids at best.

So now the act of worrying is a factor in the asking price. lol.
If you really don't think risk to life and liberty warrants higher pay, you need to get your head examined.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I worked as a janitor for years, and I've been growing for myself only the last 6 months (legal mmj). Including doing research, I have worked harder at the grow than I did as a janitor. Maybe you're some kind of grow genius that does everything perfectly and experiences no difficulties, but that's sure as hell not what it's been like for me, nor any other grower I know. I am very diligent. Perhaps you refer to "plant it and abandon it" grows that produce seedy mids at best.

If you really don't think risk to life and liberty warrants higher pay, you need to get your head examined.
Haha :D I've never heard this line before :D No, i grow top shelf bud, and it takes me 10-30 minutes of my time a week at tops. I am no genious, it's a plant, you feed it and it does it's thing. I'd love to hear how some plants require 40 hours of your attention a week as a full time job would. I water my plant once a week, and ignore them for a week. They do just great. You keep trying to justify your time and effort and prices :D

Growers get to make a comfortable living without having to really do sweet fuck all there than sit around the house for the majority of the day getting stoned and watching tv. The concept of comparing growing to a full time job in term of hour and pay is a bloody amusing notion. If i were t charge as most folk do, say £180 an ounce, i'd be earning £600 an hour for my labour, maybe a touch less including trimming time (although i could just as eaisly hash the whole lot and maintain it at the £600 point)


Active Member
There's a lot more to my grow than just watering them. Try fighting root aphids.

I included doing research in the hourly total. Research is still work.

You are the first grower i have met who has claimed to average 10 minutes a week on their garden. If you are growing in soil and never have any problems ever, already know everything there is to know and so don't have to spend any time doing research, already have all the supplies you could ever need and so don't ever need to go shopping, never clean the grow space, and don't do any training on the plant, and don't spend any time inspecting for pests, and don't trim anything, just throw fresh bud onto the streets, then I can see that.

If growing were so easy the prices would be a lot lower. It's easy to enter the market. People would be flooding in to grow and the excess supply would hammer the price down to nothing.

Maybe the power prices are really cheap where you live, but where I am - and I'm getting 0.5g/w - it's costing me about $70-100/oz between Botanicare nutes, the light+fan bill, and the a/c bill. This doesn't even include fixed equipment costs (which set me back a few grand), replacing lights and broken equipment, buying pesticides, and renting a bigger apartment as I had to do. That alone cost me $200 a month.


Well-Known Member
No insects in my grow and dont have to worry about them(DWC)
And it is as easy as water and nutes and lights and thats it.
And it is grower greed and nothing else.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There's a lot more to my grow than just watering them. Try fighting root aphids.

I included doing research in the hourly total. Research is still work.

You are the first grower i have met who has claimed to average 10 minutes a week on their garden. If you are growing in soil and never have any problems ever, already know everything there is to know and so don't have to spend any time doing research, already have all the supplies you could ever need and so don't ever need to go shopping, and don't do any training on the plant, and don't spend any time inspecting for pests, and don't trim anything, just throw fresh bud onto the streets, then I can see that.
See what i mean :lol: now you're trying to jsutify your prices by the time you spend each evening sitting around browsing RIU :lol: i guess i could claim i spend 8 hours a day reading RIU and pretend it's a fuill time job too. Growing is a part time jo at most, so treat the income as that of a part time job :lol: news flash, it's not, not even close. Harvest time is the ONLY period i could come even close to call hard work, and that involves sitting around getting stoned watching a film and using a pair of scissors. Man, fucking challenging work :D

I find growing piss easy and takes no time to produce fully cured top shelf bud. I'm sorry if you have such a hard time achieveing this. It is a completely possible concept :D


Active Member
Tell me why the market prices are so high then? Your experience is not the average one. If growing were cheap and easy then the prices would be low. But they're not, and it's not just because of greed - every market has greedy forces and still, the prices are forced down to the point where the manufacturer only makes a hairline profit.

I am not including time spent browsing RIU. I am including time spent at the library researching solutions to pests, and trying to make sense of convoluted postings by unscientific growers.

I'm glad growing is so easy for you. I'm glad you can talk down to others for which it hasn't come so easily. Yeah, everyone except you is a dumb, greedy asshole. Mhmmm.... that's why prices are high. Great theory...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tell me why the market prices are so high then? Your experience is not the average one. If growing were cheap and easy then the prices would be low. But they're not, and it's not just because of greed - every market has greedy forces and still, the prices are forced down to the point where the manufacturer only makes a hairline profit.

I am not including time spent browsing RIU. I am including time spent at the library researching solutions to pests, and trying to make sense of convoluted postings by unscientific growers.

I'm glad growing is so easy for you. I'm glad you can talk down to others for which it hasn't come so easily. Yeah, everyone except you is a dumb, greedy asshole. Mhmmm.... that's why prices are high. Good theory. Maybe you'll be up for the Nobel Prize in economics for this one.
Yes, the prices are high because of greedy assholes. People do not sell for what they have to sell for, they sell for what they can sell for. This is a well established fact :lol:

Adn what on earth did you do wrong to find a need to do research at the library? :lol: you do know you can simply google it in a few seconds "cannabis root aphids" :lol: And no, people who try bullshit reasoning to justify their prices are the greedy assholes, not everyone. You just keep just trying to jsutify your prices :D

Take a second and think about it. If it were so much effort time and risk, why would someone grow cannabis if they ended up with less than a janitor? They don't. They grow cannabis because it affords a piss easy lifestyle with an adequet income :D


Active Member
In California there's a large excess of supply. People are sitting on bud they grew a year ago. They can't get the price they're asking, and so they're not selling it because they can't justify the labor, expense, and risk otherwise.

You don't seem to grasp even the most basic concepts of economics...

Prices always fall as low as possible... greed doesn't matter, unless a market is monopolized, because a greeder seller will always be undercut by a competitor that is not greedy...

And risk is of course going to increase prices... if a grower on average spends a few years in prison, they're going to want to be very well compensated for that horrible experience - not to mention the loss of their home, all their financial assets, their kids, etc. which will all be seized by the gov, and the loss of their ability to work a paying job for their time in prison (or even the rest of their working lives, as often happens here in the US - get a felony and youre fucked).


Well-Known Member
Prices so high my bro gets dank fire in denver for $280 a oz and you want to sell it for $400 thats pure greed you greedy person!!!!!


Active Member
I see you've edited to add insults about my going to the library to do research on root aphids...

You know why I did?

Because I spent probably a whole damn week sitting here researching online only to find not even a single success story. And all the information is convoluted, no one really knows what they're talking about, it's all hearsay and guesswork and hippy mythology. Reading scientific books helps...

I beat them. The solution to the problem wasn't available on any forum, or in any grow guide or book.

You know why so many people grow cannabis? Because tehy have criminal records or otherwise can't get decent work (will test positive on drug tests, or just the rotten economy). Recently there was a job offer for a $10/hour janitor position in my town. It offered basic health benefits as well. Over 10,000 people applied, including laid off attorneys.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You keep trying to justify a prisoners perceived price of compensation as reason for your prices :D

And no, people grow cannabis because it's piss easy money :lol:

And last i was reading people found plenty of suitable help on aphinds on RIU or other forums. Carry on :lol:

My former flatmate is sat the other side of the pnd right now, he's getting prime buds at a few hundred over $1K a pound, funny, strange, why would these people bankrupt themselves with the prices? Oh wait, that's right, they're not, they're laughing, they did fuck all and made an easy buck :D


Active Member
Alright, I'll be laughing when you get root aphids someday and use the methods suggested in the first post you find. I promise you. NOTHING (THAT I FOUND) POSTED ONLINE WORKS. PERIOD. I had to dig deeper to find a solution. It involved a huge amount of work. In the end I had to dunk every single plant in pesticide, and spray them down, for 30 minutes each (then later rinse the pesticide back off), 2x a week, on the same day for everything, for several months. Also had to clean the grow space with the same frequency. You haven't responded to a single point I've made with anything aside from mockery... it makes you look like a fool... If that guy is getting prime buds for, say, $1200/lb or whatever it is, that's $75 per ounce. That's about what it costs me in Botanicare nutes and power to grow an ounce, and again, my yields are alright - averaging 0.5g/w. Either the power is much cheaper, stolen, or the buds were grown outdoors...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ever noticed how many posts there are along the lines of "i've searched everywhere, is this a male or a female"? :lol: some people it seems just aren't supposed to be gardeners.

There's a reason behind you recieving nothing but mockery :lol: you just tried to jsutify prices by what a prisoner deems is a justified amount of compensation because he violated a federal law and got sent to prison :lol: I'm just gagging to hear your next attempt at a justification? Maybe it was that you had to spend all your money on higher education so you could obtain a doctorate in botany so you could solve your overwatering issue? :D Costs me about £5 an ounce to grow, sure though, i could buy some 02 canisters and a RO machine and seperate bulbs for vegging and flowering. You just make it as expensive as you like :lol: it's called weed for a reason, it virtually gorws itself., carry on justifying :D


Active Member
If it costs you 5 pounds an ounce, then your power costs are either orders of magnitude lower, or you're getting 10g/w. My power bill is $150-200 a month and I'm averaging probably 3oz a month. Are you stealing power or growing outdoors? Those are the only options for growing so cheaply where I am.

I am not incompetent. From what I've read I may actually be the first person to beat root aphids without killing all their plants and starting over. I managed to take a grow everyone said was doomed and actually produce some quality product (root aphids always, ALWAYS come back with the methods for control suggested online, and they trash a plant fast, worse than mites). Here's a nug:

As I said I don't even sell. I only grow for my own needs. I don't like anyone knowing what I am doing, which selling would necessarily entail, I don't like worrying about getting robbed, raided by cops that don't know I'm legal, etc. I am stepping in here because I think you are completely wrong on the real cost of growing...

Still don't understand how the risk of prison doesn't factor into your price calculations. You're in the UK, you have no legal excuse, I'm at least doing it legally. You're the one risking prison here. This should be very real to you. Either you're trolling or you're just plain stupid...

Oh, and as far as RO filters go, it's not "as expensive as you like." Where I live they are NOT optional. My tap water will kill plants. It's loaded with copper.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If it costs you 5 pounds an ounce, then your power costs are either orders of magnitude lower, or you're getting 10g/w. My power bill is $150-200 a month and I'm averaging probably 3oz a month. Are you stealing power or growing outdoors? Those are the only options for growing so cheaply where I am.

I am not incompetent. From what I've read I may actually be the first person to beat root aphids without killing all their plants and starting over. I managed to take a grow everyone said was doomed and actually produce some quality product (root aphids always, ALWAYS come back with the methods for control suggested online, and they trash a plant fast, worse than mites). Here's a nug:

As I said I don't even sell. I only grow for my own needs. I don't like anyone knowing what I am doing, which selling would necessarily entail, I don't like worrying about getting robbed, raided by cops that don't know I'm legal, etc. I am stepping in here because I think you are completely wrong on the real cost of growing...

Still don't understand how the risk of prison doesn't factor into your price calculations. You're in the UK, you have no legal excuse, I'm at least doing it legally. You're the one risking prison here. This should be very real to you. Either you're trolling or you're just plain stupid...

Oh, and as far as RO filters go, it's not "as expensive as you like." Where I live they are NOT optional. My tap water will kill plants. It's loaded with copper.
My electricity is £30-40 a month and i can average 6 ounces a month. Seems you are the one plain stupid to be spending that much and getting fuck all out of your grow ;)

And i may not have a legal excise being in the UK, but i'm smart enough to know my legal position ;)

I pay upto 30 cents a kwh of electricity, i'd be surprised if you're paying more, the Uk is notorious for it's extortionate everything.


Active Member
Fucking babies . .. .

If you arnt getting paid enough for what you do. . . .. .
Do what you would do at any other job. Quit!
and go get a real job. if you would get paid more as a janitor. go be a janitor!

i dont think anyone is forcing you to grow and sell weed. It's a choice. It's a choice you can quit anytime.
Go get a real Job!