Growbox, anything missing?

C Smoke

Active Member
shouldve mentioned b4 u should be on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule at the moment for veg, some people use 24/0, i dont like it, everything in nature sleeps why should mary b different? More happens during the dark cycle any way, root growth upwards growth. And have u made sure yr box is 100% light proof? I noticed u said u drilled holes for intakes? These will need to be baffled somehow to prevent light leakage into the box during dark hours, the slightest light leak can slow yr flowering at best and completely prevent flowering at worst or turn yr hopefully female into a he/she!!
Great advice, Londoner!

Yes, my box is light proof (except for vent holes), and besides. The Box is in a back room closet, which doesn't ever get used. So the only light that gets used in there are the lights in the box. Makes a lot fo sense about the 20/4. Ill think i'll start implementing that schedule.

I'm having a problem with spidermites, the tiny white parasites that feed off the plants. What kind of pesticide should I be using for these buggers? Thanks again for everyone stopping by the thread. THC-Ya!


Well-Known Member
well the light that leaks in mine is not bad its not light leak more of a faded light through the sheet... but its fine..
my buds are growin pukka and they aint even that old yet!!
n they from bag seed so ima happy boy:mrgreen:

but they have got skinny ass stalks im thinking they r gona snap soon...
my fan just dont seem to be doin anything n i had it so close i give them wind burn what should i do londoner any advice for that mate!!:confused:
i always use a small oscillating fan on my seedlings from day 1 of them sprouting the medium, just a very gentle breeze to wobble stems around a little, this simulates some wind and in turn stimulates yr stems to get thicker and woodier if thats the correct terminology, so iv never had this problem early in bloom only in late bloom with certain strains when the buds grow so heavy they start bending the stems and wana snap, it may just b crappy genetics as its bagseed. If u are worried about them snapping u might wana support them somehow, like tie them to canes or use some netting mounted above yr plants and let them flower thru it kinda like a SCRog but with out training them under the screen/netting.


Well-Known Member
I'm having a problem with spidermites, the tiny white parasites that feed off the plants. What kind of pesticide should I be using for these buggers? Thanks again for everyone stopping by the thread. THC-Ya!
never had spidermites, only pests ive had is fungus gnats but since changing soil brands and using yellow sticky traps iv sorted it. The best spidermite cure is natural predator mites (phytoseiulus persimilis) released into yr growroom they munch up all the harmfull mites until theyre all gone then die themselves due to lack of food, they dont harm yr plants in anyway and sort the problem without a chemical in sight. Neem oil repel is supposed to work well but mites can become immune to it over generations, theres a new product available in the uk called spidermite control, all natural and mites dont become immune, i think pyrethrin based pesticides work too but again u have change types due to them becoming immune after so long. Just make sure whatever u get is suitable for consumable crops u dont wana b smoking some dodgy chemicals.


Well-Known Member
never had spidermites, only pests ive had is fungus gnats but since changing soil brands and using yellow sticky traps iv sorted it. The best spidermite cure is natural predator mites (phytoseiulus persimilis) released into yr growroom they munch up all the harmfull mites until theyre all gone then die themselves due to lack of food, they dont harm yr plants in anyway and sort the problem without a chemical in sight. Neem oil repel is supposed to work well but mites can become immune to it over generations, theres a new product available in the uk called spidermite control, all natural and mites dont become immune, i think pyrethrin based pesticides work too but again u have change types due to them becoming immune after so long. Just make sure whatever u get is suitable for consumable crops u dont wana b smoking some dodgy chemicals.
yup man indeed end up with some bad kiddies lung..:mrgreen: