Grow Tacker 1.0 - Grow Tracking Website


Well-Known Member
Ill add you in as soon as the host gets everything running again. If it starts taking too long, I will just migrate hosts for now, since this is just a temporary placement.

When added, you will be pm'd with some login info.

Dont be too harsh :-P Not everything has been added, the site really shouldnt even be usable at this point, but it really helps with people finding errors and whatnot.

Another new addition to come:

Notes - Add either specific notes to plants, strains, resevoirs (Ex - (Strain - From my experiences: likes LOTS of N, needs a bit extra Cal/Mag), (Plant - Drooped a bit between waterings, needs more water each watering.) (Resevoir - Add 2tbsp PH UP to get to 6.8)) or add general notes to your notepad.


This is awesome, keep on coding and get away from free hosts if you can. I've had about a dozen domains/sites hosted with host gator for years at like 4 bucks a month. You get awesome speed/space and the support is decent too which is rare for the price, they're worth looking into if you're going to go with shared hosting. I actually used to run a few dedicated servers hosting hundreds of sites years ago but got out of the biz because it's way too hard to compete with guys like host gator lmfao.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I will look into that.

I have just been waiting on purchasing anything because all of my money has been going back into my grow. Doesnt really cost much to get a domain + space for a year, but this site is really on the backend of my priorities.
(Even though i code every night =P)

It will be paid hosting soon enough.


Good stuff, it really feels great when you make something functional and in your case, unique! I've tried the windows software developed by someone on the forum which is similar (and also awesome) but having it web based just keeps many more possibilities open. Just don't log ip's with accounts ;)


Well-Known Member
Good stuff, it really feels great when you make something functional and in your case, unique! I've tried the windows software developed by someone on the forum which is similar (and also awesome) but having it web based just keeps many more possibilities open. Just don't log ip's with accounts ;)
Haha, oh I DEFF log ip's. IMMA COP! JK
my post actually got deleted from thcfarmer because they were concerned I was logging IP's. Told them I would give them my source if they wanted, but no replies. Professionalism at its finest!

but yeah, ive tried software apps for this use, and they are great, and get the job done, but dont have the fluid feel that I like, and can get from a website.


Well-Known Member
Few days off from the main coding, just did some minor improvements over the past few days.

I think I got plant pictures formatting how they should, cant say, as I havent tested yet ^^
Will get to that eventually. Code isnt rolling out until journals are fully finished anyhow.

Been coding for another few hours, running and testing journals. Have essentially everything running to make them functional.
There is no public or private at this stage, just viewable by the user. Public is an easy update, just need to add a page to view/search public journals.

Private journaling will be up and functional fairly soon. Doing them group based. Either user invite or password protected. maybe both ^^

Will be adding some form of user profiles and private messaging system for this to be most efficient.

Like i said before, after journaling is finished. I am going to refine the user login, and guess I should code a registration page... ha.. so we can get this up and running, even if it is in a temporary location.
databases can be transfered if people want it to down the road.

Next on the list: Watering Schedules and Issues I Have/Had.

On the list for full release, so I dont forget: added security in every aspect. form validation to ensure things are filled out as they should be.


Well-Known Member
nice to see the constant updates mate , ill be trying it out in the next few days :) been working 14-16 hr days so not had chance but deffo gonna be on it next week mate :)


Well-Known Member
nice to see the constant updates mate , ill be trying it out in the next few days :) been working 14-16 hr days so not had chance but deffo gonna be on it next week mate :)
thats good, I added features just for you ^^


Well-Known Member
Did a bit of work on journals. Now have a list of all journals listed public.
Now need to get private journals working. and add pages to edit journal options, edit user options, view user profiles.

Then things will be opened for user registration.

After that is all completed, will work on a few user suggested additions/changes.


Active Member
Hey bro, how is it coming along?
Did you change the host yet? cos I been trying to access with the last link I have and for the last 2 weeks there was no bling :(

Common bro, you running out of time, I gotta start my Journal soon and want it to be there :P



Well-Known Member
Starting to get back into some more site coding. Been on a break with working to start fresh from seed. Process is dwindling down, only about 8 plants left to take care of, so its not much work.

Decided I would scrap all the current coding, as I kept running into issues. Going in another direction with the coding, but sticking with the same basic layout.

As i got back started I thought of something that could be useful:

Plant Batching - Will keep sets of clones/plants running through at the same time in one group, or plants that require different amounts of nutes per feedings. Will allow you to do things like Batch Waterings, so if you are looking to track PH, EC, PPM of the waterings PER plant, this will cut down the time it takes to enter information.

Thinking other than the plant tracking, grow journaling, and some things to do with growing issues and requesting help (although you will be able to do this forum style as well. the 2 may be linked in some way, will get there eventually). The rest of the site will reside on a forum setup like RIU.


Well-Known Member
purchased a domain to get things rolling.

give me a few weeks to get things up and we can get shit started


Well-Known Member
Domain running after some hiccups with the hosting. Site still not live yet, but just for a preparation.

Will be setting up an optional email notification later in the week for when the site is ready.


Well-Known Member
Working out some kinks on the email notification. Pushed it to the side for the moment. Will get back to it a bit later, still a lot of work that needs to be done before its ready, so no hurry there.

Working on setting things up for some requested features. Need to go back through the pages to see all what people wanted.
But heres a small recap and any changes for what the site will include.

  • Plant Tracking
    • Grow Style
      • Topped/Fimmed
      • LST
      • SoG
      • Scrog
    • Growth Stage
      • Clone/Seed
      • Veg
      • Flower
    • Date Tracking
      • Start
      • Put in Veg
      • Put in Flower
      • Harvested
    • After Harvest
      • Wet Weight
      • Dry Weight
    • Dated Notes Throughout
    • Which Room
    • Phenotype

  • Room Tracking
    • Room Stage
    • Temperature/Humidity
      • High and Lows
    • Reservoir
      • Type
        • Dirt/Hydro
      • Readings
        • Temp
        • PH
        • EC
        • TDS
      • Notes

  • Journals
    • Type
      • Public
      • Private
    • Group Access

Working on a Journal Menu to make it easy adding specific information, that you have tracked, to your Journal.
Details on that will come after I complete it and do some testing.

More breeder oriented tracking is also in the works.

Stay tuned, and sorry for the long wait on this site. Really working hard to get this thing done and ready for whoever wants to use it.
And of course, always for free.

More requests are welcome.