Grow Space


Active Member
First Post Newbie here,

I have a closet in a downstairs storage room that is 8 feet tall, 5.5 feet wide and 2 feet deep. I was thinking of seperating the space, but don't know if it would be better to split it horizontally or vertically.

How can I utilize this space to maximize my yields? how tall will the plants get?

I planned on using one side for the mother and clones, and the other side for flowering the plants. I am getting a HPS light for flower and flourecent for the vegetative growth.

Also, they have indoor flourecents for indoor gardening at wal-mart, would those be okay? they had warm white, but i did not see the cool lights there.



Well-Known Member
you should look into different methods of growing. the method you choose may determine your space configuration. different strains grow to different sizes too, and many grow 2-3 times higher after switching to flower.

i dont know what you intend to grow, or how often you intend to harvest, but look into SCROG methods and SOG methods. i would consider a vertical barrier to conserve height. plants dont like to be too close to hps/mh lights. you could even add shelves in the veg side to get more "floor" space for the little ones.

as far as those wally world gardening flouros go, i wouldnt bother. typical energy saving cfls work fine, and they come in many different wattages and spectrums. easy to wire and install too, no clumsy plastic contraptions or ballasts to worry about.


Active Member

thanks for the input. i was planning on the sog method so that i can harvest every couple of months. I will divide it vertically. i have some bag seed from a stash and was going to practice with that. I can remember the stain. I am also looking at growing white widow and possibly blueberry or a cross with blueberry. What do you recommend I grow? and what is the best and most relieable way to procure seeds on the net?
