Grow setup questions

Right now I have three plants that I planted from seed on Jan 30th. I'm using a homemade reflector with two CFL 105w 6500k bulbs. Since my plants are only a few inches tall, I only have a light above them right now. However, I know that when they get taller, I may need to get more light to the plant, especially near the bottom. And I also have read many sources saying I should get more 2700K colored light to the plant when in flowering...

What I had mentally planned out was for once my plants start their flowering (around Feb 27, or maybe a week after depending on size), I would make my setup so that I would still have the CFL reflector over the plants, and then have four CFL 40w 2700k bulbs elevated from the ground, sitting next to the plants, surrounding them so all sides would get the redish light.

In the opinion of the experienced members of the board, would this setup be sufficient to give my plants enough light to grow a maximum of 3 feet tall and flower nicely (given sufficient nutrients of course)?

This is my first time growing so ANY educated pointers are really appreciated. I'm using FF Ocean Forest, Worm Castings, and Perlite for my soil mix, adding diluted peruvian seabird guano every other watering (usually I only give my plants about half to two-thirds the recommended dose - don't wanna overfeed!). Sorry this is a long post, just wanted to get the necessary info out for you all to make an accurate prediction. Thank you again!

Natures Cure

Active Member
sounds like ur on your way and got most stuff covered . . . my only suggestion is that you veg for a couple weeks longer. somewhere just shy of two months, specially if your using CFLs.

Check out these guys for equipment - - they rock

:peace: & :weed:
Is that 105w equivalent or 105w usage the ones your using?
It says 400w equivalent on the box.

I think I'm gonna implement six 42 watt (150w equivalent) 2700k bulbs in a couple weeks before I start flowering. Oh, and I was thinking about starting flowering once the girls are around 12 inches - good idea? I'd prefer to have them be between 1.5 and 2.5 ft (.5 and .8 meters) tall when fully grown if controlable.