Grow Room for one ounce per week...

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
And i don't think i've mentioned this, but why build a grow room for 1 ounce a month? I might be one of a kind, but i certainly found (as did others, most others, i'm more one of the lot than one of a kind) that when you get into growing, it's generally after a period of buying weed, and you only used to be able to afford an ounce a month, so that' all you figure you need to grow, as that ounce lasted you. Get that first grow done, and try pulling out that mason jar and regulating the amount of bud that goes inot the grinder like you used to. Not going to happen. Once you have cannabis that costs next to nothing, and you can grow as much as you like, well, you start smoking as much as you like :D I went from 2 joints a night, to 2 joints an hour every hour. If you are growing for personal use, your intake tends to skyrocket. If he wants 1 ounce a month, design him a grow tent that will get him 4 :) He'll thank you.
Best point of the entire thread. And I cant remember who mentioned it but a perpetual 1 ounce per week grow would be an cruel and punishing for the grower.