Grow Questions, LED light questions


Active Member
I have been growing for the past 8 months. I know enough to get things done but still dont fully understand a few things. I need advice from an expert here. 8 months ago I purchased an LED grow light, Maxisun PB2000 is the brand. The plants really respond great to this light. I currently have 4 plants that range from 3 foot to 4 foot& 1 plant that is almost 6 feet. On the last grow I had 2, 4 foot plants that produced good buds-not the best bud but it got the job done On previous grows the Buds have nice colors but they do not taste or smell well-They are potent buds but not as strong as the seed advertised. Each time the buds had an earthy like taste&smell.
I decided that I wanted to expand my growing hobby&I purchased a new light. I purchased an Ativia QH2000 Grow LED light. This light does not seem as bright as my Maxisun PB2000. On a 5 scale for brightness the Maxisun is a 5 and this Ativia is like a 3 or 4-i dont know if that is due to one light having 700 diodes and the other one having just under 500 .
I am concerned about the quality of my light bc of the difference in diodes and the fact that this light does not seem as bright as my last one I have.The specs for this light seem to be top quality,or no?

Ativia QH2000---
Warm White 3000k
White 6500K,
Red 600nm
IR diodes 760nm
Samsung LM301B Diodes w/IR
MeanWell ELG Series Driver
200 watts
PPE-2.9 umol
PPFD=1830 at 12''
434 pieces
Warm White(3000k)135
White (6500k)271
Red (660nm)26

Maxisun PB2000
200 watts
700 Pieces-Samsung LM281B+,Claims MeanWell Driver but its a Sosen driver --Does not specify how many pieces for each but there is no IR
2.12 umol/J
Warm White 3500K
White 5000k
Red 660nm
IR 730nm
Umol-1676 at 12''
Very Bright Light if i had a 1-5 scale it be a 5 and the QH2000 would be a 3. I dont know if this is because there are 200+ more diodes on this PB2000.
full spectrum led grow lights

The vast difference in pieces between each brand sticks out to me. The diodes are much closer together on the PB2000 where as the QH theres a space between each one. I know the QH model has the Samsung 301b diodes with the MeanWell driver whereas the PB has Samsung LM281B+ diodes&Sosen driver-However the PB2000 advertised a mean well driver but it was a Sosen so I dont know how much I can trust the PB specs and parts. Can someone explain the spectrum and how these two lights are different?

The PB2000 light is what i used solely for my past couple grows. The plants grow really fast and really tall. I was expecting bigger colas,the main stems cola was not as big as the pictures i seen but it was a fairly nice. I had auto flowering plants and my 6 ft plant yielded a little more than a half pound, my 2 and a half foot plant yielded a QP. Just recently i had another 2 and a half foot plant that yielded almost 3 ozs. Each time the buds did not smell the best or tasted harsh but i never can get that good strong weed aroma. I never really did the proper curing either,could never wait long enough lol.

The nutrients I use are
General HyrdoPonics
Flora Micro 5-0-1
Flora Gro 2-1-6
Flora Bloom 0-5-4
Cali Magic 1-0-0
Liquid KoolBloom 0-10-10
Diamond Nector 0-1-1
Botanicare Sweet Berry Supplement
I will look into the nutrients section but if anyone uses these nutes and has any advice on measurements,lmk
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Curing is super important. That’s where the taste, smell and some of the high come from.

That’s a lot of time and weed to skip the last step.
i cured a lot of it for 2 months doing it the way you are supposed to but still the buds did not have the scent or taste i was looking for,but with each grow im sure i will get things right.
if you can answer my questions or link me a post that is specific to my questions ,I would really appreciate it very much,if you cant save the wise remarks for somebody else
My questions are
-Grow Lights, Is anybody familiar with the led light Ativia QH2000, It has the samsung 301b&meanwell driver 436 pieces-its advertised to cover 3x3 flowering room,does that sound right bc my other one has 700 pieces but its a Sosen Driver and they are 251b samsung diodes. Is the difference between diodes vast or is a 700 piece 251b more worth it than a lesser led piece but better model diode&driver?
-In regards to the nutrients,theres a lot of information and brands out there,When buying I chose the same brand for all the different nutes&the brand i have is General Hyrdoponics&I have all that can be used in coir. I wanted to see if there were others that used that brands and what regimends they used?
Pb pro has meanwell drivers pb series sosen
Some mf series have sosen some.have meanwell
try the mf1500
No problems, I bought a meter to test my new light. Theres some info about the maxisun but i cant find anything about ativia qh2000 light.
I believe the wise remarks were intended for everyone else’s amusement at your expense. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. But in all fairness and my humble opinion, you overacted to glib delivery of profound advice, he wasn’t teasing you. He could have expressed it as the Dothraki ie
“Curing is super important......”
“It is known”
Lights are great. I used to flower 3 girls just using a Chinese blurple leds. Overthinking it. But if you think it's a problem buy another one.
Did you see nutes deficiency while growing? No? That's may not be a problem too.
Your genetics are really tasty, the one you're looking for?

8 months means nothing. Have a long way to go.
I believe the wise remarks were intended for everyone else’s amusement at your expense. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. But in all fairness and my humble opinion, you overacted to glib delivery of profound advice, he wasn’t teasing you. He could have expressed it as the Dothraki ie
“Curing is super important......”
“It is known”
my remark had nothing to do with the curing. I only grew a few plants and I was only able to cure for 2 months bc I dont have money like that and smoke a lot,never made it to curing but I have done some,just didnt get the results i expected. My remark was his smart ass comment that the thread should be closed bc i asked a question. People like that piss me off bc they would not be a smart ass to me in real life,that shits wack. Treat people with respect or dont comment.

I am a perfectionist and I want the best possible equipment I can buy with low heat. I want the biggest and best buds and good nutes&light. I only grew 6 total plants total but i currently have another 6 growing right now and i am much more detail oriented this time around.
I appreciate all suggestions and advice bc i am a new grower and while I have looked up every question i asked,I still look for more suggestions and advice.
He was only saying thread should be closed because your question was answered with good advice. Any idea how many times these guys have heard us novices ask the same questions? I too struggle with “ the cure” and may be able to commiserate some in regards to perfectionism, I’ve dumped entire crops because I’m too big a pot snob to smoke shitty weed. Saw an interesting take on dry/cure 16 days, 60 degrees 60 % and basically straight to long term storage, their point was long, slow dry. I don’t have answers but I have many mistakes to share. This makes about 6-7 years I’ve been at it off and on with less than satisfactory results, I always want to do things my way and change nutes, lights, strain, etc.hoping for improved results-when I began to change my methods, results have improved. Simplicity and basics. I’m using HLG led and Jacks if I can help in any way. I know I have struggled with the learning curve, not having an available mentor.
I dont know y everyone keeps focusing on the cure, I was making a joke that my last grow i never made it to the cure bc i smoked it right away bc i didnt have money, i commented on the stuff i did cure but i didnt get the smell and taste i expected, the bud was great looked great but smelled like nothing and tasted harsh.
My question was does anyone have a ativia qh2000 led light and in that persons experience did they find that it was better than the maxisun2000, I just bought a meter to test the lights and got my answer.
I had PH problems originally, i was pre mixing nutrients,i was overwatering,dealt with white mildew thats so frustrating. I learned the hard way to just simply follow directions,lol.
I only got better by each grow. What im looking for tips,things u just learn as u go, specifically on how to produce the highest yields possible, best strains.
Right now I have autos, 3 white widows, 1,Girl Scout Cookie 1.BruceBanner&1 Gorilla Glue, 4 are in early to mid flower and the other are about to start flowering.
Next grow I am growing 3Lemon Haze & 3 Blue Demon on the feminized 12 hour light schedule
i didnt get the smell and taste i expected, the bud was great looked great but smelled like nothing and tasted harsh.
That is why people are focusing on the cure.
Sorry, I have no experience or knowledge of those lights.
I always loved the idea of autos, but was mostly disappointed, (Yield,potency,sensitivity to stress/setbacks, etc).
Photos give more control, ie-veg to desired size and flip when ready. Not hating on autos, they have their place, just haven’t been happy with the results,probably my own fault as most problem tend to be operator error.
We all want the most of the best, that takes time, mistakes and perseverance.
Tips-Dialed in environment, VPD calculator, canopy management, less is more. Change one thing at a time so you know what is affecting what, humility and patience never hurt.
I dont know y everyone keeps focusing on the cure, I was making a joke that my last grow i never made it to the cure bc i smoked it right away bc i didnt have money, i commented on the stuff i did cure but i didnt get the smell and taste i expected, the bud was great looked great but smelled like nothing and tasted harsh.
My question was does anyone have a ativia qh2000 led light and in that persons experience did they find that it was better than the maxisun2000, I just bought a meter to test the lights and got my answer.
I had PH problems originally, i was pre mixing nutrients,i was overwatering,dealt with white mildew thats so frustrating. I learned the hard way to just simply follow directions,lol.
I only got better by each grow. What im looking for tips,things u just learn as u go, specifically on how to produce the highest yields possible, best strains.
Right now I have autos, 3 white widows, 1,Girl Scout Cookie 1.BruceBanner&1 Gorilla Glue, 4 are in early to mid flower and the other are about to start flowering.
Next grow I am growing 3Lemon Haze & 3 Blue Demon on the feminized 12 hour light schedule
More then likely you pulled early dried too fast and fed based on a feed schedule rather then read your plants, wait til they were doe and dry them over a 10 to 14 day period under the proper conditions. Then they might have tasted better and smoked smooth as silk.