Grow log


Well-Known Member
Ok so it has not been a fun last couple of weeks my system has done nothing but leak so ive been running straight ro water to them unfortunately. But they are still looking beautiful and we are only 2 days away from starting week 3 of flower.



Well-Known Member
Ok guys had a lot happen with the set up and think i finally have it set up for the long haul but figured it was time for some light out pics. With that said in the last pic shows how i have my drain set up and if you run the bucket companys set up i highly recommend doing something like this.

Ive been through 3 pumps now and delt with floods everynight till this set up, my girls didnt get fed right because i wouldn't feed them the way i needed to cause of the flooding. Now im running 1/2" feeders with a valve and a 3/4" drain to a 1 or 2 gallon tote where the return pump sits.

Other then that the gorls are doing lovely. The lemon skunk is the tallest out of all of them but the other 2 are more filled in one is a coffee smelling girl where the other one has a fruity pebbles smell to her, of course the ls is lemon but a sweeter lemon. We are on day 26/27 of flower and are ramping up for the rest of it cant wait to see how they finnish out.



Well-Known Member
Ok so here we are day 37 of flower and looking good have had a few issues along the way but with a new system dont think we are doing to bad could always do better but oh well cant change it now.



Well-Known Member
Just throwing some lights off pics up its day 40 of flower. Also just for info if anyone is running banana sunday, my pheno is light sensitive. The buds have stayed small af as soon as i turned down my lights by half she started to swell not by much but could only imagine if i would have done it sooner how she would have reacted.



Well-Known Member
Day 49, I've had to cut down some of the banana sunday just a branch or two but she will be the first to finnish out probably has another week or so. The others have a while longer with 2 or more weeks but have way bigger buds so. The first 2 are the banana sunday the second two are lemon skunk and the rest are double dipped strawberries

