Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Well,as previously stated, the lightswent off 2 days ago and they're now on a 12/12 cycle. I threw the kids into 36hrs of darkness simply because I've read many times that this can help the plants move to we'll see.
I've also added some molasses to the water. As i'm using an 8 gal drum to house the water, i've added about 1 table spoon per gal to it and will use with every water which at the mo is about every 3-4 days. but maybe i should wait until the buds are showing?? any help on this appreciated. ANY!! good, bad or the ugly lol

Not using any nutes yet. I want to keep it as natural as poss but yes!! I know I'll get bigger buds if i use nutes so i prob will get a super bloom nute at some point. what's the best NPK ratio?I know less N and more P... I'm getting all excited cos i just wanna know how many girls i'm going to get.
So.....some plant porn :lol:
Only taken a few shots.2 of the whole grow and 1 of my 2 ladies...and yes..i know Gwen isn't that large...she's the spazzy growing 1 and i have no idea why she's growing like this...and u can still see the canoeing but trust has stopped..altho it doesn't look like it.

see what u think..ANY comments, suggestions or opinions are VERY welcome.



Well-Known Member
i did that lights out thing also before budding, dont know if it helped but i tried it. i`ve never used mollases but i`ve heard it`s good. dont let that water sit for more than 3 or 4 days it gets stale. it needs to be moving to keep oxygenated, i just run mine through a fish tank filter in a 10 gollon resivior.
as far as nutes go the n/p/k ratios aren`t that important as long as you get one with highest phosphorus then potasium then nitrogen. i use botanicares pure blend. it is awesome stuff. it is all natural organic not synthetic organics. for the flowering phase of it i recomend pure blend pro bloom, liquid karma and cal-mag. cal mag helps keep the green when they are finishing. mine were greening up quite a bit and stoped growth and i gave then a mix of that now the yellowing has slowed and now i`m getting new hairs shooting so i`m going to delay harvest a bit now. most nutes are good just look to see what is in it to keep organic.


Well-Known Member
lmfao dixie bud--gwen..... lol..... gwen needs to be slapped about alittle maybe she'll perk up abit lol


Well-Known Member
i aint gona give my plants names till they are about to go into flower cause what if i call one summin i like as in my bitches name and she dies..... i might have 2 cry.... lmao or not lol


Well-Known Member
i aint gona give my plants names till they are about to go into flower cause what if i call one summin i like as in my bitches name and she dies..... i might have 2 cry.... lmao or not lol
lmao..u mean ur plant dies or ur bitch? lol
real question is.....which would make u cry more? lmfao


Well-Known Member
i cant name them cause i never remember thier names in the morning anyway. haha

mr west

Well-Known Member
My very first grow i named them all after the ppl i used to work with in an old ppls home, similer life expectancy lol. So they all had old fashond names like gladdis and phyllis and mary obviously lol but i had 36 plants so had to make some up aswell, mostly chicks id nailed lol.


Well-Known Member
eeewwww. you nail those poor old ladies and just call them chicks. you need help. lol :shock:


Well-Known Member
lmfao.... my plants dixie if they died i would go crazy!!
fuk my bitch man she can go i dont mind lol as long as my plants stay:hump:

mr west

Well-Known Member
eeewwww. you nail those poor old ladies and just call them chicks. you need help. lol :shock:
Lmao once id ran out of old ppl to name them after i used ex girlfrinds names. I know i neeed help but whos gonna give me it?? lol


Well-Known Member
It's been 5 days since the last update. As there was nothing really worth writing home about in the last 4 days there was no point in updating as thought i'd wait until the kids started to show signs of flowers.

well....I HAVE A NEW GIRL!!!!:hump::hump: lmao and she's standing nice and proud at 18".she's nicely healthy, growing nicely and the branches are reaching nicely for the sky...and i don't mean stretching either!!
well chuffed as Im sure u can imagine?!! :lol:.

as for the others...well there's no change really.yes they're growing with the tallest 2 being 24" and 22".none of the others are telling me what they are yet...there seems to be some form of flowers forming but they've appeared over night so maybe by tonight or this time tomoz they'll reveal their secrects. I am aware, however, that the 2 tallest are prob going to be boys cos they've always been much taller and quicker growing than the rest....tossers lmao. so rest soon as they have balls....they're outta there!!!!!
I only expect to get 1 more girlie...2 out of 6 would be fine as would leave me with 4, what with Gwen and Budica.

so...guess u want some porn then? lol
only taken some pix of the new girl..3 of the flowers and 1 "full frontal" lol
oh and that nasty looking black bit is where she, that's SHE :lol: ,was topped...but guess u realised that anyway.

as for a name....any ideas? :lol:



Well-Known Member
congrat`s on your new girl. i`ll smoke cigar for ya, and if i think of a name i`ll let ya know.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
another new girl,huh....good deal,how many does that make for ya?...I am up to 6 right now...ain't it am gonna get some pics in my gallery tonight...time for some new pics anyway...and I think its time for a proper debut


Well-Known Member
is that your plant next to your name there satman? looks good want to see more.


Well-Known Member
another new girl,huh....good deal,how many does that make for ya?...I am up to 6 right now...ain't it am gonna get some pics in my gallery tonight...time for some new pics anyway...and I think its time for a proper debut
upto 3 now bro..but 2 of them are fem seeds so only the 1 out if the 6 reg seeds. want to make the total 4 to be honest (well...atleast 4 :lol: )