Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
As promised,here's some pix.
as u hopefully can see, all's pretty much ace! except the canoeing but hopefully that'll resolve itself seeing as, if it is heat stress, moving the girls to the outer edges of my op and moving the fan nearer should help to control the temp a bit more. Also going to run the fan 24/0 so that'll give better air circ at "night".
so then, the pix.....1st 2 are the canoeing girls and the 1st is growing a bit spazzy but other than that,it looks okies. just a little compact.
haven't measured them today but thy're all about 8-10 inches.except the spazzy 1 that's around 5" and 2 are at around 7".
sorry..vague i know but been schmoking! :lol:



Well-Known Member
they look sweet bro and that ph and flush shit i dont know i dont use ferts because at the end of the day you gota keep a real close eye on it cause of all that shit you putting in.. n i know they love it when u get it right but its still a pain in the arse lol im a lazy but i was thinkin of goin hydro so i must be nuts lmao... but yer man they do look really nice keep it up


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys..thinks looking good. will post some pix in the next few dayswhen they're grown a bit more.
All have put on about 2" since Tues(3 days ago) so looking good!
Mr west: boiled water? why boil it 1st?guessing to distill it and get rid of any "crap" i.e.chlorine etc. i let the water sit for a couple of days but may try the boiled thing in the future.
Satman: it will pay off...just wish i wasn't so impatient lol.
once i send them to flower and they're budding, i'll really have to try to leave em alone and not just think "wonder what the smokes like at the mo"!!! lmao.
update in next couple of days.
oh and the canoeing seems to be slowing and resolving it's self. iv'e got temp down to a more acceptable 25-26c and think they like it!!lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
at the min, we have cryptosporidium i our water. Boiling water jus clears all the unwanted shit lol.


Well-Known Member
So it's been a few days since the last update and it's time to show off the kids with some new pix.
since i'm no wiz at uploading pix and things, i.e, can't put captions by the relevant pix, i'll have to point out who's who, what's what etc b4 hand.
basically, all's good. v good realy.except one. but i'll come to that.
the canoeing thing seems to have slowed and pretty much stopped. the new leaves aren't doing it so guessing that's sorted now altho still watching the 2 envolved just in case.
5 of the 6 wr are going great guns and have really taken off!!!!!! so much so that 3 have put on around 3-4 inches in the last, however is now standing stupidly tall at 16". ofcourse, the bugger about that is it's prob a boy as the other 3 maybe which would leave 2 of the 6 as girls.which is fine but hoping for3 to be girls.then it'd leave me with 5 in total if including the 2 wd fem seeds.
speaking of which (these are the 2 that were canoeing). They now have names :roll:. Ladies and gents, i give you Gwen and Budica. :lol:
Gwen is the "spazzy" 1 and altho the new leaves aren't canoeing, she's growing in a very strange fashion. really compact between leaf stems and quite squat at around 6".
Budica on the other hand is a nce healthy 9".starting to pale a little and stems are starting, only very very slighty, to have that slight red/purple hue to them so looks like may need some N? shortly.
the only kid showing any problems has very thin fan leaves and seems to be a bit stunted. compared to the other wr, it's only 6 " and looking pale altho no reddening of the stems. a couple of the leaves are a bit crispy and i have taken 3 shots of this and hope u can spot what's wrong and help out. the pix 8,9 and 10 are this one. done some reading and maybe it's a P prob??? help appreciated
also found a tip about molasses (thanx cannabitch, floydfan, O4aUsErNaMe, 2heigh4u-soz dude...didn't mean to hijack your thread! :lol: ) so am going to give that a try and will let u know how hey get on with the sugars!! :lol:
and the pix.
1st up is Gwen, then Budica is 2nd pic.
after that, there's 2 shots of each of the other plants except pix 8,9 and 10. these are the stunted 1.
numbers 13 and 14 are the "biggy" at 16" and 15 and 16 are the next largest at just over 12.5".
like i said, sorry im no genius when uploading and they're only thumbnails but guess they're better than nowt! :lol:
and sorry this has ended up being a bit of an essay!
speak soon guys :peace:
puff puff pass!!



Well-Known Member me a dumbass if u likebut just wondering about the ph.
just checked the kids and 6 are bang on neutral but2 are a bit too alkaline, nearing 8!!!!(foook!!!) drop it down to the more acceptable 7, what do i do?
have cana ph up and down so im guessing adjust the water b4 watering.
but..(and here's where im being a dumbass :lol: ) do i make the water slightly acidic by the amount it needs to change? and do i need to flush plants b4 hand?
soz for being a turd boutthis..just wan2 get it right.
cheers chaps.:peace:
are you saying your run off is near 8. if so that meens that they are not drinking the nute mix and need just water if they dont need a flush. the run off needs to be lower than what goes in and if it keeps getting lower thats when you know you can make your nute mix stronger. but if it stays high your ppm of nute mix is to strong for those plants.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting bonz and makes total sense. thanx. fault as shoulda been more specific. it's the soil ph that's around the 8's actually droppped a bit since i posted about how would u go about sorting the soil ph?


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro. good luck do you know the sex? check out my journal let me know what u think. peace!


Well-Known Member
alritey 2hi...thanks for stopping by dude.
had a looksie at urs...looking good too, left comment there so seems daft to do so here aswell :lol:
only know that 2 of my 8 are girls at the mo..readback and ull see that Gwen and Budica are white deisel fem seeds. the other 6 are white rhino standard seeds so until they flower i dunno what they are. altho i suspect 2 and maybe 3 are girlies cos they're growing much slower.
mind u....can'tget shit to smoke at the mo!!!!!!!!:cuss:.scenes gonea bit shitty. FUCKING ROZZERS!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Very interesting bonz and makes total sense. thanx. fault as shoulda been more specific. it's the soil ph that's around the 8's actually droppped a bit since i posted about how would u go about sorting the soil ph?
just keep giving water, no nutes till it comes down and it needs to be lower than what your nute mix ph is that you have been using. if it dosen`t come down every time you water then you will probably have to flush. if the unhealthyness of them is getting worse i would also flush any way. i do mine every once and a while even if they dont need it.

mr west

Well-Known Member
this site is definatly invauluable(spl) I havent looked through my books in ages its all here, no need to fret lol.


Well-Known Member
I've made the decision to go to flower.
My main reason to do this now and not in around 2 weeks time is this:

all the kids have now hit the 12" mark- there or there abouts- and having measured my op properly, it's only 4' high and not the 5 i originally guessed!!! (don't guess! u twat!! :lol: )
1 plant is at 16.5" (the tallest and prob a boy!! bastard!!:lol:),4 at 13" 2 at 11". (haven't posted pix ,apart from 2 of my poorly plant) as did so yesterday.) so considering they're going to atleast double in height, that will put them ALL at atleast near 21/2 to 3' at harvest.
So that leaves about 1' gap between tops and the light when the light's at the very top and no more room to spare.
so tonight...the lights change!!!
as for the kids themselves...nothing further to report since yesterday.
but if u could have a look at this 1 and let me know ur thoughts..cos it/she is a little poorly.
will keep u posted on their progress.
puff puff pass:joint:



Well-Known Member
as long as it dont spread should be ok. looks like it was from the ph thing. they are pretty tough.

mr west

Well-Known Member
you might want to look into LST low stress training, if hight is gonna be an isssue, I think theres some info in the FAQ. Tie them bad bitches down lol :D
I agree with bonz bout the leaf prob, should be cool.


Well-Known Member
bonz: thanks for the sugg dude..i'm watching it very carefully just incase..altho doesn't seem to be spreading..atleast not at the mo.

mr west:i've seen LST all over this sight and never known what it meant so yet again...i've learnt something :lol:which isn't really that surprising with this site!! i learn every timei log in! :lol: the soil ph of this kid is slowly slipping to be honest. it was up around 8 but now it's nearer 7.5 so it's coming down.and the run off ph is almost neutral nowso maybe panic over! :lol: will keep u posted!
thanks for the tip..will look for tieing them down...i was thinking of doing this anyway just to give more room and giv the buds more light...when they appear.

will keep u all up to date!!