Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS


Well-Known Member
haha i want the smoke report first then ill see if i want to grow it haha. but dont typical kush strains flower past 12 weeks usually? if so i see why it is so favorable.


Well-Known Member
idk... i may be completely wrong on that statement. and i believe i might be. if they are typically indica dom then they should have a shorter flowering time


Well-Known Member
there is so many variables who is going to even bother keeping track really. What strain is the clone ?


Well-Known Member
indica fast flowering they have shorter fatter leaves usually from, 3 to 5 fingers on leaves, leaves boast ppatterns usually marblelike and they grow short and fat with little spacing beetween nodes, couchlock medicated stoned good for pain relief

mix beetween the two they will have shorter or longer flowering periods depending on wwhich side of the subspecies htey lean towards so to speak. the leaves will show some patterns depending on strain and have leaves that are longer than an indicas and fatter than a sativa that is they have leaves beetween the two.. hights wshape aand high vary but usually give you a bkit of the best of both worlds

sativa long slender pointy leaves little or no pattern just the veins in the leaves show. they can have anywhare from 6 to 13+ leaves have a longer flowering time and will give you a more energetic high good for doing shit and they grow tallwe than indicas genetically, tthry usually have decent spacing beetween there nodal structure too


Well-Known Member
nah none of them are clone. all from seed. i dont have any kind of access to clones where i am. i think the nearest MMJ state is CO and its like 1500 miles or more. but if you would like ill throw up a pic the labels them all, by strain and age.oh btw, tonight they go into their 48 darkness period before flowering, then they go into flowering. :-) :mrgreen: :bigjoint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
ya well they have had a growth spurt in the darkness, think they are starting that stretch. they have been on open sesame for a lil over a week now. the lights are going on at midnight tonight.


Well-Known Member
ok here are the girls after their dark period and are now on 12/12 :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
haha thanks jester. i know, im glad they finally are starting to shoot up. there was a little bit that i thought they would just stay the same size hahaha.

how much of what svchop?
u should try doing starts in foxfarm lightwarrior i like light warroir for starts then foxfarm ocean floor for veg repot with a dash of blood meal but the blood meal is just a personal slow release nitrogen preferance with a little perilite added to each for added drainage since i tend to over water but anyway it seems like thers a lot of bark in what ur using


Well-Known Member
i have pretty much all of those but am limited on hydro stores. if you will read through my journal, i have transplanted them recently into FFOF with added coco and more earthworm castings, along with some epsom salts, had a mag def, and fast acting dolomite lime. for a ph balancer

this new soil i have has literally no bark in it pretty much. the old stuff i had was awful barky. never using that shit again.