Grow Journal: my first grow with 600w MH/HPS


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man. hell no im done with those for good. im growing all my meds from now on. im transplanting the little ones in a 50/50 mix of FFOF and COCO fiber with some MYCO and bacteria added to help root growth. should be good. if i get any females from the badseed ill keep it and the 4 fem strains. ill just keep the BS shorter and prob going to top. still deciding. oh well. and thank you for joining my thread! ill post more pics tomorrow.


Active Member
haha thanks man. hell no im done with those for good. im growing all my meds from now on. im transplanting the little ones in a 50/50 mix of FFOF and COCO fiber with some MYCO and bacteria added to help root growth. should be good. if i get any females from the badseed ill keep it and the 4 fem strains. ill just keep the BS shorter and prob going to top. still deciding. oh well. and thank you for joining my thread! ill post more pics tomorrow.
well if you want i have a thread going where i have topped 2 of my plants, and so far they are taking control of my flowering room, as my other plants that i didnt top are atleast a week behind. my topped plants are growing some real nice buds to so far!!!if that helps you decide.


Active Member
hmm definitely post a link to the thread. i didnt realize it also speed growth. are they growing bushier or taller?
they are getting very bushy, buds from the bottum of the stem to the top, they are looking like i am going to have a great yeild. if i were you i would top or lst, both great ways to get as much bud as you can in a lil area!! link should be in signature


Well-Known Member
ah there it is. i didnt look past your drink and drive quote. haha ok ill look. ya ill probably top then. im at where i should top. close the 5th node. so ill make a decision by tomorow


Sector 5 Moderator
Looking good EP! You might want to up the N on the plants a little; I see some yellowing going on and I think they should be bigger than they are by now. Those three larger ones are probably about right to top. You should wait til they have 5-6 nodes and I'm just guessing that you have that many. Looking forward to seeing these grow up.


Well-Known Member
ya i know those bigger ones should be bigger. they arent as yellow now. and i gave them a good rinse today while i put spikes of good bacteria and microbes and put some on the bottom of the little ones root mass. this has a very week soluble NPK and cal mag in it. i gave them a 1/4 strength watering to the bigger ones. the bacteria should speed the root growth. but they look good and here are some pictures i took today. the last pic is the super lemon haze i planted on monday :bigjoint:




Sector 5 Moderator
Looks like 4 & 5 are just about ready to top. You can take the tops and root them to double your harvest again. Looking great.


Well-Known Member
thanks pot pimp. i think ill top them in a few days. i want the stem to get a little thicker and have a couple more node. that way they wont be as tramatized from it


Active Member
Looking better mate. My only concern is the little ones about a week old are looking overwatered again =[ The beans leaves are starting to yellow Remember once they get about that size to start really letting them dry out completely before watering them. Good luck


Well-Known Member
ya i realized that. but ive been only able to tend to them every few days and the medium they are in drains really well. good amount of calc sand. so when i see them the pot is completely dry and i give them a little water. also in that last pics i posted i had just watered them. my thought was, id reather them be a lil overwatered, then dry out and die or something. then i can let them dry out nice and good when i can tend to them more. but they look a lot better, i just have to find more cord to upload pics.


Active Member
Gotcha... But now at their size, overwatering will do more harm than underwatering =/ I just don't want these plants going through what the older ones did and it's starting to get close. 2 little ones look fine but the one with yellowing beans needs to be kept drier for now. Keep us updated and good luck


Well-Known Member
ya that is the white widow. it has been in there longer and prob needs a transplant. i am going to transplant them either tomorrow or wednsday. may only do three since one SLH is younger. but they look great right now. im going to post pics in a few. i am back home and can now let them dry out nice and good. but the two older ones i top look great and is already showing 2 main shoots. may get 4. not sure yet. and the one i didnt i am not sure if i am going to top it or not. may leave it just to see how it does. but i will be doing a comparison on topping one of my SLH and not the other. just to see differences in yield. since this is my first time i figured i should test and see which method i like better.


Well-Known Member
ok all. here are a few new pictures. you can see the new main new growths that will become the 4 colas when they get bigger. then the little ones of course. the two tallest are SLH and the back left short one is the Kaya and the last white widow. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
so i just transplanted three of the little ones in some bomb home mix soil. i went to my local hardware store, smaller than lowes and they carry humus and manure mix and mushroom compost. so i picked up some no nute high premium potting soil. its about 40% Mushroom compost. 20% humus and manure mix, then 15% potting soil, 15% coco fibre, then 10% perlite. i put about 3 cups of sand in the mix. drains great, has TONS of micro beasties and organic matter. also put 2 cups of dry milk for cal+mag. and suppose to increase size of buds and quality. who knows. in the 1 gallon i put a very sandy MC mix bout 50/50 mix of the two. then about 3 inches of my soil mix, then an inch of perlite, then a couple more inches of my soil mix. put cup in fill around the sides with my soil mix then transplanted. then should be awesome soil and very active with micro beasties.