Grow journal for bagseed


Well-Known Member
Well, I just wanted to do a grow journal on my first bagseed plant ever. I have always done clones in the past, but now that I moved, I can't get them anymore from my buddy. This plant is about 4 weeks old (since the first day the taproot came out of the seed). It has been growing for about 3 weeks, but I was having some problems with my tapwater. Where I used to live, my tapwater was great, but now where I live, IT SUX!!! It has a ppm of 400. I thought I could get by with it, but my leaves were cracking and falling off for a littel while. I went out and bought distlled water, and now it's growing like a beast. I am using a 600W MH and I will switch to my HPS bulb when the time comes (very soon as I want to keep this plant short). I also use Kool Bloom in the last two weeks. I will continuosly update this grow and show you my progress.
P.S. This plant has been topped several times, and will continue to prune it so it looks and grows like a bonzai.



Well-Known Member
All that light for only 1 plant.
Yep, I'll need a bigger setup if i want to do more plants, which won't be a problem. Without getting into too much details, i'm just starting off with one until I figure out how my location can handle everything (i.e smell, neighbors, etc.) This is a just test run in my new place!


Well-Known Member
here is an update, only 3 days later. i decided to start flowering 2 days ago, and she is really growing. i am currently flushing her with distilled water for about 24 hours or so, then i'll add the bloom formula. flora nova has made a believer out of me.
P.S. i forgot to mention, but you can probably tell, that i switched to the hps now.



Well-Known Member
Why don't you grow in soil if you can fit more plants under that 600?
it's not that i can fit more plants under it if used soil... like i said earlier (in my 2nd post of this thread), it's that i just moved across the US and I am trying out my new location to see how everything goes here. Once i figure everything out, i will probably grow more, but not too much more; I don't sell any of my medicine, i use it all for myself. I will probably never use soil again, unless its outdoors. Soil is a pain, and I hate hauling and disposing of dirt. Besides, hydro is an all around better choice if you want increased yield and potency. Peace.


New Member
Jeez.... I didn't ask for your life story :lol: Whatever floats your boat Cap'm just don't let that plant be overwatered too long.


Well-Known Member
Well, today was the day. I found out she was female! I don't have any pic updates, but I will update soon enough once the buds start piling on. I started with the Flora Nova Bloom yesterday, so we'll see what she starts looking like in the next couple weeks here.


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been 10 days since i switched the light cycle. As expected, she has really filled out and my successive topping is now finally paying dividends. There are preflowers everywhere, now i'm just waiting for the buds to start forming. She is a bush and also not to mention, stinks quite a bit. I can't even imagine how bad this thing is gonna stink in a few weeks. I should also make a correction to my first post, this isn't my first bagseed grow ever. It is just my first bagseed grow in hydro. I have done bagseed outdoors and was pleasantly happy with the results, especially last year when my bagseed was out of some jamaican herb, and yes I brought back the seeds directly from the source.:weed: Anywho, here is the update, and i will probably give one more before next week is over.



Well-Known Member
Happy Halloween everyone! So this is officially 31 days into flowering. I had to tie her down a few days ago because the branches were getting fairly close to the reflector, and I didn't want them to start burning. All is well though. I think she's looking alright. I'm hoping another 30 days outta do it, but we'll see. Those sativas can be tricky sometimes. Peace, Love, Unity.



Well-Known Member
hey im not trying to bash on your grow but it seems as if the strain is unstable and not filled out at all for 30 days, but it looks as though its sativa and stretchind alot, so it could flower for 70-80 days whatever you do dont pick it early