Grow Chamber's, HATCH Style


Active Member
do you think if i got the 40 gallon one i could put all 60 2'' cups in it and if i decided to make my own aero system with this 40 gal tub. how many sprayers would i need to make sure every plant got their nutes and how far apart should each cup be. do you think you could give me a list of the same brand of products you use or a link maybe, im about to get this ball rollin asap


Well-Known Member
do you think if i got the 40 gallon one i could put all 60 2'' cups in it and if i decided to make my own aero system with this 40 gal tub. how many sprayers would i need to make sure every plant got their nutes and how far apart should each cup be. do you think you could give me a list of the same brand of products you use or a link maybe, im about to get this ball rollin asap
No, The 20 gal. & 40 Gal. Are Just For The Res's, You Would Just Need One Or The Other.

OK, When I Lay Out The Top's For The Hole's, I Find The Center Of The Top, & Put Some Refferance Line That Cross In The Middle, Then I Lay The Sites Out In Row's, I Have Some where I Have 3 to A Row, 4 , 5, & 6....The More You Get The Harder It Is, But Take Your Time, Get It All Laid Out Before You Get Drill Them Out With A 2" Hole Saw.

Yes I Get Alot Of My Stuff From Botanicare - Plant Energy Products
I Also Use Pump's & Nut's From GENERAL HYDROPONICS
I Get Stuff Here Also
Intelligent Irrigation Solutions ™ ,Drip Irrigation .

You Can Find Everything Through These Link's, Or Your Local Hydro Store's, Home Depot, Lowe's.

Hey I'll Put Up A Picture Of Some Of The Top Lay Out's.


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Active Member
i like the concept of the one with 36 holes in it i belive. won't that be kinda close for the plants and they have to be kinda short wont they. plus that 36 hole one could give you a pound easily right?


Well-Known Member
i like the concept of the one with 36 holes in it i belive. won't that be kinda close for the plants and they have to be kinda short wont they. plus that 36 hole one could give you a pound easily right?
I Use The One's With 35, 36 , & 40 For My Clones, In The Cloning Chamber. The Most Site's I Flower with Are The One's With 15, 16, & 20. All My Plant's are Clone's & A Single Cola, & They Grow Straight Up, & They Don't Need Much Room. & They Get Plenty Of Penetration, With 1400w. Beaming Down On Them.

You Can Set You Goal's To Get Over A Pound, But Really Tell You Have It Dried & Cured, No One Can Tell You What Your Going To Get.,,,,,,,,,But You Are On The Right Track, Keep Putting Thing's Together, & You Will Get It figured Out.


Well-Known Member
what type of dried yields do norm see?(per plant)

And for skills, I don't know how good they are but I have most of the tools for any job.
I'm what ppl call a Jack of all trades and a master on none.

I need to install a new elec panel but that will be out of my league. I always blow circuit breakers. errrrrrrr.


Well-Known Member
what type of dried yields do norm see?(per plant)

And for skills, I don't know how good they are but I have most of the tools for any job.
I'm what ppl call a Jack of all trades and a master on none.

I need to install a new elec panel but that will be out of my league. I always blow circuit breakers. errrrrrrr.
Word!!!!!,,,,,Please, If You don't Know about Electricity, Ya Get Some One Who Can, That Shit Is Unforgiving, & We Loike Having You Around.

Ya, You Have To Mark Of 24 Hour Clock On A Peace Of Paper, & Figure Out Where Everything Hit & Miss Each Other, So At Any Given Time You Don't Have To Much Of A Load, Sometime That Take's A While To Get Dailed In!!!

But Ok, Great, You Can Run Them With-Out Hurting YourSelf, EH????.......I Can Tell You How To Set Up Thing's Before You Cut Anything, To Be The Easiest For You.

So Where We Are At????,,,,,,,,,You Need A Front On Yopur Flower Chamber 1), We Need To Build A Few Aero System's For You, & Address The Cloning Area, & Mom's Hoe House,Right???


Well-Known Member
For the elec. I was going to run romex from the ceiling light breaker its 15 amps and the lights don't use that much power. The problem that I have is when my gf uses her hair drier or when we vacuum at the same time as the 600 is on. This should be detoured once I pig tail the other breaker line. But I know my limits.

As of now I have everything lined with panda film, this includes front covers with velcro to hold it on.

What I need to figure is how many plants I need to grow. I would like to have a min of 2-4z every two wks, but if growing with aeroponics does not allow this.

I need to figure out the air flow, in and out. smell control, noise control, and everything to make this STEALTH. Im open for ideas.

I would also like it to be easy to get to.


Well-Known Member
For the elec. I was going to run romex from the ceiling light breaker its 15 amps and the lights don't use that much power. The problem that I have is when my gf uses her hair drier or when we vacuum at the same time as the 600 is on. This should be detoured once I pig tail the other breaker line. But I know my limits.

As of now I have everything lined with panda film, this includes front covers with velcro to hold it on.

What I need to figure is how many plants I need to grow. I would like to have a min of 2-4z every two wks, but if growing with aeroponics does not allow this.

I need to figure out the air flow, in and out. smell control, noise control, and everything to make this STEALTH. Im open for ideas.

I would also like it to be easy to get to.
If You Are Going To Come Off The Kitchen Light's, There Should Be A Junction Box, That Inbetween The Light & Panel BreaKer Box, That Would Be A Safer Place To Tie InTo, Then Just Pig-Tailing.

Sound's Like You Have Been Busy, Bro If You Get Your Timing Down, Which Could Take 4 Or So Month's, Have 16 Plant's Finishing, & Another Right Behind Them, Then Clone's To Replace The One's That Finished, & Keep Up That Rotation, You Should Get A 1/4 To A 1/2 Pound Every Month, & That Number Will Increase with More Experience, To Get That Every Two Week's, You Would Have To Have Two Or Three more Flower Room's, It Takes A Flowering Plant At Least 56 To 65 Day's To Mature. There Is Not Anything That Mature's In Just Two Week's, That's Where All The Clone's Come In To Play, & Getting The Flowering Staggered So They Will Flower & Mature At Different Time's, Then Being Able To Replace Those Plant's With Clones To Keep The Rotation Going.

That's How I Have Mine Now, But It Took A While To Get It That Way.

& As Far As Convenience & Easy, I Can Change 11 Res.'s, In About A Hour & A Half & That's 130gal. Total, & Most Of That Time Is Waiting On The Water To Fill Back Up. I Use A Big Shop Vac To Suck The Water Out, & I Use A Smaller Shop Vac To Finish Up The Cleaning Of The Res.'s, & I Use The Old Water On My Outside Garden.

So You Have To Be The Judge, I Can Show You How To Build It & Run It, Put You Have To Be The One To Know If It's Right For Your Situation.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hatch,
I know that my plants take a little longer then two months to harvest, the last grow I was doing, I would just add x amount of plants from clone into flower, I did this enough times to get a harvest every two wks. I guess I just didn't write it the right way.

My last grow I was able to continue for 6 months but then that's when the bugs came into play and I got tired of seeing the little fuckers so I just kept one to mother and made sure she didn't have any pests.
If you go and click on to my name you can find some of the pics I took of some of the plants.


Well-Known Member
I picked up some nutes a few days ago, I have never used them but herd they would make a difference. Adv.Sensi A and B grow and bloom, with overdrive and big bud and budswel any info or did i just blow two bills


Active Member
Hey hatch im just posting to say that this is one cool setup, I'm an outdoor grower but ive been wanting to start an indoor setup but haven't decided on what method to use. Your setup really caught my eye so ive been reading up on aeroponics and im thinking this is what im going to do. Thanks for inspiring me if I have any questions on how to set this bad boy up ill be sure post :peace:.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the space and g-area
Ya, We Can Do Something With That Space. The Reason I'd Like To See You Seal The Grow Space's Up, & Have Removable Door's, Is You Could Exchange The Air Better, Like Put A Inlet On One Side of The Door & A Exit Exhaust On The Other Side, Also I Think You could have Alot Of Light Transfer With Just The Tarp.
To Close Them In, All You Would Need Is Two Sheet's Of 3/4" Plywood, Seal The Bottom First, Cut A Good Size Excess Door In The Center, Then You Can Inner Lock The Door's Like I Have Picture SomeWhere Back There. After You Get The Plywood Up On The Bottom, You Can Stack The One For The Top Ontop Of That One, & Do The Same Thing.

Have You Got The Bug Problem Taken Care Of????


Well-Known Member
I picked up some nutes a few days ago, I have never used them but herd they would make a difference. Adv.Sensi A and B grow and bloom, with overdrive and big bud and budswel any info or did i just blow two bills
Ya Advance Nut's Are Suppost To Be Pretty Good. I'll Have To Read Up On Them To See What All Supplement's You Will Need Along With The Nut's.


Well-Known Member
Hey hatch im just posting to say that this is one cool setup, I'm an outdoor grower but ive been wanting to start an indoor setup but haven't decided on what method to use. Your setup really caught my eye so ive been reading up on aeroponics and im thinking this is what im going to do. Thanks for inspiring me if I have any questions on how to set this bad boy up ill be sure post :peace:.
Hey What's Up???,,,,,,,Thank You Kindly For Stopping In, & For The Kind Word's, I Just Try To Give Alittle Back, & If I Can Help Some One Out???,,,,,,,Well, That's What I'm Going To Do. Life Is To Short, We Better Try & Do What We Can While We Are Here!!!!,,,,,,[{""That's My Story Officer, & I'm Sticking To It""}],,,,,,,,,HEHEHEHE

But Ya, When You Get Ready Holler At Me & We'll See What We Can Come Up With!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,Best Of Luck With Your Outside Grow!!!,,It's Rough Out There!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
As you see I don't sleep when Im in the zone.

Yes the bugs are all gone. and before I put anything into flow I will scrub the panda film with bleach and water. Then sok all of the vegging plants to triple check not one is learking around.

I think I got the bugs because there is a window about 7" from the area. It will help with heat and air in and out but I will have to replace it. Its old and ready to go to window hell.

I have decided to make the area a hidden room I'm going to put a wall up and cut a door between the studs that are paralel to a bedroom closet so I can get in and out of but the only problem will be access door, it will only be 15" or so. I just don't want to take any extra chances with friends, family, or anyone asking questions.

I can also remove the top shelf so I have over 8' for the flower area. I don't know. I just have to get something to eat.

I will go over the space and all of the variables to the T. This should make things more detailed.

Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
As you see I don't sleep when Im in the zone.

Yes the bugs are all gone. and before I put anything into flow I will scrub the panda film with bleach and water. Then sok all of the vegging plants to triple check not one is learking around.

I think I got the bugs because there is a window about 7" from the area. It will help with heat and air in and out but I will have to replace it. Its old and ready to go to window hell.

I have decided to make the area a hidden room I'm going to put a wall up and cut a door between the studs that are paralel to a bedroom closet so I can get in and out of but the only problem will be access door, it will only be 15" or so. I just don't want to take any extra chances with friends, family, or anyone asking questions.

I can also remove the top shelf so I have over 8' for the flower area. I don't know. I just have to get something to eat.

I will go over the space and all of the variables to the T. This should make things more detailed.

Thanks for your help.
See, & No Problem It's My Pleasure To Help, & Ya, I'm Starving Also!!!!!,,,,,,,Catch You Later!!:mrgreen::joint::hump::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
You had mentioned t5 lights, where is the best place to buy a system. Should I get a 2,4,6,8. I guess it would have to be the 8. Bring on the light....

With your exper. why are t5 better then a 400w system?