grodan or grow store slab clone cubes ?

EKG Cal Canna

Well-Known Member
Is anyone seeing a difference by using grodan a ok"s compared to 50 piece cheap grow store slab rockwool? I started kicking it around after plugging clones in cheap rockwool that were inconsistent, some hard some soft. The grodans are consistent in density,soft & common sense would say that it would root quicker in softer cubes. Any thoughts other than the usual haters critics & complainers that grow the Best 5 a light weed ever in Moms garage ?
The Big Mama are relatively good. I found them on the site, but it doesn't look like US. I'm on the border of Arizona with Mexico and this place seems to be from there. There are things good price like Ez REz
consistency is worth it.
grodan plug into grodan block.
I'm using the 6x hugo in paragro quick drain form.
so simple.:peace:

not sure what the 5 a light weed in moms garage means but I did grow some killer smoke in my moms garden in 1977.:weed:
I use root riots, sometimes cheap isn't the best option. I have used water cloners but the clones always took a hit, coulda been my fault or just the nature of the beast. That would be your cheapest option though.. One and done kinda purchase. Probably my fault. Anyways, good luck.