Grindcore//Fastcore//Power Violence


Well-Known Member
All the best music is from these genres. Feel free to share your faves

Both sides of this split are really good, but the Dead Radical side (starting around 4:45) is truly something else. Shame they weren't around for very long, they were really on a whole nother level...

I started out listening to punk and metal as a teenager, as you do, then in my early/mid-20s I got into weed and psychedelics and my music tastes got more broad but also a lot more slow/chilled out. Then in the past decade-ish, I've gotten back into the fast/ecstatic stuff in a big way, and Iron Lung was one of the first bands I discovered at that time. They have such a unique sound, in a genre where a lot of stuff sounds the same (power violence) they have really pushed the boundaries in directions that not many other artists have gone before or since. Plus they're a 2-piece and 2-piece bands are just the coolest.

I actually saw this band live back in the day but was too naive to really appreciate it. This EP is just a classic...pure, ecstatic chaos, like what were they even thinking when they wrote these songs?

I started out listening to punk and metal as a teenager, as you do, then in my early/mid-20s I got into weed and psychedelics and my music tastes got more broad but also a lot more slow/chilled out. Then in the past decade-ish, I've gotten back into the fast/ecstatic stuff in a big way, and Iron Lung was one of the first bands I discovered at that time. They have such a unique sound, in a genre where a lot of stuff sounds the same (power violence) they have really pushed the boundaries in directions that not many other artists have gone before or since. Plus they're a 2-piece and 2-piece bands are just the coolest.
My musical tastes have changed drastically over the years. I have always been into metal and it is still my favorite type of music but I really have gotten into grindcore over the past 5 years.
