I mean "owns" in the manipulative and selfish RR sense
No, you don't. You are wrong.
I don't use the word "owns" in a manipulative or selfish way in the context of our recent communication in this thread.
The word ownership isn't selfish in a negative sense in that situation, it's descriptive in the definitive sense.
It defines who is the person(s) who has the rightful control over a person, place or thing etc. Self control isn't a negative, necessarily. as in "selfish" (dickishly self centered) since it doesn't violate anothers right. It defines boundaries and when followed, brokers peaceful ways to resolve potential conflicts.
Being selfish the way you are, does though. You advocate going beyond SELF control and seem to think a group has the right to violate others self control over themself, simply by ganging up in a majority to remove self control and replace it with a threat if you don't obey the majority / gang.
You and your gang are the selfish one in that circumstance, since you go beyond your rights to extinguish anothers rights.
I don't have rightful control over you, until or unless, you attempt to limit my rightful control over me. I use the word "owns" as a way to help define who is in the right or not concerning the disposition of that which is owned.
In a majority rule construct, individual rights and self ownership is routinely violated. That's the epitomy of selfish and you seem to advocate that.
Libertarians don't mind if you want to form a voluntary socialist / commune. Socialists / Commies will not allow libertarians to exist. Which attitude is selfish ?