yeah u guys are right, I'll just stay in my own thread, and focus on what matters, the plants! hopefully the shit storm just doesnt make its way over here lol
I will stop here from time to time and check out your grow. I am not very organic but enjoy conversing with you. I am mostly on the cannaventure and useful thread. Good vibes on those to threads.When i want my dose of payton place i go to greenpoint. That crap on heisen's tread well i was wondering if the farm was rely the state pen. (classy bunch)
So I have Barley straw as my mulch, for the mycelium to stay alive do I need to keep top dressing? Or will it just stay? I ask because I over amended my original soil that the rootball is in, but the soil surrounding it is FF’s Light Warrior, just soil and worm castings. It’s going to need some food sometime... i’ve Just been waiting for the mycelium to break down the amendments to bring balance to the pH or The Force if you’re in to Star Wars
I use to use barley, and I would use the grokashi under that, but I noticed once the mycelium formed it would make the top layer of soil turn into a solid sheet almost! like I could pick up the layer as a single piece! well after seeing this a few times, I've started to wonder if the top dressing were even getting into the soil it self bc of this! well I think the best way would to be to actually up and crumble the mycelium once its dry and makes that hard layer. I hope this makes since. but after doing that and the top dressing and watering it in, I felt better about the too dressing getting into the soil. and after just sprinkle in a Lil more kashi!

I don't know for sure if this is the best way, or if there is better ways, but this has worked for me in the past! and another in true living organics there is no such thing as ph!

Im willing to bet @hyroot could give much better info on this than I could!
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I took my first clones at exactly 2 weeks of having her, at least 2 weeks before I expected to be able to take clones! I have 2 very good and big clones, one was a Lil smaller than I would have liked, but it was so low on the girl, when putting it into the sip it would have been lower and under the black plastic, so I figured just give it a chance to see if she will clone!CM181113-162458007.jpg

I tried to take a pic of the amazing roots that had grown, but unfortunately I moved to fast and the pic was shit and I didn't realize until after she was already planted. but here's the pic anyway u can still see a lil.


I have also put the gg into her final home the sip pot! I sprinkled in some azos and mykos inside the hole! and the layer of gro-Kashi that you are seeing, is my second and final layer that I like to do! like I've mention before, I grow in my first layer, top dress with compost, now this is my second layer, I like to plant the girl in at this time! in a few days once the mycelium has formed this is when I do the cow shit patty imitation! after that my goal is to never lift the plastics again! at this time everything is on AUTOPILOT, all I will do after these steps, is topping off the rez, with water and em1(about every week or 2 weeks, still playing with this) then, SIT BACK AND WATCH THE GORWTH EXPLODE!!!!!!
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a bit of advise that I have learned over my first to runs with sips, I like to leave at least and inch or two of space between the top layers of soil and the plastic cover, it allows the plastic to sweat, and creates a type of rain and humidity thing. ( if u guys remember from elementary school, most of us did a project about rain fall and humidity, where u can watch the water evaporate from one side and then rain down on the opposite side of the small built ecosystem thing) well if you remember this, then my plan is to do a similar thing, by leaving a space it basically "rains" in the top of of the pot! can't really prove how much this helps or hurts, but bc of the lack of info, this I what I like to do!

if someone has input on this and can teach me something I'm all ears! if I'm wrong or hurting it in any way plz set me straight!
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here is the baby sitting nicely in her final home! I've got some more to do, there will be a few more updates later on today, need to charge up the battery's, and get some work done I'll be back soon!CM181113-162452006.jpg
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just for my record and anyone else's, I received this cut on October 31, so today makes exactly 2 weeks of having her in my possession! so I'm sure you guys can agree the growth on this amazing cut is truly special! also one of the fastest growing strains that I've been lucky enough to have graced my garden!

day 1 for me 10/31/18

But I was reading and saw ppl arguing about when they could sex a plant and be able to tell male/female!

Well I can vouch for a fact, I have 6 girls from seed that are exactly 30 days old today, and have been on 18/6 light schedule since day one, and they still are!

Well if you have a digital microscope, and will be patient, I have been able to tell two females for a fact beyond a doubt! At this point in time you will not be able to tell on every plant, but it is possible on some!!!

With that being said, I DO NOT recommend KILLING ANYTHING at this time, give them more time to prove what sex they are! but I'm using this method to "up pot" the for sure females!

To clarity for any "noobs" reading this all I'm looking for is a tiny hair to start growing out of the calyx. I won't go into any more detail with this, Google if you need to know more, I just wanted to post what I have learned, in the past I've flowered clones just to see, but you can for a fact tell the sex in plants while in veg! most ppl say after 6 weeks, I'm here to say for a fact, I've seen proof in 30 days from popping out the soil but only on 2 out of my 6 plants!

heres my proof, 30 days exactly from the breaking of soil! it's hard to see but she's a she! guess yall just gunna have to take my word, or if anyone doesn't believe me, I can click my pics, and it's shows the date, I could take a pic of that, if anyone just can't take my word for it!
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I would also like to go ahead and thank you guys for following along! I hope we can all learn some shit together and maybe have some fun!

As for giving out clones, (to the many ppl who have asked) I unfortunately DO NOT have permission to share this cut! and I have to and will respect the wishes of the person that gave this to me! I'm very sorry for this! but there is a possibility that one day maybe, the person will change their mind and no longer care! if that day does ever come, I promise I will let you guys know first! no promises that it will ever happen, bc as I've stated this is not my desicion to make! (until things change, if and when) I am not allowed to share this cut! I'm very sorry, and i apologize! But hey, you never can tell the future, shit happens, so just stick around guys, anything is possible, in this crazy game that we call life! if it is ever allowed for me to share I will, but I will not ever share anything without the permission, from the person who gave me mine!

ps I just found out and learned about the BOLD and the underline editing stuff lol, I apologize for excessive use, that I may be doing with it lmfao!
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Thank you guys so much, the other day was a very rough day for me! thank you for giving me a Lil advise and talking me into staying, and continuing to do what I love! I was really butt hurt that day, and I appreciate you guys speaking on that. Your words, and great ppl like you guys, are the reasoning to why I'm here and just trying to give back a Lil bit of info and help, to this great and amazing community that has taught me almost everything I know about growing great bud! This place is truly 90% of the reason I have made it this far, and how i am sitting where I'm at today!


that's just a joke sorry if I offended wasnt my plan to! ^^^^

Now that I've had a chance to thank, speak, and explain everything that I wanted to say, It is time to get back to the reason you fine ladies and gentlemen are here! This amazing cut of GG#4 and the bad ass methods of the SIP pot with Probiotics!

I went ahead and cleaned up the veg room, dam close to spotless, also had to organize the plants, to where the most important (to me) got the best spots for lights, veg is way over grown right now! but the flower room has about a max of two weeks, plus a few days for some serious cleaning and scrubbing! (getting the help of the amazing wife for that). I put my favs under the led t5, it is by far the most superior veg light that I own at the moment! Here's what its looking like now in the veg room! CM181113-200057003.jpg CM181113-200029001.jpg CM181113-200048002.jpg
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I like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character, and you strike me as a good dude GT. There are people around here I wouldn't try to talk down from the ledge if they got upset and said they were leaving, "good riddance to them" is what I'd say.

Just remember, it's only the internet...nothing to take too seriously. tenor (5).gif
I like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character, and you strike me as a good dude GT. There are people around here I wouldn't try to talk down from the ledge if they got upset and said they were leaving, "good riddance to them" is what I'd say.

Just remember, it's only the internet...nothing to take too seriously. View attachment 4232768
I do appreciate that my man! and same to you, there is for sure a few of you guys that I Barley know, but from the few conversations I've had with yall, I can tell yall are some dam good ppl! and if you guys ever need anything, seriously plz just reach out and let me know and I'll make it happen some kinda way, or dam sure die trying!
Alright here we go again!

I've gotten the transplant of the GG into the sip over, all went well, I was a Tiny bit rough on accident, didn't break anything but was a tad harder than I'd liked! so now she has a small bamboo steak to help support itself for a few days!CM181113-163101008.jpg

I was really wanting to not have to water, until my em1 was finished expanding, but more importantly! I want the GG sip to at 100% and in full swing, so I went ahead a used a tad less then 3/4 a cup of em1 (would have made a gallon when expanded, big waste :-() but the GG sip is the most important thing, so I did it regardless! But she's running 100% now!CM181113-200141004.jpg

I use bubbled water (separately bubbled) and em1 to full up the rez, since all my sips are diy, unfortunately each one can hold a lil bit different amounts! the gg4 sip took almost 4 gallons and was not full! so I'll have to add more!

just wanna point out, I have drilled tiny holes as an over flow on the side level with the pvc support! Until now I've always used this to tell how much water is in the rez, it's the simplist way and it does work, just fill until you see water flowing out! this is very important plz don't skip this step. But here soon a really good friend is sending me a few pieces of tubing and grommets, and also helping me build a better way to see and measure what is in the sip, I'll post that project when I do it!
I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT A VERY IMPORTANT PART TO THIS DESIGN! if you look closely and see right above the over flow holes, you will noticed I marked it, you must have a section of air between the water, and the soil! at least an inch!! THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! AND IS A MUST!!!! you need at least an inch of air between the two! if you do it the way I am, you will see its very important and if you don't u will see why! I use 1inch pvc pipe as support if you have seen my early builds, and that makes the prefect air gap in my opinion! This diy method works great for me and I absolutely love it! just don't take any short cuts! Like everything in life you will get back what you put into it!

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OK guys that's pretty much it for today! all I have left is to do some of my weekly ipm, and go poke around in the flower room! I just wanted to point out for any noobs, that come across this,
I CANNOT STRESS HOW IMPORTANT IPM IS, IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, LEAVE THIS THREAD NOW!! AND GO GOOGLE!!!!, then come back lol, I have had major issues with spider mites very recently as a matter of fact, I finally think I have them handled but I refuse to let up! i will never stop! rain fire on that ass! and don't stop! carpet bomb those bastards, and everything around! I'm am NOW very religious about my ipm, I use neem, azamax, green cleaner, mighty wash! and trying out a new product that hydro red turned me on too! I post pics and stuff, when it actually gets here! the most important thing is to switch it up, bugs can become immune if you use the same thing for long enough time, so change it up!
Alright here we go again!

I've gotten the transplant of the GG into the sip over, all went well, I was a Tiny bit rough on accident, didn't break anything but was a tad harder than I'd liked! so now she has a small bamboo steak to help support itself for a few days!View attachment 4232798

I was really wanting to not have to water, until my em1 was finished expanding, but more importantly! I want the GG sip to at 100% and in full swing, so I went ahead a used a tad less then 3/4 a cup of em1 (would have made a gallon when expanded, big waste :-() but the GG sip is the most important thing, so I did it regardless! But she's running 100% now!View attachment 4232799

I use bubbled water (separately bubbled) and em1 to full up the rez, since all my sips are diy, unfortunately each one can hold a lil bit different amounts! the gg4 sip took almost 4 gallons and was not full! so I'll have to add more!

just wanna point out, I have drilled tiny holes as an over flow on the side level with the pvc support! Until now I've always used this to tell how much water is in the rez, it's the simplist way and it does work, just fill until you see water flowing out! this is very important plz don't skip this step. But here soon a really good friend is sending me a few pieces of tubing and grommets, and also helping me build a better way to see and measure what is in the sip, I'll post that project when I do it!
I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT A VERY IMPORTANT PART TO THIS DESIGN! if you look closely and see right above the over flow holes, you will noticed I marked it, you must have a section of air between the water, and the soil! at least an inch!! THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! AND IS A MUST!!!! you need at least an inch of air between the two! if you do it the way I am, you will see its very important and if you don't u will see why! I use 1inch pvc pipe as support if you have seen my early builds, and that makes the prefect air gap in my opinion! This diy method works great for me and I absolutely love it! just don't take any short cuts! Like everything in life you will get back what you put into it!

View attachment 4232801

Yes I used the grommet / tube system for that portion of my sips. Put a small Tupperware before to catch overfill.

Definitely a must have. Rooms looking good buddy.

Keep it up.

I'll be building a couple new SIPs shortly after I finish some work on the room. Also planning on trying the plastic bit like we talked about.
Yes I used the grommet / tube system for that portion of my sips. Put a small Tupperware before to catch overfill.

Definitely a must have. Rooms looking good buddy.

Keep it up.

I'll be building a couple new SIPs shortly after I finish some work on the room. Also planning on trying the plastic bit like we talked about.
yea I'm excited about the hose thing, would be really nice to see inside the rez, without having to try and just guess, or keep filling it!

Also thanks for the compliment I appreciate that!

And for my over fill I just grab a towel, its easy no mess, and just more simple than trying to catch the small amount that comes out! I really don't save anything especially some run off!

And if you don't mind when u do build yours, go ahead and post about it here, there isn't a lot of info, on all of this, sips, and probiotics, and I could really use some help, with addding info and turning this thread into something worthy of being here!
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I kinda wish I could change the name of this thread and move it from the seed an strain review, DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THATS POSSIBLE? I'm actually trying my best to make this thread more informative, and a good learned thread to anyone interested in these methods, I have messaged a few ppl and asked for some help, with cleaning up some of the questions we have had, and possibly correct anything I was wrong on.(lord knows how much false info I've stated here and for that I apologize, I truly have tried my best, but there is just some things that really have a massive lack of information to be found, believe me I have looked!), I can't say they will come or if they will give us their time, but I figured it couldn't hurt to just try and ask for help! worst they can say is no lol!
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I kinda wish I could change the name of this thread and move it from the seed an strain review, DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THATS POSSIBLE? I'm actually trying my best to make this thread more informative, and a good learned thread to anyone interested in these methods, I have messaged a few ppl and asked for some help, with cleaning up some of the questions we have had, and possibly correct anything I was wrong on.(lord knows how much false info I've stated here and for that I apologize, I truly have tried my best, but there is just some things that really have a massive lack of information to be found, believe me I have looked!), I can't say they will come or if they will give us their time, but I figured it couldn't hurt to just try and ask for help! worst they can say is no lol!

You can change the name of the thread title at any time I believe along with tags. If you wanted it changed to another sub section or to the journals you could ask a mod to move it. Maybe @sunni or @genuity can help you out?
You can change the name of the thread title at any time I believe along with tags. If you wanted it changed to another sub section or to the journals you could ask a mod to move it. Maybe @sunni or @genuity can help you out?
thanks buddy hopefully they don't mind helping, I'd like to get this thread to the point where ppl will come by for help, and hopefully learn this amazing method for growing!

but one thing I have learned for sure, is not everyone will listen, and a lot of ppl don't care, I think I need to learn to not get so excited, and to remember a lot of ppl, if not all or most, all believe their way is the best way, sometimes I let my excitement get the better of me! that I really need to work on!
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