Greenpoint seeds!!

It doesnt matter what you called it. You said it was yours. It's not. End of story..... kick rocks mouth piece. Youve made a fool of yourself enough on your own. And I'm not a tough guy. I' jus guy who grows nice lookn herb that other people try to claim as their own.

I'm not calling "it" that is the description from GDP about the Grandpa Larry your quote is from where ken describes the Larry OG and whom he got it from.
Guess I gotta start water marking my pics. So children don't try to use them as their own. Prob showed his posse at home all the dank weed he grows. Then goes and buys an 1/8th and smokes it while he cries himself to sleep.
It doesnt matter what you called it. You said it was yours. It's not. End of story..... kick rocks mouth piece. Youve made a fool of yourself enough on your own. And I'm not a tough guy. I' jus guy who grows nice lookn herb that other people try to claim as their own.

Nope. I'm guessing English is your second language and don't use it at home.
Anyone know how the stretch is on OBS I'm already at 30 inches. Not counting the smartpot. I only have 70 inches of headroom. And that's moving my light clear to the top.
So it sounds like you copied and pasted something from a website Ken Estes said, and then mis labeled the photo. But you never cited Ken Estes or any website. It can easily be interpreted as you claiming it as your own

It's clearly a description of a strain by the breeder didn't think I'd have to say it was from the breeder and give credit for posting that information. It could only be misinterpreted if the the whole post wasn't read I guess. And I have assumed fault for assuming an unlabeled photo used for comparison. Not sure how anyone could think the description was anything but that with the name in bold and description below.
I have one request for @Gu~

It would be very convenient if we did not have to ship you shipping money when purchasing orders with golden nuggets when there are lots of golden nuggets to spare to pay for shipping. I don't see how allowing this would hurt your business or take money away from it. I think it would increase your processing time, save your workers work, and be very beneficial for both parties. If there is some reason preventing this no big deal just thought I would say something. It is sort of like sending the IRS a ton of money only to have it returned...Ridiculous costs involved there that are completely avoidable.
I have one request for @Gu~

It would be very convenient if we did not have to ship you shipping money when purchasing orders with golden nuggets when there are lots of golden nuggets to spare to pay for shipping. I don't see how allowing this would hurt your business or take money away from it. I think it would increase your processing time, save your workers work, and be very beneficial for both parties. If there is some reason preventing this no big deal just thought I would say something. It is sort of like sending the IRS a ton of money only to have it returned...Ridiculous costs involved there that are completely avoidable.
Thats part of his costs bud shipping cost money.

Just cause the nuggets got you the seeds for free basically your paying for the box and shipping.

I dont see the problem ..... but i understand your question