Well-Known Member
It is a producing plant, good yields in small d pots, it is stretched a bit at 12/12 change. I'm barely curing, after 8 days of drying, the little I've tasted of each phenotype is very delicious, 2 are very afghan-pungent-chem. the other 3 have the afghan with acid fruit, good taste to the palate not yet cured.
I hope you find a good hunt. It is difficult to choose with these genetics.
I wait for @~gu to improve its international service, so that customs does not withhold the packages, any advice?
Awesome description thanks a lot. I had a lot of hope for this one =) I'll post pics when I run it soon. Really great to hear the good yields. A buddy of mine has a African and Spanish land race line he has been working that puts out cherry and pineapple and yields great so I am going to pass him a mom or dad and see what he can do with it. You happen to remember if any males smelled sweet in veg? Or how long flowering? I would expect 70 days ~
I said nice ties geesh jkin my line of work necktie get you killed lol but i understand what your putting down
Nice hoard of triple nova
Hah, I feel ya I went from working with a bunch of flags when I was younger to trench coats and ties if ya feel me so I understand. We are in the same line of work just with different types of people. Stress is still somewhat the same concerning our piece of shit government, but much better prospects at the end of the day. Things can get better just gotta dream big and take smart risks...I found selling to rich people very beneficial, lol. Most won't shoot at you just to learn you better. Just have to lose your slumdog proclivities when around them. Was very hard for me at first. Sometimes you are just stuck though for periods of time and have to work with who you have to work with. If you find a door of opportunity run through that shit like Usain Bolt.
Did someone say Triple NOva?
View attachment 4116569
View attachment 4116571
My 2x3 scrog at 28 days.
Thanks for posting a solid looking grow. Everyone seeing the frost at 28 days ^? It's solid gear. TK is just a godly cut like Fire and SFV. S1 the pure TK and you will see a lot of truth in my fellow Floridians claims of OG origins. Yum, yum, yum.
I slept thru most of the last 5 pages, but did I see something about $300 ties for a 50K a year job?
I hear people in town order pizza from Jerry's just to see the delivery guy's ride.
Yup, when hired by wealthy they will tell you how to dress and what you can dress in. Image does matter. When I get home I put on a 20$ t-shirt and a pair of vans. When money is literally no object and you can buy an entire state or two things change.The average Chauffeur and Butler make around 45k-130k by the way. I started driving to sell rich people weed. Left my ego at the door.
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