Greenhouse AMS, Barney's Pineapple Chunk, and DNA LA Woman outside grow!


Well-Known Member
The first one with the beer bottle is pineapple chunk she is 8 weeks rite now. And the second one with beer la woman and is at 7 weeks.
The rest of close up pics are of la woman except for last pic is pineapple.



Well-Known Member
Thats a nice grow my man and for outdoor very nicely done i've seen some PC grown outdoors before and they were no way near as frosty and nice as these are sorry about the pollination thng on the other plant glad it did;nt get the others though ..Peace and +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks stinkbud

Update on the PC----smoked some PC lower nug cut yest ___pretty good still stoned after an hour i think she's ready. Will post pics of harvest soon!!!


Well-Known Member
I left the main cola to keep going there was no signs of bud rot. But the lower tops were starting to show signs on leaves so went out and cut most of it. Flowered for 8.5 weeks. Looks like about 1.5 to 2 oz. for PC. Will do a dry weight also.

La Woman is still out and looking good! Starting to turn Purple and frosty as ever. She will be the big yield for being planted so late and didn't start flowering till 2weeks after PC.

Did rain a bit today but gonna be windy tomm. so should dry them off good.




Well-Known Member
Nice.... Nothing like a good harvest. Think you will be the weather and allow the LA Woman a week more?
I hope so today is supposed to be windy and around 60deg but by the end of the week will be the end of nice weather.

Probably won't get another OCT. like this. Last year there was a foot of snow by now!


Active Member
Hey good grow man. What state you in? Hoping today all my equipment comes in so I can get this room rollin. What strains you got goin on for inside? and thanks for subbin to my journal, got Swiss Cheese, Master Kush, White Rhino, Wonder Woman, Snow White, and Venus Flytrap goin on, 5 of each strain, keeping one of each strain for mothers so I can clone the fuck outta them sluts and keepin goin for years to come. All seeds were ordered from Nirvana, they take good care of their customers, I sent them an email bitching on how they sent me 2 white immature seeds for Master Kush and they sent me 2 new ones in replace of em then I decided to buy their 2 fem package deals of 4 strains. But anyways dude, great grow, makin me feel impatient on my grow haha still got til February or March til I'm reeping the benefits of my grow. Everyone else check out my grow here


Well-Known Member
Can't tell you what state I'm in but can tell you it is Col. LOL fig since I am medical now not a big deal. Inside for next will be MK-ultra, S.A.G.E.,White Rhino and Kings Kush(or royal haze instead of the SAGE). Thought I'd be doing more strains but 4 with 1000w and scrog will be plenty.---Sweet line up of strains I will check them out on Nirvana, Never ordrered from them but heard their legit but just had good luck with Attitude and keep with them.
Look into Cloning from feminized seeds I heard they have a tendancy to hermie, but I think If you grow out a Fem. seed and it shows no signs of hermie during flower then those clones are prob. gona be fine.
Got a friend that took clones of a Fem. BLZ Plant but has not flowered yet but none of his plants hermied, but also growing conditions play a big role on that and his were pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Took care of plants tonight. I put bags over them and with stakes rising up above the plant so not to bend or disturb top cola and brome grass piled up to the bags to insulate. Temps are gonna be 29 tonight I am amazed on how well this LA woman strain is doing with this cold weather. It is a Indica based plant but the leaves it produced were all sativa from veg to flower. But the strain suggestes 9w. so hopefully I can get till Sat. before the freeze sets in and It will be at 8 weeks but all the trichs rite now are all cloudy with some amber but its been like that for about a week now checking everyother day too. And the rest of the week is supp. to be sunny 60deg with 39 nite or colder down to 32 but I have been on top of that making sure they are out of the frost or mild feeze, alot of work and next year deff. gonna be doing a outdoor in a better loc. for convienice but this spot is so good for light is recieves and bugs but got all winter to scout so will see.


Active Member
Sweet line up, are you starting a seperate journal for them? if ya are whats the link? And I have heard of Feminized plants turning out hermi, but if you don't get them stressed out and its optimal growing conditions, everything will be just fine, and that goes for cloning. I'm crossing my fingers my light and fans come in today, so check my journal out late tonite and let me know what you think of my setup.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ganja Id love to tell you how the smoke is but my buddy following EndlessCycle is gonna try it and I want to suprise him! LOL Yo Endless you still Alive or you beating it on 600club, I got Twisted 2nite with C so thought I say whats up to ya and Hows the BLZ.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ganja Id love to tell you how the smoke is but my buddy following EndlessCycle is gonna try it and I want to suprise him! LOL Yo Endless you still Alive or you beating it on 600club, I got Twisted 2nite with C so thought I say whats up to ya and Hows the BLZ.


Well-Known Member
BLZ is fkn awesome....just chopped the last one on fav. one is the back right in the tent....It reaks of trainwreck.....the others smell like berries....def. a better dry and cure than the last run of widow and rhino.......can't wait to try that PineChunk........and for anyone that doesn't have a vaporizor...GO BUY ONE...that's all I've been hitting the last two weeks!!!BAKED ...C U Soon Organic!!!


Well-Known Member
Tried straight hash out of mine and I never got a good hit like I would with the bud.....I can taste it tho...and it looks cooked when I finally get pissed and dump it. IDK...maybe crank the heat up a little more on the hash?