Greenhouse AMS, Barney's Pineapple Chunk, and DNA LA Woman outside grow!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't posted awhile. The AMS is pollinated but the LA woman and Pineapple Chunk are still good I sprayed a lot of water on them today to try to wash off pollen but prob won't help but just gonna let her go if she goes really bunk I will prob using her for bubble hash.

Will Have Pics Tommorow!


Well-Known Member
No shit.....That sux.....U shld tell fkr u wanna come out here and check out my shit....Coming up weekend is end of week 2....Screen is very very crowded...Did u order the short stuff promo???? I had jst bought a 1000w ballast and HPS bulb so was broke at the time:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
No didnt do the promo figured I got seeds to use so might as well use them up. I think hes goin with e's parents on a fishing trip or something gay gay gay gay!! Not the fishing part!


Well-Known Member
Sorry About the pics! Will get some soon. Good news on the AMS it just started to make seeds on the on the first PODS but it is making buds now about a dime size on tops with pink and white hairs so I hope its doesn't keep making seeds. It seems like only a couple branches are making seeds at the first pod sites. The PC and LA have started pre-flowering, They are not as mature as the ams so I expected they would flower late. But they are looking good though. I watered today and the 2 smaller ones were def. thirsty. Gonna go water again tomm. so will have camera for sure.


Well-Known Member
Have your camera...right....It's all good...I'll see you(and the plants) this weekend.....Tankin'!!!!!!!!:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
P1030776.jpgP1030761.jpgP1030775.jpgP1030769.jpgP1030763.jpgP1030764.jpgP1030777.jpgP1030778.jpgP1030779.jpgP1030772.jpgP1030760.jpgP1030766.jpgP1030768.jpgP1030774.jpgP1030771.jpgJesus Christ it took me awhile to get some pics but I wanted to wait till buds came so here are some from today. The AMS is seedy but I'm gonna make bubble hash with it prob. there's a lot of trichs growing on it, and has a ways to go. the La woman is just starting to flower but can't see it in the pics, and the pineapple chunk is about 2.5weeks into flower. Must be the sativa in the LA thats prolonging the start of flowering or just the strain not sure.


Well-Known Member
IMG_1046.jpgIMG_1051.jpgIMG_1049.jpgIMG_1047.jpgIMG_1048.jpgIMG_1044.jpgIMG_1050.jpgIMG_1045.jpgIMG_1052.jpgMore Pics! La woman is flowering visibly now, But frost might get her, Ive got my fingers crossed Freddy, crossed Freddy,,, crossed!!!.



Well-Known Member
Just harvested the AMS will have sum pics tomm. Gonna make hash with most of it. Buds on the LA and PC are looking good though no seeds yet.


Well-Known Member
Hah....what happened to the badass camera??? I seriously can't believe that no one is following your thread along.....Looking fat!!!.....when's the chop????


Well-Known Member
I know huh! I am prob the first person to grow pineapple chunk outdoor besides the breeders since its new, That I know of. Oh well... The AMS is chopped already AND was pollinated really bad not worth a dime.

But the Pineapple Chunk and LA Woman tuned out really good and still going. No mould yet or signs. Just rained a bit today too but went out to them right away and checked them and were good to go. Pineapple chunk is the one with the Bud light can next to it and it is also the smaller one with darker green indica leaves. They smell so fruity especially the LA. Pineapple chunk has smelt more of a piney smell till today when I checked them and she's getting fruity, Prob has bout a week to go. All trichs are cloudy on pineapple with hardly any amber and I want a couchlock stone so I am letting her go a little bit more. Its not supposed to rain for a few or more days so fingers crossed! and no seeds also.

La woman is sativa dominant for sure on my plant she was two weeks behind PC and they popped seed at same time. I am gonna wait till end of Oct. for her and give her more nutes to fill up hope it stays 75deg like it has it is doing awesome for the bud growth. and no seeds also.

These were planted later than the AMS too and thats why I think they were too young to get pollinated by other shit land races and did not start flowering till after a lot of males died throughout the season. Thats just my thought. Really hard to grow outdoor here. But I think I pulled it off.
One one left is LA and 5'5'' and PC is 4'10'' feet.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Organic, those look really good. Love the frosting. Give us a smoke report on the PA Chunk. How much longer are you going to brave the weather?


Well-Known Member
It's supposed to frost tomm. night so were gonna cover them again. But then its supposed to be 75-80deg for another week. I'm checking PC trich's every day. Also gave some overdrive and tiger bloom to the LA prob gonna be getting close on her two.


Well-Known Member
That would be great if you could have one more week of great sunshine.
It's supposed to frost tomm. night so were gonna cover them again. But then its supposed to be 75-80deg for another week. I'm checking PC trich's every day. Also gave some overdrive and tiger bloom to the LA prob gonna be getting close on her two.