Great White Shark Lemon Skunk and Thai Haze x Skunk


Well-Known Member
yo man from what i have read you want to FIM it between the growth of the 5th and 6th nodes. thats when i did it and than after it splited into three main branches i tried it again right before flowering and it barley took a toll! hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
Day 20 -

Temp - 21.4 degrees C
Humidity - 62 %
Water ph - 6.5 - Canna Rhizotonic at 1ml/ L and Canna Terra Vega 4ml/L
Lighting - 18/6

These things are getting thirsty, I couldnt believe how dry they were and I only watered yesterday. I decided to go ahead and fim The magic (GW) and Shaggy (LS). I will keep you posted on how they go. As of now I have 2 of each yield increasing technique - LST, FIM, Top and I have left two alone to compare the results. I may look into super cropping but not to sure how I feel about crushing my branches. Anyone have any experience with it?

So far so good, I have worked out my time frames and I will probably veg for 2 - 3 more weeks. Sound ok?

No photos today, will upload some tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Day 24 -

Temp - 19.3 degrees C
Humidity - 57 %
Water ph - 6.5 ph with Nitrogen boost
Lighting - 18/6

Well things arent going so great, on the second feed of canna terra it looks like it was to much for a couple of plants. Well one in particular - Biggie. Its strange, the "nute burn" only appears on the big fan leaves, is this nute burn? Will these crispy leaves bounce back? Or will they just fall off and die?

I really need some advice. Thanks

The first 4 photos are all biggie.

The other pics you can see little patches here and there... plz help!



Well-Known Member
Its nute burn fo sho

Dont use nutes for the next 2-3 waterings, and they should be fine, just use pure water

Also, they look droopy, either this means there either a) thirsty(if you havent watered in a couple days) or b) there overwatered(if you just recently watered)


Well-Known Member
Thanks beta, I have only been watering when the soil is dry. But it seems to be dry like every day... they seem so thirsty, but Ill ease up on the water. But just so you no, these photos were right after I semi-flushed them all. I have given them 2 plain waters since I used nutes Ill probably give them a half dose in a couple of days.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, there is nothing like going to sleep knowing you have healthy green plants to wake up and find them all crispy.

Will those bad leaves ever come back to life? Or will they eventually die?

Should I cut the bad parts off?


Well-Known Member
You dont want to be watering every day, thats kinda bad

What you wanna do is water like every 3-4 days.

To do this you need to "soak" your medium, more like drench

To do this, i water my 5 gallon buckets with one gallon, then twenty minutes later with another. Tons of water pours out the bottom, but within 30min to an hour later all the water is soaked up by the medium.

I dont know what size your bags are, but your goal should be similar to mine

The reason you do this is to promote root growth, with one good soak, the roots learn to stretch out looking for water one the medium begins to dry. I good root system means a stronger, bigger, better plant

And those leaves most likely will not become green again, but eventually the plant will grow them out and no longer need them. At that point you can remove them. This will most likely occur within the next two weeks of growth.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
My bags are 10 litres and I give them 1 litre of water every time. Yeah the only reason I dont give them any more is because it all pours out the bottom, but I will give it a go. I have roots coming out the bottom of my pot/bags... does that mean I should repot them?

Cheers for all your help Beta


Well-Known Member
def.repot them , if you branch it especiaIIy its gonna need more room for roots , bigger pots bigger buds. 4 ,5 or the 6 nodes are the best . i normaIIy use 4,5. Iike in my avitar.


Well-Known Member
Hi geronamo, im new to the site but im also doing a GWS grow, however im using hydro flood tables but im only 10 days in, i will be watching your grow with interest if thats ok, and good work with ur grow so far :lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Day 30 -

Temp - 22.4 degrees C
Humidity - 74%
Lighting - 18/6

Well they are certainly growing, but I still havent sorted these burnt leaves out yet. It has definitley slowed down, but hasnt gone. Should I flush again? Is it something else? I really need help on this one guys.

I think I will be switching it to flower at the end of this week, which Im really excited about.

Have a look at my pics and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
You can start removing the leaves that are over 50% necrotic(dead).

Id keep watering them with just water for now, maybe, if you want to you could use like 1/4 of wat you used in the beginning, before you burnt them. A really light nute mixture might be best.


Well-Known Member
Nah its Mylar. Alright, I will go prune away the dead ones, I figure if they're more than 50% dead they are probably using more energy to heal than they produce... Correct??


Well-Known Member
no not the bible, just hours of reading roll it up, and i am a biology major so i learn this stuff in college too