Government announcement

"Maybe it's a re classification of cannabiis in the controlled drug and substance act."

Well it has to happen at some point, but I don't think it will be a first step. Whatever it is they're hoping to avoid questions by announcing it at the start of a long weekend...or boosting national pride and patriotism with good news for Canada Day! I'm guessing it's the first one. Even if it's not what we want to hear, at least we have a starting point to fight back. Better that than have to try to change things after they become law. I'm glad we find out early, 7:30 am my time, The suspense is killing me already!
If it's for rec then why is health Canada involved?

someones been hitting the optimism og!!!!
I think Health Canada will be involved either way as it is still classified as a controlled substance. If it's medical, why is Bill Blair involved? It's a strange one for sure.
I think I've found out what it's about.....
Marijuana task force in the works: federal health minister
Jane Philpott, speaking in Saint John, says government will announce task force to prepare for legalizing pot
By Colleen Kitts-Goguen, CBC News Posted: Jun 21, 2016 5:18 PM AT Last Updated: Jun 21, 2016 5:18 PM AT


Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott says the Trudeau government is setting up a marijuana task force. (CBC)

Federal health minister Jane Philpott says the Trudeau government is about to announce a new task force that will advise the government on its plan to legalize marijuana.

Philpott, in the province to speak at the Canadian Nurses Association conference in Saint John, said marijuana is a "complex file" and the task force will have representatives from her department as well as from the Justice and Public Safety departments.

Philpott also emphasized the federal government's commitment to address the needs of Canada's aging population. (CBC)

"The task force will have ... experts in the field who will advise us," she said.

The challenge is to keep marijuana out of the hands of kids, Philpott said, and keep the profits out of the pockets of criminals.

"To do that we need a regulatory system. We need to restrict access and ... have a public health lens on the whole system so we maximize education and minimize harm."

The federal government has said legislation to legalize marijuana will be ready in a year.

The health minister pointed to public education programs over the last couple of decades that she says have been successful in educating people about the danger of drinking while pregnant.

Those kinds of campaigns need to be looked at for marijuana, so that everyone will understand "the potential risks as well as the potential benefits," she said.
Philpott, in the province to speak at the Canadian Nurses Association conference in Saint John, said marijuana is a "complex file" and the task force will have representatives from her department as well as from the Justice and Public Safety departments.
As usual the lack of meaningful input from anyone who has experience will be absent. By experience I don't mean reading a book in university.
It's got ZERO to do with Medical, I'll safely say.. (:

Only because their hands are tied when it comes to helping? the sick?
It'll be about REC and other business.
That's where they see the money.
They cant get rich off of sick people when they can grow it for nothing!!!
It's got ZERO to do with Medical, I'll safely say.. (:

Only because their hands are tied when it comes to helping? the sick?
It'll be about REC and other business.
That's where they see the money.
They cant get rich off of sick people when they can grow it for nothing!!!
Agreed....they're nutz are in a vice over MMJ, this will prolly a Rec announcement. At least Billy Boy has had a sit down with Kirk, but his words prolly fell on deaf/dumb ears!