gotta get them to service


Hello i live in arizona where it is going to be in the 90s this week i am having my floors done in my house so i have to move my plants out to the garage for a few days i grow dwc with no cooler how can i keep my plants alive for the day going from indoor temps of 70 to outside where it is suppose to be 90 degrees any help would be appreciated



Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
90 is warm, but not deadly for a few temporary days. It should be fine, just keep up on watering if they drink more than normal


Im no DWC expert but water temperature is critical in DWC, 64-72F is optional. Higher and you risk of suffocating the plants.
You could keep the water cool with help of some frozen bottles or similar. I guess it works as a temporary fix.


alright y’all we have made it through day one i have chose to do 36 hrs dark then move them inside flip to flower immediately will be moving them back inside today chose not to put the light in there and keep it dark due the light adding heat let me know if you would flip to flower or give it a week to recover


Well-Known Member
I'd give them a week to make sure all is well and then flip. I am also in AZ, the heat has been a bitch this fall. Supposed to be 98 tomorrow.