Got screwed by Greybeard...

Eric wilkes

New Member
My wife just ordered 25 GG#4 from Grey Beard, and they only sent her 5...lmao they just lost a commercial grower due to their greed. We spend hundreds on beans and I promise they will never see another dollar out of us... if I could find where he's at I'd confront him, but he's made it impossible for a reason...careful guys.
grey beards private label is shit, they buy bulk seeds, repackage them. i got enough shit from them i wont waste the time or space in my tents, just going to toss it. the dude who used to be robin curtis is a dishonest punk, mouths off then blocks customers when they somehow irritate him, he owes me a pack of ethos to this day. piece of crap
Yup, this is a seedbank that really seems hit or miss for people. Enough for me to avoid giving them any money.
I wouldn't touch them just based on multiple negative posts I've seen. There is just too many good, honest companies out there
Recently placed an order of 50 seeds. Two different strains. So 25 of each strain. I recieved 5 of each strain. Stealth was the worse iv ever seen in my life but I digress. Anywho. Just sent an email detailing my grievance. Well see what happens. This was alot of cash for me to drop and I feel totally shorted.
Most of these pop up banks copy the description and search youll see its all bulk spanish infact one page says drop ship i think they drop ship everything from spain.
I also email them and if they dont answer back its a no go.
Not sure why people dont just cut the middle man or research or test buy small pack.
Placed an order on may 6th,still haven't received anything. Sent an email with no reply. This seems to be the way everyone is getting treated right now. I will never shop there again,horrible buisness skills. Ripping people off left and right. Stole 1000's of dollars from people and then if you mention something,your the bad guy!!! No your just a piece of shit. PERIOD!!! RUN FROM GREYBEARD!!!!
Placed an order on may 6th,still haven't received anything. Sent an email with no reply. This seems to be the way everyone is getting treated right now. I will never shop there again,horrible buisness skills. Ripping people off left and right. Stole 1000's of dollars from people and then if you mention something,your the bad guy!!! No your just a piece of shit. PERIOD!!! RUN FROM GREYBEARD!!!!
I haven't ordered anything from there for awhile, but I'm on the email list. You might want to check your spam folder. He sent an email out to everyone a couple of days ago explaining the issues and how they're being resolved.
I haven't ordered anything from there for awhile, but I'm on the email list. You might want to check your spam folder. He sent an email out to everyone a couple of days ago explaining the issues and how they're being resolved.
Yeah I saw that people were saying that. I never recieved one. My money was taken on the 6th and I have yet to have any contact from anyone.
Thanks I appreciate it
Hello Everyone, this is the owner of Greybeard Robin Curtiss. This email is to let you know what has happened to Greybeard. Due to some new banking regulations, our Credit card processor dropped us, leaving no way to fulfill your orders.

The processor closed our account on May 3rd and didn't bother to tell us until May 8th. Consequently 240 orders totally around $40,000 are in limbo, you were charge and I never got the money. They are holing it until the first of June, where they have said they may let them process or just delete them and return the money to you. They won't give me a definite answer.

We have found a new processor, but its a process getting them set up and our timeline is approximately another week, which will put us reopening around the 26th of May or so.

I realize this puts all of you in a huge bind as the growing season is starting.
I have 2 options available to you

1) Charge back the charges now, but as you know this will probably take about 14 business days to resolve itself.

2) You can wait and I will fulfill your when the new processor is setup

Neither of these options are good ones, but it is the only thing I can do. We will not charge you and take your money without sending your seeds.
I've seen the social media onslaught about us but the things being said are not true.
Yes recently we've been running out of supplies, but, this is due to Spain being closed from the Corona Virus, our shipments of seeds we're setting in Spain. There fore out timeline of reception was irrelevant. Seems like a perfect storm.

Whichever you decide, know, again, that we do no t steal from people, ever!
We can't please everyone, and they voice their frustration on social media, but it doesn't make these words true.

I currently have over 7000 emails in Greybeards mail box, it would take me a lifetime to get through them and for this I apologize as well as for the delays.


Robin Curtiss
Greybeard Industries
Omg......what a shit show. Lmmfao I literally just got the same email. Whatever, guess it is what it is. Not cool to make people wait and wonder.
Omg......what a shit show. Lmmfao I literally just got the same email. Whatever, guess it is what it is. Not cool to make people wait and wonder.
It happens. Credit card processing for seed vendors is a giant fucking pita. That's why most are cash/MO only.
For what it's worth, the dude is kind of abrasive and can come off as a dick but, in my experience with him, he's exceptionally honest and willing to more than make up for any problems. Definitely not the quickest to respond, but not a crook.
Yeah I figured all that with the cards,figured I'd give it a shot. Atleast I know now. I can deal with whatever as long as I know what's going on. I guess they are trying. I won't be going with them anymore after this though. Too much hit and miss. I mean reading all the threads,some people have been ripped off bad. Thanks for the help!!! I just want some medicine to grow,fuck all the bs lol
My wife just ordered 25 GG#4 from Grey Beard, and they only sent her 5...lmao they just lost a commercial grower due to their greed. We spend hundreds on beans and I promise they will never see another dollar out of us... if I could find where he's at I'd confront him, but he's made it impossible for a reason...careful guys.
Look up Gary rafe,that's the real name. Even a lil video on YouTube with him on there. Just fyi.