Got obamaphone!

its just not racist enough.

could you make it more racist?

like maybe adding a teal background, or cutting in the part where the crazy bitch says "Everybody in Cleveland thats low minority gonna get Obamaphone" then cut back and loop the "Low Minority" part about a dozen times.

its just not racist enough.

could you make it more racist?

like maybe adding a teal background, or cutting in the part where the crazy bitch says "Everybody in Cleveland thats low minority gonna get Obamaphone" then cut back and loop the "Low Minority" part about a dozen times.

Hmmmm?....:o What part of that video was racist?

If in the very least it is ironic that we went after saddam hussein and osama bin ladin. Following that we elected a man named barack hussein obama and news anchors were fucking up all the time on obama and osama getting them mixed up around the time of ladins death. But these people in the vid, stupidly ignorant.
If in the very least it is ironic that we went after saddam hussein and osama bin ladin. Following that we elected a man named barack hussein obama and news anchors were fucking up all the time on obama and osama getting them mixed up around the time of ladins death. But these people in the vid, stupidly ignorant.

oh, just come out and admit that you believe it's just another conspiracy theory.

why don't you bust some ribs yourself by detailing some of the insane conspiracy theories you espouse?
what's a conspiracy theory? i simply think its ironic.

are you sure it wasn't elitist zionist bankers who planted all these oddly named people on the world stage?

that's how you seem to explain just about everything else in life.

are the elitist zionist bankers also causing you to charge $400 an ounce for your run of the mill buds?
i never got an obamaphone...

i never got an obamaphone...


nor did i, good sir!

thus, because of the racial resentment that this video clearly dictates that i should have, i will be voting for the non-black alternative in this election.

aren't racial politics fun!?!
i still don't know who to vote for... jill stein is my first choice though at the moment.

she be lookin' alright for a 62 year old woman, i bet she was a sexy young thang in the 60's/70's maybe even 80's
i still don't know who to vote for... jill stein is my first choice though at the moment.

she be lookin' alright for a 62 year old woman, i bet she was a sexy young thang in the 60's/70's maybe even 80's

i would give it to jill stein big time.

i'm glad to know that we together have been moved by this informative video shared by a thoughtful OP who never dropped into the trayvon martin thread for the sole purpose of disparaging the behavior of an innocent child who was profiled and killed for no reason.

his selfless actions, not motivated by anything ulterior whatsoever, have helped us to realize that what is important in a candidate is not anything substantive; instead it is better that we choose our candidate based on whether or not we fall prey to cheap racial politics as displayed in the OP.

good sir, may the winds of fortune carry you forth!
i would give it to jill stein big time.

i'm glad to know that we together have been moved by this informative video shared by a thoughtful OP who never dropped into the trayvon martin thread for the sole purpose of disparaging the behavior of an innocent child who was profiled and killed for no reason.

his selfless actions, not motivated by anything ulterior whatsoever, have helped us to realize that what is important in a candidate is not anything substantive; instead it is better that we choose our candidate based on whether or not we fall prey to cheap racial politics as displayed in the OP.

good sir, may the winds of fortune carry you forth!

ahhh! the controversial Trayvon Martin ordeal. I for one side with the Zimmerman lad. An honorary act in self defense, I'd say! Now this Martin character, it's clear he was a no good thug. The black black color in the skin never lies... Of course he was bound to end up serving a life sentence anyway, just save the tax payers some money is my thought.
Hmmmm?....:o What part of that video was racist?

every part of it of course.

you posted it so it goes without saying amirite?

also it commits the sin of letting ignorant dumbasses get in front of a camera, and allowing them to release their idiocy in gibbering waves of stupidity and poorly phrased asshattery. particularly if those dumbasses happen to be black.

only MSNBC gets to do that.
